Page 15 of Daddy's Little Baby Girl (Daddy 26)
When he finally got some of his strength back, he slid out of her, lay on his side, and pulled her into his arms.
Jesus, that had almost killed him. Wasn’t it crazy that he wanted to do it again as soon as he could get hard? Fuck. “Hey, how are you?”
“S … good,” she murmured.
He grinned. She was already falling asleep. If he hadn’t known he satisfied her, he might have been insulted. “Go to sleep. I’ll be here to hold you, baby girl.”
She snuggled tighter against him, and then her breathing deepened.
He wiped a hand down his face. While he wanted to get up and wash the cum and sweat off her, at the moment, moving any of his limbs was difficult. Oh, he knew if it were an emergency, he’d be able to deal with it. Right now, he just wanted to hold this sweet woman. He’d worry about the rest later.
Chapter Eight
A few weeks later, they still hadn’t found enough evidence to charge Detective Jones, the man in charge of the human smuggling in the area. The human trafficking had been going on for so long, and so many girls had been taken. It was frustrating for everyone involved, especially Caylee and Holly, whose lives were on hold until the bastard was caught.
It shocked both he and Jonah when she and Holly pointed out that the detective they met with in Jonah’s condo was the man who hurt them. They understood now how the human trafficking ring had been so successful. There’d been an investigation against the cop, but they hadn’t known how deep his involvement went. The detective was in charge of every aspect of the crime and investigations. Although the man was evil to his core, he had been successful in hurting women for years because of his job and connections.
Nolan and the others spent time finding everything they could against the man and his organization. It took so long because they didn’t want to tip the man off and lose him if he fled. They took it day by day because there was nothing else they could do.
Caylee looked at the clock on the microwave and saw that it was time for Nolan to get home, so she started mashing the potatoes she’d made to go with the fried chicken.
“Oh, dang,” she said when she spilled the melted butter down the front of her t-shirt. She set the pan aside and raced down the hallway to quickly change her shirt.
She heard the elevator open and looked into the mirror one more time to make sure she looked nice.
When she got back to the kitchen, she looked around. “Nolan?”
“No, bitch,” a man said from behind her as he grabbed a chunk of her hair on the back of her head to hold her still.
She still struggled and then gasped when the man slammed the butt of a gun against the side of her head.
She cried out and touched her head to find it very sticky. When she looked at her fingers and saw blood, she freaked out even more.
“Listen, bitch,” the man said against the side of her head. “They want you alive because they think they can get a lot of money for a redhead, but they also said I could just kill you if you gave me trouble.”
“Why are you doing this?”
The man chuckled. “Because I make a ton of money, and I get to sample the merchandise as long as I don’t hurt them too badly. I’m definitely going to want to get a piece of your ass. Let’s go before the boyfriend comes home.”
He dragged her toward the elevator. She struggled to stay on her feet because she couldn’t focus with the blood running down her face and the pain in her head. Vomit climbed her throat, and black dots appeared in her eyesight.
“Please…” She begged.
The man laughed and yanked her head, making her cry in pain. “You fucking whore. If your boyfriend finds us, I will use this gun. Do you want his death on your hands?”
She sobbed. “No. Please. Leave him alone.”
The door to the elevator opened for them, and he shoved her into it, then slammed her against the side a few times.
She struggled to swallow and brace her arms to prevent her body from hitting the wall. It seemed to take forever to get to the bottom floor, and he wouldn’t stop abusing her, violently cupping her breast and crotch while biting down on her shoulder, sinking his teeth in, and breaking the skin.
Her crying and fighting didn’t deter him in the least. Itonly made him laugh harder.
The elevator slowed to a stop, and she quickly decided that she’d rather be dead than be touched by men like him.
“You’re a sick fucker, aren’t you?” she said. “Did your mama not love you?”