Page 26 of Hard for You
“What if … she doesn’t turn into a wolf, but the pain is very much real?” he asked.
“It depends. A weak female may not have thepower or ability to call her wolf to protect her. Or, she could be that strong, and she is in constant control of her wolf at all times.” Draco shrugged.
He looked off to the distance, and Wolfe knew he’d fucked up. With Draco knowing what he did about virgin mates, it meant, his woman, the one he lost, had been one. There was a darkness within his gaze, and when that happened, shit was about to get dangerous.
Wolfe shoved the sandwich into his mouthand got to his feet.
As he did, Draco looked up at himand glared.
“I’lltake the first round,” he said, leaving the table. No one even attempted to try to stop him. Fucking assholes.
It’s your fault.
Draco was alreadyin the basement where they had their sparring equipment and gym tools.
“Draco, man, youokay?”
“My mate was a virgin,” Draco said. “Our first time together, I … we … it was … magical. She was in pain, but I was patient. I promised that I would love her forever and that I would wait until she was ready. They took her from me, Wolfe. They … stole my mate from me.”
“I know, man. I’m sorry.”Wolfe remained tense.
Draco was fighting his wolf.
The pain.
Wolfe couldn’t even begin to imagine what Draco must have gone through. What he continued to go through. The club knew it was hard for him. On special anniversaries, on birthdays, on any event that he remembered with his mate.
Itwas why none of them said her name. None of them talked about her. Every day was a challenge for Draco. With the threat of the hunters surrounding them, it didn’t exactly help.
“Are you okay, man?” Wolfe askedagain.
“I failed her, Wolfe. I can still hear her screams as clear now as I did then. They tore her apart. They stopped her from being able to heal.”
Draco’s scream came out as a growl. The pain echoed throughout the whole clubhouse. Everyone would be able to hear it.
Itwas why the club groupies often kept a wide berth of Draco. He was unpredictable, and as far as Wolfe was aware, he’d never drowned any of his sorrows in any of the women available. He’d never done that.
Draco’s hands began to turn, and Wolfe charged forward, wrapping his arms around him.
“Stop it, man. Keep focus. You’re Draco. You’re with the Poison Wolves MC. You’re not back there. You’re free. You’re safe.”
“She is gone!”
“I know. I know she’s gone, but she would want you to live. She’d want you to survive. Draco, stop.”
Wolfe was shoved back, but before Draco could make it to the door, he was on him. Draco wasn’t in focus, so he was able to press him to his back, applying pressure to his arms in the right places to stop his ability to turn.
The man beneath him screamed.
He didn’t stop him.
Sometimes, this was what he needed.
To allow his pain to spill out, to cry out, to allow all to hear just how much pain he was in,and then, like a few times before, he eventually collapsed. His body returning to that of a human. No wolf in sight.