Page 7 of Daddy's Little Baby Girl (Daddy 26)
“You might consider the fact that she doesn’t know howor even what she wants or needs. Holly said she’d been with one guy over five years ago, and I’m kind of guessing your Caylee is the same,” Jonah said.
“Fuck, I didn’t think about that. I’m so used to women who are blunt about what they want. I didn’t consider that she didn’t know what she was asking for.”
The thought of being in Caylee’s tight cunt made his body ache, and he couldn’t remember his cock ever being this hard before.
They discussed the possibility that they might scare the girls if they moved too fast, but Nolan knew he’d do whatever he needed to make Caylee feel as comfortable as possible.
“Let’s go sit with them. Dustin, Jose, and Brayden will be coming in the next hour,” Nolan said.
“I hope it doesn’t freak the girls out again.”
“Let’s just tell them what’s going on so we don’t surprise them again,” Nolan said.
When the guys showed up, the group went into the office to go over papers and information they’d gathered. Nolan kept glancing at the girls as they sat on the sofa, holding hands while the guys talked about the options.
Nolan hated the despair on the girls’ faces, but they couldn’t figure out how to make the situation easier for them at that moment.
The meeting finished, and the guys left, so he started locking up the place.
Fuck. He’d had it. He couldn’t look at Caylee for another moment and not do anything. He had enough of the misery on Caylee’s face, so he picked her up, carried her to the bedroom they’d been in before, set her on her feet, and held her against his chest. “I wish I could make everything better for you.”
She tightened her arms around his waist. “I don’t know what to do or even what to feel right now.”
“Let’s just take it day by day, but know I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe.”
She set her head against his chest. She felt so small against him, and he hated that she was powerless against these monsters. He felt like he was the only one standing between them.
“Are you ready to lie down and go to sleep, baby girl?”
She tipped her head up. “Will you be with me?”
“If that’s what you want. Of course.”
“I can’t leave Holly alone.”
“We’ll figure it out.”
After discussing it with Jonah and Holly, it was decided that the women would be with the men and not each other. Since they were still close to each other, neither of them minded.
“What do you want to wear to bed, baby girl?”
“I don’t have a nightgown.”
“I bet you can use one of Jonah’s shirts. Would you like me to go get one?”
“Yes, please.”
He was back within a minute with a shirt. “Do you want to shower?” he asked.
“Yes, but I don’t want to wash my hair until the morning.”
“That works for me. You take your time, and I’ll make a few calls.”
She grabbed the shirt, walked into the bathroom, and shut the door.
He called a few people who might have some ideas about the situation. They didn’t know Nolan and Jonah had the girls, even though he trusted them. The fewer people who knew, the better, because sometimes mistakes were made, or people talked and were overheard.
He turned when the door opened, and he almost groaned out loud when a spear of pure lust raced through him. The lightfrom the bathroom made the shirt she wore almost see-through. He could see every dip and slope on her tiny body, and fuck, he wanted to get his hands on her so bad he could taste it.