Page 8 of Hard for You
When one of the MC wanted something, she was to make sure they got it. Val had told her the club would take care of the bar if they wanted her to get something, and they had.
Still, it was a risk giving him her food. Being a vegan and all that.
“It was … fine.”
“Yeah, honestly. I was hungry, and it filled a gap.”
She wanted to fist pump the air, but she kept that to herself.
This was good. He liked her food. The club had to put up with a lot. She knew that.Especially when it came to her. The pack seemed pretty determined to get rid of her and was willing to do whatever it took to remove her.
ThePoison Wolves MC seemed to have her back.
“The diner didn’t answer you, did they?” Wolfe asked.
“I, er, I didn’t want to disturb them.”
“They don’t like me. In case youdidn’t know, a lot of people don’t like me. I’m the pack outcast. I’ll be surprised if they don’t use my name to spook their kids in many years to come.” She shrugged. “This is me.”
It was a ten-minute walk from the bar to her home. Less than that if she speed walked, which was what she did to get Wolfe some food. The man had looked half possessed, and she saw the dark amber of his eyes, which meant his wolf was close to unleashing.
Not good.
“So, er, thank you,” she said.
Did she want him to leave?“I have coffee.”
“Kind of,”she said. “We do have an alternative.” One she had to purchase off the internet. Actually, she had to do most of her food shopping on the internet as the grocery store refused to stock her food.
Not a problem. Other than a few special alternatives, she mostly ate grains and vegetables, which she got at the grocery store.
“You don’t have to. I totally understand if—”
“Coffee sounds great,” Wolfe said.
“Oh, great, of course.” She rushed to her front door and typed in the key code. Again, another little added security she added herself.
She hadn’t gotten the best scores in high school, and some people might even say she was a bit stupid, but so far, she’d been able to fend for herself. She had all the resources, but shedidn’t exactly test well.
Manypeople said that made her seem stupid and thick and dumb. People had called her many names over the years.
Amelia pushed them to the back of her mind and focused on the now. Like the fact a hot biker guy, the one she fantasized about, was currently stepping into her personal space. Well, not her space yet. They had to go up a flight of stairs to get to her room.
The bottom floor of the building used to be an old shop, she wasn’t sure if it was an old grocery store or a clothing one. It was empty, and she had cleaned it up nicely.
She didn’t have much of a social life, so when she wasn’t working or in need, she was often making sure her home was clean.
Bob had given her the keys to the whole building. The apartment upstairs was the only one. He wanted nothing to do with the property and had said that now she was attached to it, there was no chance of selling or renting it.
It did kind of hurt how often the pack attempted to dismiss her. Not that she could do anything aboutit. They had their fucked-up reasons.
Going to her door, she flicked the lock and then stepped inside. The scent of lavender greeted her, and it always made her smile when it did. This was success. The heavenly smell helped to make her calm.