Page 4 of Hard for You
She loved the pack. Her place was simple, she was AmeliaStokes, the pack’s ultimate pain in the ass. She wasn’t difficult, she just had values and beliefs and lived by them.
Fall in line? Why would the Poison Wolves MC even ask that?
The questioning went on, and then, Alpha had gotten up and started to walk away. She’d been unable to leave it that way.
“Doyou think this is right?” she asked.
Alpha had turned with a glare. “What?”
“Irefuse to eat meat, but I don’t force anyone else to not eat meat. I don’t hunt in the forest. I’ve never truly caused anyone any hurt at all. I’m always there if they need a helping hand. The Smiths, their house was destroyed by a fire that they caused, I was still there, helping, attempting to rebuild what they had ruined. Whenever anyone needs something, I am there. But that’s not enough. Why? I don’t eat meat, and I won’t go and hunt. I do everything else. I just have to wonder if being an outcast is really that bad.”
Alpha had stared at her for several minutes.
She remembered fighting the tears.
He left, and the next time she saw him, he had told the pack she wasn’t leaving. They had to learn to put up with her because she was pack, she was family.
It was only a little later she learned it was her parents who had wanted her gone. They’d started rallying the pack to remove her as they saw her as an embarrassment.
No oneapproached the three men. They all moved toward the bar.
She tensed up.
All gazes were on them.
“A beer,” Alpha said.
She knew what they liked.
After grabbing three bottles from the fridge, she popped the lids off and placed them, one by one, in front of the men who protected them.
Alpha was practically vibrating. Something bad had gone down.
Amelia stepped away from the bar.
“I want food,”Wolfe said, drawing her attention.
“Oh, er, we don’t really serve—” She didn’t get to finish as he slammed his hand down on the counter.
“Get me some fucking food.”
There were times she had a crush on Wolfe. He was tall, muscular, and the jacket he wore often looked like it was too small to contain his body because of how thick and hard he was.
Being the outcast, Amelia had never had sex. At twenty-five years old, she was still a virgin. Even with him being a giant dick to her, she would have no problem shedding that little title with Wolfe. No problem at all.
Chapter Two
The Poison Bar never served food. Itwas a rule of Val’s. The best you were going to get was an assortment of nuts. That was it.
Wolfe was hungry. And he was being a dick.
Waiting for the humans to fucking leave had been a pain in the ass. There were many things in this world that he didn’tlike, and going hungry was one of them. He needed food and nourishment, otherwise, he was a pain in the ass.
Amelia scurried off. She disappeared out back, and he knew she was probably going to grab him some food. He didn’t care what it was, just so long as he had some food.
No one would approach the bar. Not yet.
Alpha was giving off all those vibes that made the pack a little nervous. It was rare for Alpha to be this pissed.