Page 109 of Wear Something Red Anthology
Izzy slanted her head. “What do you think cut her more? That Ansel divorced her, or that people pitied her for losing him to a man she’d essentially—albeit inadvertently—pushed him toward?”
“The latter. It keeps her bitterness alive.” Glimpsing a guy coming up behind Izzy, I said, “On a much more pleasant note, Cole has arrived.”
Sidling up to her, he dropped a kiss on her mouth and then took in every inch of her. “Looking far too gorgeous, as per usual.”
“As are you,” she said, her mouth curved. “You’re also late.”
“Got stuck in traffic.” The unbelievably hot world boxing champion nodded at me. “Hey, Briar.” His brow pinched. “You alone?”
“Hopefully not for long. I guess we’ll see.” Aw, he didn’t look comfortable leaving me on my own, bless him. “I’ll be fine by myself. Really. You two go have a good time. And lots of orgasms.”
He laughed.
“We’ll do our best.” Smiling, Izzy slipped off her stool. She pointed at me. “Half an hour at least.”
“Yeah, yeah. I need to answer a call of nature first, though.”
Cutting through the crowd on the dancefloor, I made my way to the restroom. There wasn’t a long line, so I was in and out of there fairly quickly. As I began making my way back to the bar, I had to pause as a cluster of women inadvertently blocked my path. It was at that very moment that I sensed someone come up behind me.
“Hmm, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here alone before,” said a deep, gravely, testosterone-laden voice that rumbled atthe most tantalizing timbre. It would make any girl’s skin break out in goosebumps, and mine did exactly that right then.
I was very much aware of whom that voice belonged to. I’d heard it narrate quite a few romance books, among other things. And it didn’t belong to Galen.
Slowly pivoting, I found none other than Kaleb Westley. Damn, the man was a spectacular sight to behold. So decidedly masculine. His face was all sharp angles with a light layer of dark stubble. His eyes were a vivid hazel brown, and his short hair was the color of rich earth. He was built like an athlete, long and lean and strong.
There was anedgeabout him. The kind that made your belly flutter and your hormones run havoc. With that bad boy vibe, I could easily imagine him wearing a leather jacket and straddling a Harley. Or me.
“What makes you think I’m alone?” I asked.
“I saw your friends leave the dome. You stayed.” His gaze did a head-to-toe tour of me—slow, bold, laser-focused. “No red tonight?”
A predatory indecency lit his eyes, and he cocked his head in an almost wolfish movement. “Briar, isn’t it?”
“Yes. And you’re Kaleb.” No sense in playing dumb. “I rarely see you alone. Where’s your … partner in crime, for lack of a better term?”
Kaleb’s mouth tipped up. “Oh, he’s around here somewhere.”
How he and the very famous actor Trace Lacroix had become close friends, I wasn’t sure. But neither ever came here without the other. They liked to share women, but they never claimed any. No one knew why they appeared to be anti-arrangement.
Whatwaswell-known here in the basement was that sex with them could be, to quote many, ‘intense and hot as hell.’ They liked to give a woman a rough ride. I was all about rough rides.
“So,” he began, “do you think it’s arrogant of me to believe that I could have graduated from that magic boarding school in the movies?”
My lips quirked. “That depends. Are you a wizard?”
“I’ve heard it said that my hands are magic.”
As it happened, so had I. “What about your”—I flicked a glance at his crotch—“wand?”
He hit me with a full-on, panty-dropping smile. The same one I’d seen him wearing on the countless fan-created memes that circulated social media platforms. He had quite a following, and there was no mystery as to why.
“Oh, it works just fine.” His gaze dropped to my lips. “I like your smile.”
That was a two-way street.“Do you?”
“Yes.” He leaned in, as if to confess a secret. “It kind of makes me want to lick your mouth.”