Page 19 of One More Night
“Where are we going?”Tyra asks after our kiss. My hand is on her lower back, guiding her away from the bar, my eyes on the elevator. Celeste did me a favor by texting to let me know that Tyra was ready to be picked up. I didn’t tell either of them that I was going to be at Wylder’s casino with him and Nico. Wylder called and told me to come join him, and even if it was an interrogation, which it wasn’t, I’d have been a dick to turn him down.
“Staying here tonight. Is that okay?” When we were married, I would have never asked if she was alright with me making this decision; I’d have just made the plans and whisked her away.
“Yeah, I’m assuming Von’s at your parents’ house tonight?” I look down, grinning at her. Best damn mother I could have ever asked for.
“He is. Figured you wouldn’t mind. We’ll stay here tonight, get up in the morning, and grab our boy.” Yesterday wasn’t a good day. I didn’t push, but when it came time for Von and me to say our goodbyes and head to my apartment, I told her to call Celeste. I couldn’t fix what Tyra was thinking. There are many things I’m great at, but mind reading ain’t one of them.
“Not at all. I think we might have a thing or two to talk about as well.” I’d be worried about that sentence if it weren’t for the kiss she took part in and the sweet smile that’s plastered on her face.
“Glad to hear it, siren.” The elevator doors open as we approach. I press the button for the top floor just under the penthouse suite. One I would have sprung for if it hadn’t already been booked, and there was no way I’d have asked Wylder to rent it for a night as a favor. The view of the Strip along with the fountains was all I cared about. Plus, it’s not like we’ll be staying as long as someone who reserved the penthouse.
“Me too. Thank you for knowing me better than I know myself.” Somehow, we luck out, and there aren’t any other hotel guests in the elevator with us. Tyra’s head is tipped up to mine, and the only thing stopping me from taking this another step further is the security camera in the corner. I don’t want some fucker sitting behind a damn camera jacking his cock to me taking my woman.
“Same goes. You’ve owned my heart for years. It doesn’t matter that we lost a year. You were always mine during that time, just like I was always yours.” The door sliding open interrupts our moment.
“Which goes with what I need to talk to you about, and soon, like while I have the courage to get this out, please.” She takes my hand in hers, attempting to pull me along faster.
“We’ll get there. You’re going the wrong way, though.” She was taking a left, and our room is to the right of the elevator. I jerk my head to the side, and now I’m leading the way, making it to the hotel room in record time, not slowing down even though Tyra has to take two strides to my one. I place my phone up to the door to unlock it, less of a hassle than losing your key or them having to unlock your door because you left it in the room.
“Wow,” Tyra says as I’m holding the door open for her. It may not be the penthouse, but it’s definitely a suite. A small foyer gives way to a living room. On one side is the kitchen, the other side a door that opens to the bedroom. Tyra bypasses all of that, doesn’t give a single shit about the luxury this suite exudes. She’s all about the view of the Strip. A Vegas girl born and raised, never taking advantage of it either.
“I figured you’d enjoy the panoramic views.” I walk up behind her, hand going to her shoulder, sweeping her hair to one side, tongue sliding down the slope of her neck. My view is entirely better than any skyline—a glimpse of Tyra’s chest, watching her nipples pebble beneath the silk of the blouse she’s wearing. I could easily have the buttons undone, bra beneath her tits, skirt lifted, panties pushed to the side, my cock slamming in and out of her as our bodies are pressed together. The cool glass only amplifies the sensation against her nipples.
“Mace.” Tyra can no doubt feel the outline of my cock against her ass, her breathless tone giving it away.
“As much as I’d love nothing better than to take you right here and now, I know you have something you’d like to talk about.” I pull away, giving her the space she needs to turn around and look at me.
“I do, and hopefully, once I’ve said my piece, we can get back to what you started.” Not knowing how long this will take, I move until my ass is seated in a club chair, watching as Tyra moves her lithe body until she’s standing right in front of me, kicking off her shoes. Deft fingers tackle each button one by one. “I owe you an apology, not just for yesterday, but for the past as well.” My eyes move from the creamy skin of her chest, lace peeping out as she continues her path downwards.
“Siren, you don’t need to say you’re sorry. This was all on me. I let my eyes slide off the prize. That’s on me.” I swallow when the last of the buttons is undone, the shirt spread open, a white lace bra hugging her tits.
