Page 20 of The Biker's Forbidden Affair (Straight to Hell MC 3)
Tank sat back in church and waited for the inevitable.
He’d been keeping an eye out, doing all the necessary recon, but so far, it had all come to nothing. There were no signs of the Skull Nation, their biggest enemy. He had no doubt they were going to attack at the first opportunity.
They had to make sure they were ready for an event.
Pressing the tips of his fingers together, he listened during the meeting, trying to think where they would be hiding.
Even as he tried to stay focused, he kept coming back to Bell. He missed her.
She’d served him last night and tried to be all coy about it, winking at him. She was adorable and sexy.
He’d tried to keep the friend-zone thing up, but it was too damn hard to do. Being around her, and not being able to touch her, kiss her, had been even harder. Now that they’d removed their friend barrier, he couldn’t wait to have more with her, but again, he was going to have to be patient. She was a virgin.
Tank didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky.
“So, anyone interested in hearing some juicy gossip?” Brick asked.
He’d known this was going to happen, so it didn’t come as any surprise to him. He sat and waited.
Tarmac snorted. “Yeah, juicy gossip.”
“How did you guys know?” Tank asked. Not that he hadanything to hide. Bell was new, and she was a little nervous around him, which was to be expected. He got that. Being in the Straight to Hell MC, he was used to women either being around him because of the leather cut or being terrified and avoiding him.
Bell didn’t fit into either of those categories. She was so different from all the other women he’d known.
“Besides the fact we saw you at the park? The club women have been talking. They started talking about a fat bitch who worked at the diner.”
Tank slammed his fist against the table. “My woman is not fucking fat!” And if he so much as heard any of those bitches talking about her like that, he’d kill them. Free, willing pussy was easy to come by. The boys were not so picky so long as the club whores knew how to take cock and suck it. They didn’t have to be good at it, just … there and willing.
“Yourwoman?” Lord asked.
He looked toward Lord. “Is it a crime to have a woman outside of the club?”
“Are you embarrassed by her or us?” Copper asked.
“I’m not embarrassed by anyone. And I’m not the first asshole to date a civilian. Bell is … she’s not like us. She’s kind of like Ally, but not the same. Perhaps even a little bit like Callie.” He looked toward Lord and Brick, who had civilian old ladies.
They’d been able to make it work.
All he wanted to do was tread carefully. He didn’t want to scare Bell off with his lifestyle, which he knew wasn’t for everyone.
“You’re sure she’s not working with the enemy?” Lord asked.
“I’m positive,” Tank said. “She’s just trying to survive. There’s nothing bad about her. She wouldn’t hurt me or the club.”
“Are you completely sure of that?” Locke asked. “Girls who are hard up do a lot of sketchy shit for money.”
He glared at Locke, who held his hands up.
“Look, you can be pissed off at me. I don’t give a shit. Think about this logically, if it was anyone else. You met her on a dirt road. What the fuck is a single woman doing alone on a dirt road, Tank?” Locke asked. “She just happen to talk to one of the scariest motherfuckers for no good reason?”
“Her friend wasn’t there to pick her up,” Tank said.
Now he was getting pissed off because they were right. It did seem a little suspicious.
She didn’t seek you out.
You went looking for her.