Page 15 of The Biker's Forbidden Affair (Straight to Hell MC 3)
“The meeting. Lord wants us to keep tabs on the Skull Nation. They’re in town. We need to keep our eyes open and do some recon.”
“Yeah. I was there. I heard. We just drove those assholes out. Doesn’t make sense they’d try to rebuild again rather than move on,” Tank said.
“Lord wants it covered. You going to tell him no?”
“I’ll keep my eyes out. Right now, someone’s got to handle the books. It’s only me and Locke doing this shit, so give me some slack.”
“Sure thing, big boy.” Righteous slapped him on the back as he left. “Tomorrow,” he called back.
He finished up his work over the next couple of hours, putting all his books away as one of the club whores leaned against the doorway. They were fucking relentless.
“I know about you and that girl,” she said.
Tank paused, not liking where this was going. “What the fuck you on about?”
“That fat girl who works at the diner. You’re spending a lot of time with her. You fuck her yet? She better than me?”
He was no new recruit, and this bitch was crossing the line. It sounded like she was trying to blackmail him, to hold something over his head. He hadn’t nearly died for the Straight to Hell MC time and time again to get a shakedown from some club whore. Tank stormed over to her, wrapping his hand around her neck as he pressed her up against the door.
“You’d be smart to mind your fucking business or your skinny ass will end up outside these walls. I think you know what that entails. Understand?”
She nodded, grabbing at his wrist to keep him from cutting off her air. He released her, giving her a shove. The club pussy was always jealous, but they weren’t getting him. Right now, his head was focused on Bell and only Bell.
He’d have to be more careful. The last thing he wanted was more trouble for Bell.
Today, they were supposed to have lunch together, again, as friends. She was the best friend he’d ever had because he could talk to her, really talk to her, be himself, and just fuck around rather than be all business and bravado. Bell called him out on all his bullshit. She was refreshing, but keeping things platonic had given him a major case of blue balls. He couldn’t keep doing this to himself, but there was no one else to blame.
After a quick shower and shave, he rode out to Bell’sapartment. The one she was worried about paying for. She’d been open with him about her troubles, finding a job, and the family who’d done a number on her.
Tank could relate. He’d been raised by his grandmother for the most part because his mother was a junkie. Fathers were a rarity in his world, so it was no big surprise he’d never known the bastard. The club was his family, but now he wanted more.
Needed more.
She was waiting in the lobby and came outside when she saw him.
“Where we eating?” he asked.
“We’re having a picnic. The park’s not far. You can leave your bike in my spot.” She pointed to the lot beside the building.
He preferred to ride, but she had something against bikes for some reason. Tank parked, then started walking along the sidewalk with her. He took her oversized picnic bag and slung it over his shoulder. Immediately, he felt at ease, like he was home just being near her. They were from two different worlds, yet they clicked.
“Tank, I need to talk to you. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about my rent payments, would you?”
“Apparently, my rent is paid in full for the next six months. I know I didn’t make those payments, and no one else I know has that kind of money or the good intentions. I was expecting my landlord to send me an eviction notice, but he pinned a receipt to my door instead.”
He shrugged.
Tank couldn’t stand her suffering, pinching pennies, and going hungry. She deserved better than that, and he could provide it. They were supposed to be friends, but he couldn’t watch her struggle and stand on the sidelines.
“You can’t do that,” she said. “It’s way too much. Beyondtoo much.”
“It’s no big deal. A friend helping out a friend. Forget about it.”
“Well, I can’t. I’m trying to understand. I hope you don’t think you have to buy my friendship.”
“You’re ruining my picnic vibes here.”