Page 28 of Daddy's Little Baby Girl (Daddy 26)
He hadn’t noticed the lack of guards at her door becausehe just wanted to get to her. His first look at Caylee’s room made him freeze in shock. Everything was clean, and the bed was made and empty. Where the hell was she?
He raced to the nurses’ station. “Can you tell me where Caylee, the woman in three-twelve, is?”
A nurse looked it up. “Yes, sir. She was released.”
Nolan’s mouth dropped open. “Released? I was told that wouldn’t happen until this afternoon.”
“It’s quiet on the floor, so the paperwork got done faster.”
“Mr. Hammond,” another nurse called from down the hallway.
He walked to her. “How long ago did she leave?”
“About an hour.”
He wiped a hand down his face. Fuck, he’d failed her again.
“Did that couple that was here before come and get her?” he asked.
“No. She wanted to take a taxi, but we wouldn’t let her. She tried to call several people but couldn’t get a hold of anyone.” The nurse took a card out of her pocket and handed it to him. “The FBI agents came and got her. One of them handed me this to give to you.”
He stared down at the card. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Nolan turned and walked toward the elevator, texting Jonah. He hailed a taxi outside because his car was back at the building.Hey, I’m on my way. Tell my girl I’ll be there shortly.
She’s not here. I thought she was with you.
Nolan pinched the bridge of his nose. He’d assumed she’d want to go be with Holly.
Long story. I’ll get in touch with you later.
Call if you need me, Jonah texted.
He got the number from the card and called.
“Hey, this is Nolan. I heard you guys picked up my girl?”
There was a slight pause. “Yes. She had no one else to come get her.”
“Why in the hell didn’t she call me?” Nolan asked.
“She doesn’t have her phone, and I doubt she knows your number by heart.”
“She could have called The Safe Haven.”
“She did, man. She did everything she could think of. We were her last option.”
“Okay, so you picked her up. Where she is? Because she’s not with her friend Holly.”
“We’re back at the condo.”
Fuck. The place hadn’t been cleaned yet. “Why didn’t she go upstairs?”
“She said she didn’t have the code for any other condo and didn’t have their number. She wouldn’t let us take her home with us because she said you would come here.”