Page 143 of Wear Something Red Anthology
Midway through it, he turned to me and lightly squeezed my hand. “You should stay with us tonight.”
I lifted a brow. “I should?”
Trace nuzzled my neck. “Yes, you should.”
“Really, really should.” Kaleb nipped my earlobe. “I’ll have a hard time fucking your ass if you don’t.”
My pulse kicked up, and I stilled. “What?”
“Trace had your pussy first, so I get to have your ass first. And I’m having it tonight.”
My hormones snapped awake at the sensual half-promise-half-threat. I hadn’t enjoyed anal sex much on either of the two occasions I’d tried it in the past, but I knew that if anyone could make me reevaluate my opinion on it, it would be these two men. They’d proven many times that not only did they know what they were doing in the bedroom, they were morethan capable of ensuring I loved every moment. And there was enough curiosity in me to want to test if I was right on that.
Still, I teased, “Maybe I don’t want your dick entering through the back door.”
Trace flicked my earlobe with his nose. “There won’t be much you can do about it, because I’ll be holding you down while he takes your ass. And then after that, I’ll be fucking your pussy.”
My nerve-endings started to sing.
“Don’t worry,” began Kaleb, “I’ll make sure you enjoy it. Then tomorrow morning, we’ll address that little fantasy you told us about during your interrogation.”
My blood heated that easily. I wasn’t going to turn down on offer like that, so I licked my lips and said, “Okay, I’ll stay.”
Chapter Seven
It took several minutes of cruising around the crowded parking garage at noon the next day before I found an empty space. I deftly whipped my car into it and then switched off the engine. It didn’t surprise me that there were so few spaces to park, given that the garage was attached to Redwater’s largest shopping mall. The place was often busy, especially on weekends.
I hooked my purse over my shoulder and smoothly slid out of the car. Feeling the slight burn at the stretch of certain muscles, I stifled a smile. It could be said that Trace and Kaleb had given me a solid workout both last night and this morning.
They had also made me revaluate my opinion on anal sex, just as I’d suspected they would. And being fucked while I ‘slept’ earlier? That had beenbeyondhot.
I’d woken to a dick thrusting deep inside me, but I hadn’t opened my eyes. I’d feigned sleep while they’d each had their wicked way with me. Or, more accurately, I’d done my best to feign it.
There had been nothing easy about staying still while they pleasured me so intently. I honestly didn’t know how Cat managed it for Danton when in ‘doll mode,’ as she occasionally called it. Fair play to the woman.
I locked the car with the key fob, smoothed a hand down my pale-yellow Cami dress, and then dropped my keys into my ivory leather purse. Rounding a gray concrete pillar, I walked along the pitted pavement as I made a beeline for the elevators, passing the row of parked cars. Many people were heading to and from their vehicles. The sounds of revving engines, rumbling motors, and doors slamming shut bounced off the walls.
I wasn’t a fan of parking garages. I didn’t much like the low ceilings or the strong scents of exhaust, stone, and motor oil. I especially didn’t like that I always seemed to inadvertently step on a sticky stain on the ground that tugged at the sole of my shoe—just as I’d done now. Ugh.
Reaching the glass door that led to the elevators, stairs, and pay stations, I pushed it open and stepped into the small, bright space. I didn’t need to press a button on the wall panel to call an elevator. One or more of the people waiting there had seemingly already done it.
Clasping my hands in front of me, I thought back to some of the fun moments—sexual and nonsexual—that I’d had over the weekend. My mouth softly curved. I’d been rescued, babied, wined, dined, and ruthlessly fucked. Just … yeah. Wow.
No other man in my past—whether he’d been a one-night-stand or an actual boyfriend—had ever paid me such intense attention, in or out of bed. Both Kaleb and Trace had lasered in on me, leaving me feeling spoiled and cosseted and way too freaking horny. Any woman would love it. It boggled my mind that their triad wasn’t already complete.
My smile dimmed as jealousy sliced into me. A jealousy that was sharp. Hot. Dangerous. The thought of them giving such a level of commitment to another woman bugged me far too much for my peace of mind.
Their third would be one lucky girl for sure. I’d be pleased for the guys when they found her. Really. But I’d also secretly wish all kinds of vitamin deficiencies on her. I’d later take that shit back, of course. Much, much later.
There was apingjust before the elevator doors opened. I followed the small crowd inside and pressed the necessary button on the panel, mentally shoving aside the whole ‘them looking for their third’ thing. I wasn’t going to let that spoil my good mood.
How could it not be good when I’d not only had a fabulous weekend, I’d be seeing the guys again later at the Vault?
I didn’t usually go to the club on Sundays, but I’d happily agreed to make an exception for them. I knew that they would make it worth my while.
When the elevator finally halted on the first floor, I filed out of it and headed outside. The heat of the sun bore down on me. I was glad that I’d dabbed on my SPF foundation this morning, because I burned real easy in the sun. Even more annoying, I didn’t really tan. My skin just went pink and then a darker shade of white. Special.
My friends and I had agreed to meet in our usual spot—a pretty bench near the closest coffeeshop. I made my way there, careful not to brush by other shoppers. There were couples, families, crowds of teens, groups of friends, and the occasional solo shopper.