“You can’t take all the blame. I’m not allowing it. I’ve been shit at talking to you lately, which had me thinking about the past. I knew you were pulling away back then, worrying about making more money, but through the whole process, I went along with it. When you bought the house I hated, not once did I voice my opinion about not wanting it, and when we did talk, it was me talkingatyou while you were half asleep. So, while yes, you made mistakes, I did too. Especially yesterday. I froze, worried that it would easily slide back to the way things were and once again not telling you what I was thinking when I should have. For that I am sorry.” Motherfucker. Tyra strips way more than her clothes off as she settles in my lap after apologizing. Her soul is bared to me, and damn am I fighting for the right words to respond with.
“Siren.” The insides of her thighs are pressed to the outside of mine, core settled against my cock. The only thing she’s wearing is the thong I’m definitely going to be ripping off the second I get my mind wrapped around what I’m going to say. “Apology not necessary. We’re a team. We get back out what we put in. I should be on my knees begging for forgiveness, apologizing daily. You’ve given me more than I’d ever expected. What I can promise you from this day forward is that I’ll work as hard as I can until you have no doubt in your mind that with you and Von is where I’ll always be.” My hand slides around her neck, cupping it. I hold it there, feeling her pulse beat rapidly.
“That’s the thing, I do forgive you. I love you, Mace. I’ve always loved you, and I always will.” She licks her lips, hands going to my chest for purchase, apparently knowing that I’m about to take her lips, kiss the shit out of her, and show her more than anything the love I have for her.
“I love you, siren. I never stopped. We’ll start fresh. We’ll both communicate, and even if I have to work late here or there, you will always know I’m thinking about you.” I move her hand, laying it on top of my heart. My own covers it as I bring her mouth to mine. No other words need to be spoken between us. Now it’s time we both show one another what our love means to us.
My hands weregreedy during our kiss that beat all the kisses we’ve ever shared—so much depth, honesty, and trust was poured into it that I could feel it wrapping around us like we were in a butterfly’s cocoon.
“Tyra.” Mace’s voice is raspy as I settle on top of him, and the fabric of my thong against his clothed body does little to stop the hunger that’s consuming my entire body. My hands grip his shoulders, holding him as tightly as possible. His thumbs slide along my nipples, not staying there and playing with them as I hoped he would; instead, the palms of his hands glide down the sides of my body until they land on my ass, fingers pressing into the globes as he settles me along the length of his hardness. My head tips back, senses taking over as I rock my hips back and forth.
“I need you, Mace, so badly,” I tell him. Honestly, in truth, we both need each other. No matter how many times he takes me, my body is ravenous for him. It builds until I’m at a breaking point, and I swear sometimes a grazing of his fingers across my slit is all it takes to have me coming.
“Then you better go after what you want. You’re guiding this round.” I bring my eyes to his. Mace may be saying that this is my show, but the way he’s stimulating my body with his hands tells me otherwise.
“Oh, really? So you’re going to sit still for the entire time as I unbutton your pants, pull your cock out, hold it steady as I use you to slide inside me?” My hands move down his fabric-covered chest. I’m not worrying about that, though. The destination I have my sight set on is Mace’s cock. I lift my hips, giving myself room to work metal between us, happy to see the pair of jeans he’s wearing is all buttons, which makes it easier to work with. And Mace, the man forgoes boxer briefs unless he’s in suit pants, so that means nothing but skin will meet the palm of my hand.
“Only if you don’t take much longer. Christ,” he groans. I pop the buttons simultaneously, hand reaching in and wrapping around his cock. Mace decides then that he’s going to make things easier on me. His hands wrap around the lace fabric at my hip and destroy it with one solid wrench. I guess that’s what I get for buying frivolous panties that he’s intent on destroying nine times out of ten. The fabric falls to one side; Mace takes the opportunity to slide his thumb along my clit. Two can play that game. I squeeze his hard length once, my own thumb sweeping over the tip that’s glistening with pre-cum, and if I were able to, it would be my tongue lapping it up. Instead, I bring the wetness on my thumb to my mouth, and Mace’s eyes blaze with desire as I make a scene, tongue wrapping around my thumb, licking every last drop off, continuing even after it’s gone.
“Fuck, you keep messing around, and I’m not going to let you take the lead, siren.” The hand holding me steady on my hip squeezes, thumb dipping into my wetness, which I know is painting the inside of my thighs from the foreplay alone, and gliding it along my clit.