Page 148 of Wear Something Red Anthology
I felt my brow wrinkle in surprise. I wasn’t expecting visitors.Please don’t be my mother.Just the thought that she might have come here made my shoulders stiffen.
I still hadn’t heard from Alondra since the phone conversation we’d had outside my dads’ home last month. News of my drink being spiked had circulated around the Vault’s basement, so it seemed likely that she would have been told of it. Either she was busy sulking because I hadn’t stayed away fromTrace, or she’d been satisfied by her friends’ assurances that I was fine and so felt no need to call me.
I padded on bare feet through my apartment and over to the wall-mounted panel near the front door. A peek at the small camera screen made the tension leave my shoulders.Kaleb.
The first time he’d abruptly turned up at my building uninvited, I’d been shocked as all shit. Nowadays? Not so much. But it confused me that he was here now, given that we were supposed to be having dinner soon athisplace with Trace.
I pushed the button on the intercom. “Is it my turn to play host and I forgot?”
His lips curled. “No, I came to pick you up, since I was passing your building to head home. Let me in.”
Dear God, that voice never failed to do interesting things to my insides. I buzzed him in, glad I’d made an early start on getting ready. Not that he hadn’t seen me in baggy loungewear and no makeup when he’d paid me surprise visits on prior occasions. I’d just prefer not to keep him waiting. With that in mind, I returned to my bedroom closet to grab my shoes.
Over the past three weeks, I’d seen a lot of both him and Trace. We played together most Fridays and Saturdays at the Vault. We also often had dinner at either my place, Kaleb’s, or Trace’s before heading to the club. We’d all agreed it was better we did that than eat at the lounge, where my mother’s friends could watch and report back every little detail to her.
At first, I’d only seen them on weekends. But then, just over a week ago, each male began to separately turn up at my complex on weekdays—usually with lunch or even baked goods. They never stayed long, they “just came to check in.” Their words.
They also occasionally gave me an orgasm before leaving. Either with their fingers or their mouths. But they never allowedme to return the favor, and they never fucked me. Probably to keep me off-balance.
I figured that the visits would stop once they’d both finished the break they were each taking between projects, so I was enjoying it while it lasted.
Nabbing my shoes from the closet, I slipped them on. Although I saw the guys relatively often, one thing we never did was go out in public together. Unless it was to the Vault, of course, where our privacy was all but guaranteed. It seemed to be some unspoken rule we had. Ortheyhad. I wouldn’t have cared.
I heard from them almost as often as I saw them. They didn’t only contact me to arrange for us to play at the club, they texted me about this or that throughout the week. They asked how my day was, relayed little snippets about their own daily lives, or even made me some very filthy promises that they later delivered on.
Generally, I didn’t like people constantly texting and calling and visiting. I liked my space. Plus, too much attention had a way of making me feel uncomfortable. But it seemed that none of that applied with Trace and Kaleb.
I couldn’t lie, I pretty much basked in their attention. Like a cat in the freaking sun. It was almost embarrassing.
Every text message or surprise visit from them made me smile, no matter how busy or tired I was. They were both equally irresistible to me in their own individual way. Trace with his smooth candidness, elegant dominance, and compelling sense of calm. Kaleb with his bad boy charm, hearty laughs, and disarming humor.
I never found myself wanting to fabricate an excuse to not meet up with them on weekends, despite being a fan of ‘alone time.’ And I always had an absolute ball with them. We talked and laughed and exchanged stories. And, of course, had sex.
Lots and lots of sex.
Standard. Anal. Oral. A combination of all three. You never quite knew what the guys were gonna spring on ya.
At this point, they felt a real part of my life. I’d grown to care for them in a way that scared me for one very simple reason: I had no idea where I stood with them.
They were open. Tactile. Possessive. Protective. But they hadn’t even proposed an arrangement, let alone a fling or full-on relationship.
Also, territorial they might bein their way, but they hadn’t requested exclusivity either. And it often made me think of something that Trace once said regarding him and Kaleb …
We don’t wish to tie ourselves to someone who we know won’t suit us in the long-run.
Looking outside the box, I would conclude that they’d offered me no level of commitment because, quite frankly, though they enjoyed my company, they had no interest in taking things up a notch.
But looking frominsidethe box … they were so good to me, so sweet. I wanted to believe that they were all up in my space because they wanted more. I’d convince myself that it wouldn’t otherwise make sense for them to behave this way.
Thena little voice in my head would remind me that they hadn’t laid any sort of claim to me; that they seemingly had no issue with me walking into the Vault visibly unclaimed. Which didn’t say good things, did it?
Fuck, evenGrover—a man to whom I hadn’t emotionally mattered—had laid a claim to me.
Taking that into account, I’d then feel compelled to accept that this was purely casual to them—especially when I considered that this ‘thing’ we had was very similar to the shallow, meaningless flings I’d had in the past. Those flings had involved texts, calls, visits, dinners, and sex too.
But I didn’t want to believe that they only saw me as a casual plaything, so I went backwards and forwards over it a lot in my head.