Page 27 of The Biker's Forbidden Affair (Straight to Hell MC 3)
“I’ll do anything for you,” he whispered.
“I just want to go home.”
She was unusually quiet. Broken. He didn’t like her like this.
“I’ll walk you,” he said.
Bell shook her head. “Can we go on your bike?”
He wasn’t expecting that, but he wasn’t going to complain. They held hands as he walked the short distance back to his ride. At least she wasn’t screaming for him to get out of her life like the last time he’d seen her. Maybe he’d have another chance with Bell, one he wouldn’t fuck up.
The past week had been completely self-destructive.
All she thought about was Tank and how everything had played out between them. She had to remind herself that he wasn’t an ordinary guy. He’d have trust issues, and his club would probably be leery of outsiders. Bell prided herself on not being a judgmental person, but the moment she realized Tank had snuck into her apartment, she’d lost it. Rather than considering why a man she trusted would do such a thing, shecut him completely out of her life and soon regretted it.
She’d missed him.
Her nights were a mix of Netflix, chips, chocolate, and lots of tears. She was a complete mess.
When that creep started following her after work and questioning her about Tank, she wanted to call him but couldn’t. She’d pushed him out of her life, so she couldn’t go crawling back when she needed him. Bell hadn’t had an easy life, so she just dealt with the guy herself. Mostly trying to avoid him when she saw him.
But tonight had been different. It was dark and secluded when he showed up. His demeanor was darker, more dangerous. Her imagination was on overdrive as he got off that bike to teach her a lesson.
Then her knight in shining armor appeared completely out of nowhere. She’d never been happier to see him and not just because she was being chased by a crazy man.
Now, more than ever, she understood the world Tank came from. He had to be cautious because there were life-and-death moments around every corner. She shouldn’t have been so quick to judge him.
They stopped in front of her apartment. He braced a leg on the sidewalk but didn’t attempt to get off or turn off his bike.
She slid off, terrified he’d just drive off and leave her.
“Can you come upstairs?” she asked.
“You think someone’s waiting for you?”
“No, I just want you to come upstairs. Can you?”
He nodded once, then drove around to the side of the building to park his bike. She internally sighed. It felt amazing having him back again. Maybe her ritual pity party could be put to rest once and for all.
They walked up the stairs together, not saying a word. It was getting awkward, especially when she’d been so comfortablearound Tank before they broke up.
Once they were at her door, the old feelings came back. She remembered the details of five days ago and wished they’d handled things differently.
“Tell me something, Bell.”
“Were you fucking that guy before he turned on you?”
She scowled. “No, of course not. I haven’t been with anyone but you. He was some enemy of yours, not mine.”
“You tell him anything?”
“Nothing. You should know how stubborn I can be,” she said.
He stood there, and she realized she was still standing in the hall with the key half in the lock. She turned and opened the door. There were no footprints on her floor, so hopefully, this night would go over better than last time.