Page 26 of Two a Day
Then I toggle to Carter’s text.
Carter:Dude. Did you see this new barber shop nearby? They do shaves beachside! I’m flying to town tonight and doing this tomorrow.
Drew:Do you not know how to work a razor yourself? I can set you up with some lessons with a thirteen-year-old who’s offering them to helpless dudes.
Carter:Have you ever had a real shave? By a pro? You will NOT go back to doing it yourself. It’s like sex in self-care form.
Drew:That would be rubbing one out, buddy. It already exists.
Carter:You don’t deserve the grooming equivalent of ejaculation.
Drew:I bet the barber is just dying to have you schedule an appointment now.
Carter:Already scheduled one in your name. Thanks, man.
My friends are such dicks. Fucking love them.
Then, I shift gears into good-boy mode as I click on today’s text from my mom. She sends me theDaily Double, as she calls it. A pic of the latest antics from my twin sisters.
Mom:Today, Mira and Sophie turned into identical mermaids. Can you tell them apart?
The little sea creatures are wearing fake fishtails with their bathing suits and splashing around in the pool, red hair whipping everywhere. Good-boy mode is so easy to engage with those two cuties and my awesome mom. I reply with my best guess, but I suspect they’ll be tricking everyone, especially their parents, for a long time. They are as identical as twins come.
I send Mom another note.
Drew:You doing okay? Or are you exhausted? Let me know if you need anything.
Mom:I’ve been exhausted for twenty-eight years, but I wouldn’t change a thing.
My heart squeezes with affection. But at least she’s not working herself to the bone like she was when she was a single mom, raising a kid alone. She handled it all, working late nights, but showing up for every game. My senior year of high school, she met a good dude on the apps, falling hard for a mechanical engineer who dotes on her and their two girls—theiroops and we don’t regret itbabies.
After what my dad put her through, leaving her with nothing, she deserves the love and affection she gets from her husband.
She also deserves this pool that she’s lounging by at her home in Sherman Oaks.
The pool came from me. Bought it last year for her as a long overdue gift, since she always used to joke that someday she’d lounge by the pool.
Drew:Glad you and the doubles are enjoying the water. I’ll come see you soon, but you’d better bring those mermaids to my first game!
Mom:Trident himself couldn’t keep them away. They love rooting for their big brother.
I close the thread with Mom as the car slows at a light. I check the time, figuring I should be at the hotel in fifteen minutes. Even though the event should be fun, I’m counting down the seconds tillafterthe meet and greet when I get to see Brooke again. I’m stoked to tell her about the trade and then talk about anything besides football.
Maybe I’ll mention the trade to her in a text, so we won’t have to talk shop over tacos. I’d rather talk sex positions and what makes her tick. My goal tonight? Getting to know her better.
Then, getting to know her better in bed.
Oh, shit.
I haven’t told her I’ll be late.
I return to my text app, then fire off a new note to her.
Drew:Hey, rock star goddess surf angel. I have to do a work thing this evening, but I should be able to meet you at eight at Tacos Are Life. But I promise the delay will be worth it. I’ll owe you an extra O for my tardiness.
Then, as I wait for her reply,I read our prior notes.
There’s the one from Sunday when we madeplans while we were in her kitchen. Plus, the text I sent this morning.