Page 151 of Wear Something Red Anthology
I gently played my fingers through his hair. “Do your sisters live in Redwater?”
“One lives in Europe. The other lives in Texas. Both are married with kids, and they constantly badger me to ‘meet someone’ instead of ‘clinging to my bachelor status.’” He rolled his eyes.
Chuckling, I asked, “Do you see much of them?”
“We fly out to see each other a few times a year. We also do a lot of video calls. And, well, that’s it.” He lifted his shoulders. “I told you there wasn’t much to tell.”
I slid my gaze to Trace. “What about you?”
“My story is even shorter. It’s also boring. And if I’m going to tell it, I want a better view.” With quick, fluid movements, Trace untied the lace on my blouse and spread its front open so my bra-clad breasts were almost fully exposed. “Hmm, that works.”
“Nah, I can make it even better.” Kaleb unfastened the front clasp on my bra and pushed aside the cups, letting my breasts spill out; the cool air made my nipples tighten. His eyes heated. “So very pretty.”
“And so very soft,” said Trace as he lightly palmed one breast—toolightly.
I arched into his hand, wanting more pressure.
Tracetsked.“You wanted to hear about my parents, remember?”
Not anymore I didn’t. Which, going by his smirk, he knew perfectly well. But the teasing bastard clearly meant to make me wait for what I most wanted.
“I’m a single child,” he said. “As were both my parents. I’m not in contact with them or any of my family.”
My lips parted. “None of them?”
“It doesn’t bother me any more than it appears to bother you that you have no true relationship with Alondra. Some parents justaren’tparents. I wasn’t quite an accessory to them the way you are to your mother, but I certainly wasn’t a person.”
I felt my face scrunch up. “People suck.”
“Don’t get me wrong, my parents weren’t bad or abusive. I had nannies, the best education, and medical care etc. I just didn’t have them. They wanted an offspring, an heir. That was all I was to them. So I can relate to how it didn’t bother you to besent to live with your dads. I was shipped off to boarding school early, but I was happier there than at home.”
“Did they even spend much time with you when you were home?” I almost hitched in a breath as he began circling my taut nipple with his thumb, never quite touching it.
“No. For them, I was the product of an agenda. My father wanted someone to take over his business when he chose to step down; to continue the family name. At home, I often felt invisible. Like I wasn’t real. Like I could easily not be there and my parents wouldn’t notice I was gone, let alone care.”
I’d often felt that way with Alondra when I lived with her as a child. It could make a person feel very lonely.
“You might mistakenly think I therefore went into the acting business to get the validation and attention from others that I didn’t receive as a child from my parents,” Trace went on. “It wasn’t that. I wanted my mother and father toseeme. I also wanted to piss them off by choosing a career that they’d find beneath the Lacroix name.”
He paused, a self-depreciating smile curling one side of his mouth. “I suppose, in that sense, I got into acting for the wrong reasons. I don’t like how I’m very much a product of my environment.”
“We all are to some extent. Do you have any regrets about becoming an actor?”
He thought about it for a moment. “No. I enjoy acting. It isn’t as cushy a job as most think, of course. You have to deal with social media shitstorms, an enormous amount of pressure, a fierce competition, and the knowledge that one bad performance can ruin your career. But there are pros,” he added, thumbing my nipple.
I swallowed. “Like?”
“You can play so many different roles. You get to travel the world. You have access to exclusive events. You get to be arole model for children. And you can be sure that your life won’t be boring.”
I jolted as he pinched my nipple hard. “Hey, what was that for?”
“No reason.” His smile turned taunting. “Don’t worry, I’ll kiss it better soon. You’ll want to first hear why Kaleb got into voice acting, though, won’t you?”
Actually, I did want to hear about it, I would simply rather have an orgasm first. But I could see by their expressions that neither were ready to oblige me yet. “I would like to know, yes.”
Lightly coasting his fingers down the column of my throat, Kaleb said, “I was approached by an agent in a bar.”
I felt my mouth kick up. “Let me guess. They heard your voice and pretty much melted, right?”