Page 67 of Hard for You
Goingto Rascal and Buster would be a lot easier than going to him. Her dogs grounded her.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he said.
She wouldn’t cave.
“They’re not bad dogs either,” Wolfe said. “Kind of …started to like them, you know, spending time with you.”
Amelia nodded.
Rascal and Buster went to Wolfe and rubbed their bodies up against him. They did like Wolfe.
That was good, but Amelia couldn’tallow herself to fall for him. Not ever again. He wanted to believe the worst in her, and if she forgave him, what kind of woman did that make her?
Wolfe took her hand, and with her dogs, they headed back to the clubhouse.
This time, as they stepped back into the main yard,she saw most of the club was outside. No one said a word about her dogs.
Even as Rascaland Buster growled. They moved by her side, protecting her.
They didn’t growl at Wolfe. They liked him. And damn it, she hated herself because the truth was, she still did love him.
Chapter Fourteen
Amelia was fully healed, which meant she could go home. To her apartment, on the edge of the pack. Far away from all of them. Only close to Val and the bar.
He’d already fixed her apartment so all the abusive words painted on her building were gone. She wouldn’t have to see them again.
As for the pack, hehad made them all know that Amelia wasn’t going anywhere. She was one of the best of all of them. A reason to be proud of the Poison Wolves pack. He threatened all of them. If any of them so much as looked at Amelia wrong, they would have to answer to him.
He would do whatever he could now to protect her.
Standing on the edge of the forest, he watched as Alpha walked with her toward her apartment.
“Why are you stalking in the forest?” Val asked.
“I could ask you the same question.”
“I wanted to see if you’d choke on this or actually see it through.”
“You like her?” Wolfe asked.
“Not in the way you think. She’s a good person, and I get a sense that she hasn’t had a lot of people in her corner. I think it’s time she realized she’s not alone.”
Wolfe turned his attention back to his woman and watched as Alpha leaned down and stroked Buster’s head.
The dogs had become a favorite with all of them.
The club hadn’t been looking forward to this day. Amelia was a big hit with the club.She made them all laugh, and hearing her was sweet, precious music to his ears.
He’d become the main enemyof the club. They were all pissed at him for ruining it with Amelia.
Not that he’d done it on purpose, but he had fucked up. That was all on him.
Alpha waited for Ameliato enter the apartment, giving her a few minutes, and then he turned away, heading toward him. “She’s safely in her apartment.”
“So I see,” Wolfe said.