Page 10 of The Biker's Forbidden Affair (Straight to Hell MC 3)
At night, when the prospect was asleep, and he was alone with his thoughts, he imagined her there with him, snuggled up against his side. Until he started talking with Bell, he had no idea how fucking lonely he’d been. She brought so much to the surface.
Tipping back the bottle of beer, he finished it within three easy gulps. He had to do something, otherwise, he was going to lose his shit.
He never allowed a woman to … let loose on his mind. He remembered his grandmother always telling him that idle mindswere the devil’s playground. This was something next level.
“Good run,” Lord said, slapping him on the back.
Tank held his empty bottle up, but the prez didn’t sit with him, which was a good thing.
Glancing across the bar at the clock, he saw it was a little after nine. Bell would be heading home soon.
A clean break meant it didn’t matter to him that she was walking home alone. The diner where she worked wasn’t a great place. Truckers stopped there. Construction workers. Bad shit always went down in places like that. He slapped his hand on the bar, and the prospect manning the station nearly shit himself, but quickly got him a bottle of beer, which he almost spilled over him.
Fucking asshole.
Tank wasn’t in the mood for little boys and their scared little dicks. He had to focus on getting drunk out of his mind and taking one of the sluts up to his bed, where he could finally rid himself of the virgin pussy walking home alone.
“Dude, you look fucking angry,” Reaper said, taking a seat beside him.
“I don’t want any company.”
Reaper held his hands up. “Don’t mind me.” He chuckled. “Damn, you look mighty pissed off. Look, I’ve got a couple of bitches hounding me to take them upstairs. They want me to show them what every woman wants with my dick. You coming?”
He rarely enjoyed sharing a woman with his club brothers, but he had done it on occasion. Now was not the time.
“Nah, they’re all yours.”
“Come on, dude, I’m talking about two hot pieces who want us to do anything to them. Everything is on the table. Use your imagination.”
Tank snorted. “Look around you, Reap. All the womenhere will do anything we say if we snap our fingers. That never changes.”
“Where you going?”
“Heading out. Need to clear my head,” Tank said.
No one stopped him as he went to his bike in the parking lot. He ran his hand down the sleek chrome and sighed. This beauty had never, ever failed him. She’d been with him on every single run. Always started up. Got him out of many scrapes and was a loyal bitch.
Straddling his bike, he turned over the ignition, hearing her purr, and he just needed to ride her. To be away from everyone. Everyone turned into a shrink when you weren’t at your best, and he didn’t want to hear any of it.
He pulled out of the parking lot and took off, not caring about the speed that he took, which was fast. Tank needed fast.
In the back of his mind, he could still see her smiling face dropping so fucking badly because of the shit he said. Bell had been disappointed because he told her that was going to be the last time they saw each other.
No woman in his entire history had been disappointed when he ended things or left. Women had come in and out of his life, and none of them had stuck around. It was why he had no problem using the whores back at the club. They would ride any cock just so long as it had a patch.
Tank took off in the opposite direction of Bell.
He was going to keep his word. Bell didn’t deserve a man like him. He was dangerous, and she was everything but. Fresh air, beautiful, funny, sweet, and everything he wasn’t.
Bell deserved someone who was going to give her a good lifestyle, treat her right.
An image flashed in his mind of Bell, completely naked, being fucked by that perfect guy. He squeezed the handlebars of his bike, gritting his teeth.
There was no fucking way he was jealous. Not of some imaginary bastard. Each second that passed, which pulled him further away from his woman, ignited a fire in his gut.
He had to have her. Bell belonged to him. No one else.
He swiftly slowed his bike around, spun, and rode back toward Bell. He sped up, forcing his bike to chase, to ride faster and harder, to get to Bell.