Page 33 of Daddy's Little Baby Girl (Daddy 26)
“Hi, Raul, it’s me, Caylee.”
“Hi, honey. Is everything okay?”
“Yes. I have a huge favor to ask.”
“We’ll do whatever we can.”
“I have an appointment to see Detective Jones today atthe prison, and I wondered if you guys could go with me.”
There was a pause. “I’m assuming your daddy doesn’t know?”
“No. He would never let me, but I need this to get closure.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea, honey. What do you want to accomplish?”
“I just want to talk to him.”
“If you don’t go, I’ll go by myself.”
“Not unless I tell your daddy,” he threatened.
“That’s fine. I’ll just wait and go another day without anyone.”
“Damn, you’re stubborn.”
She waited patiently while he talked to Brodie.
“We’ll do it. What time?”
“I’ll meet you down in the garage at ten thirty.”
“We’ll be waiting. I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“I do.”
Chapter Seventeen
Caylee stepped out of the elevator to see Raul and Brodie waiting.
Raul opened the back door of his car. “You know your daddy just might shoot us.”
She froze with her hand on the top of the open door. “Really?” God, she didn’t want them to get in trouble.
Brodie chuckled. “No, he won’t. He won’t be happy with us, but he’ll understand when we tell him you would have gone alone.”
She exhaled. “Okay.”
On the way to the prison, she listened to the guys talk in the front and only answered their questions. She stared out the window, hoping she was making the right decision. It had been on her mind for a while, and she knew if she chickened out, she’d regret it.
They pulled up to a large metal gate. The wall around the facility had to be over ten feet high with wicked-looking barbed wire on the top.
Brodie talked to a security guard who came out of the room on the side. After a minute, the gates opened slowly, and it felt like she was in another world when they passed through. There was no color or softness to the place. It was all stone, barbed wires, and steel, with very few windows for people to look out of.
They came to a stop, and Raul opened her door. She got out and stood staring around.
“Are you sure about this?”