Page 115 of Wear Something Red Anthology
I padded along the wooden flooring, passing room after room. The décor of my apartment wasn’t what anyone would call minimalistic or subtle. I’d gone for rich colors, timeless furnishings, geometric patterns, and lots of leather and brass. I’d also hung bold artwork here and there, some of which were Izzy’s pieces. She marveled over how I could have an apartmentfilledwith things yet keep it neat as a pin.
Reaching the front door, I opened it wide and blinked.Speak of the devil.“Did you shit the bed or something?” I asked Izzy.
She snorted. “Good morning to you, too.”
I stepped aside, gesturing for her to enter. “It was an honest question. You’re not exactly an early bird.”
Her brow pinched in affront. “I sometimes get up early to take pictures of sunrises and stuff. I just don’t do it a lot.”
“Is that what you’ve been doing this morning?” I asked, only then noticing her camera bag.
“Yep.” Following me further into the apartment, she added, “I thought I’d pay you a visit on the way home so I could ask how last night went.”
In the kitchen, I opened the solid beech cupboard where I kept my mugs. “Coffee?”
“No. Answers.” She took a seat at the circular island. “Did you talk to any blokes? I went looking for you after I left the private room with Cole, but I couldn’t see you anywhere.”
After topping up the coffee machine’s water tank, I put my mug in place. “If you must know … I got fucked by Trace and Kaleb.”
Her mouth fell open. “You got—seriously?”
She grinned. “Oh my God, go you!”
Returning her smile, I popped a coffee capsule into the machine. “I know, aren’t I a woman of the world?”
She barked a delighted laugh. “How did that come about?”
“Kaleb came up behind me shortly after I walked out of the restroom. Trace approached soon after that. We all had a little chat. There was some kissing. And then they invited me to go play with them.”
Izzy leaned forward, planting one hand on the island’s black marble countertop. “What was it like?”
“It was … wow.” Never before during sex had I feltthathelpless, that alive, that possessed. Trace and Kaleb had given me exactly what I craved. Even better, they’d wanted it as much as I had; it hadn’t been that they did it merely to cater to a needIhad—which had been the case with most of my past bedpartners.
Just as Trace had predicted, I was a little sore today. I felt no need to complain, though. The discomfort was totally worth it.
“I used to think that a threesome might be a little awkward in real life,” I added, pressing a button on the coffee machine that sent it whirring to life. “But it wasn’t at all. Not with them anyway.”
“And they both gave you a good ride?”
I couldn’t stop my smile from widening. “Very good. Each one held me down while the other fucked me.”
Izzy’s eyes gleamed. “Oh, well now.” She fanned her face. “They basically gave you exactly what you get off on, then.”
“They did indeed.”
“Are they as rough as people say?”
“They took me like savages. But afterward, they were very sweet, checking that I was okay and not overwhelmed or anything. They even helped me dress and put me in one of the club’s exclusive cabs.” It was more than anyone else had done for me, including Grover. “They’re decent guys.”
“I must admit, I did not expect to hear that this was how you spent your evening—I’m gobsmacked in the best way. You always seemed a bit uncomfortable with their attention.” She tilted her head. “What made you decide to take the jump?”
“Their attention didn’t make me nervous, it simply annoyed me because I couldn’t do anything about it.” I leaned back against the counter. “But Grover’s not on the scene anymore, so I’m unattached on every level.”
“They wasted no time in approaching you. They clearly weren’t taking the chance that someone else would get there first. I like that. Like that they made no attempt to hide their interest in you. Would you be up for a repeat?”
A grin pulled at my mouth. “Oh, yeah. But I can’t see it happening.” Sadly. “If they did make another move, it wouldn’t be anytime soon. You know how they are. They rarely play with the same woman more than once in a row.” As if to get across that it was only sex.