Page 14 of Following Their Heart
I bite my lip. “Mmm-mm,chér.You are fine.” Sitting back on my heels, I let my gaze devour her. She’s thin, but no longer too thin. Shep’s cooking has helped fill her out, and hard work in the garden and around the lodge has helped her put on some healthy, lean muscle. “I want to eat you up.” My eyes zero in on those tiny polka dots. “I wonder how loud you’ll scream if I make you come with my mouth while Shep plays with those pretty nipples.”
Cora gasps and sits up. “That’s what happened in the dream!” she says on a musical laugh. “Like, exactly!” Christ, she’s gorgeous.
“Well, then.” I kiss her lips and lower her to the bed. “We better make your dream a reality.”
Chapter 6
I can’t believe Docsuggested the exact situation from my dream. What are the odds of that? Ithasto mean my dream was more than a dream. Right? It has to mean the Working is using me in some way.
Once Raptor and his army invade our mountain, Grim will escort me into a bomb shelter way underground, where we will sit like useless lumps while the guys defend our home. I hate knowing I won’t be able to contribute once that shelter door is closed. And not only me, but Grim too. But maybe I can make peace with being a lump later if I can be helpful now.
Aaaand…that’s enough thinking about bomb shelters and uncertain futures. Because my two blondies are on my bed with me, and we have a dream to recreate.
Doc’s bare back is smooth and warm under my hands as he sprinkles kisses over my neck. Which means we’re off to a good start. But…
I reach toward Shep and tug on his T-shirt. “Too many clothes,” I tell him.
With a crooked smile, he shucks it. “Better, my flower?”
“A little.” I pet his furry chest, loving the rich carpet of blond hair. “But you’re both still wearing more than me.” I pretend to pout. “It’s not fair.”
“We can’t have that, can we?” Doc says. He sucks my earlobe into his mouth then knee-walks closer to me. While Shep climbs off the bed and takes his jeans off, Doc puts my hand on his belt buckle. I work the leather through, grinning up at him.
Being with two men like this is heady. I feel lovely and powerful. I feel cherished. Safe. Because I trust these two men and feel safe with them, I can be the flirty girl I think I was always meant to be. It’s incredibly freeing. It’s healing.
This is how it’s supposed to be between lovers. There should be feelings of safety and trust going both ways. It’s not just about pleasure. It’s about connection.
Sitting up with a pillow at my back, I tackle Doc’s jeans. The button pops, and the zipper slides down with ease. Indecision grips me. Do I explore the hard rod trying to bore through his boxer briefs or do I move my hands around to his amazing backside and squeeze those delicious glutes?
Doc doesn’t give me time to decide. He shoves his jeans down his thighs, the action putting his straining boxer briefs right there in front of me. It’s too much to resist, the stretched fabric struggling to contain a male member I’ve seen and touched but never tasted.
I’ve become a glutton for…cock. There. I said it in my head. I love cock. I love taking it in my mouth and sucking on it. I love licking it like an ice cream cone. I love working it until it releases a salty explosion in my mouth. And more than anything else, I love the sounds and shivers my guys make as a result of my attentions. I love the way they look down at me in worship.
I haven’t done this act yet with Doc, and oh, do I want to! My mouth waters and I reach for what I suddenly want so badly. I need to expose it, to adore it.
“Uh-uh,chér.” Doc’s not having it. He redirects my questing hand to his face, where I get treated to the feel of his rough, neatly trimmed beard. “You sucking on my treat wasn’t part of your dream.” He plants a kiss in the center of my palm and grins playfully. “Or was it? Exactly how long was this dream?”
Unfortunately, the fun part was over too quickly. The focus of the dream seemed to be the guys visiting Bernard. “Not long enough,” I grumble.
Doc chuckles as he kicks out of his pants and tosses them to the floor. “Then, we’ll have to make this last.” He crawls over me and begins slowly kissing me and relearning my body with his hands. Doc’s touch tingles like magic as he squeezes my shoulders, caresses my sides, and cups my bottom to drag me to him. I remember this. Being with him in his bed a week ago was the first time I’d ever cuddled and fooled around with anyone. It was sweet and fun andverrrrypleasurable. I’m looking forward to a repeat performance, but with added fun for Doc, who had been a gentleman and never asked for more than I was willing to give.
Tonight, I want to give him more. And not just him.
I reach for Shep, happy to see he’s lost his jeans as well. While Doc does something amazing with his tongue and my earlobe, Shep climbs on the bed. The sight of his tighty-whities brings a smile to my face. I can’t help remembering hisRisky Businessdance our first night together. I’m also smiling because those straight-laced underwear are doing a pitiful job of hiding an enormous bulge. Just yesterday I got to enjoy that bulge and bring Shep some long overdue pleasure. I plan on giving him something just as nice tonight.
While Doc works his way down my body with kisses and caresses, I link my fingers with Shep’s and whisper, “Kiss me.”
Shep’s face, bearded and masculine, with ruddy smudges over his cheekbones, broadcasts his emotions more than any of my other guys. As he draws my hand to rest over his heart, his eyes burn with heat and gratefulness, like he can’t believe his good fortune at being asked to kiss me.
I’m the only woman Shep and the others have seen since Week Zero. Despite that, Shep’s look of wonder, as he bends to touch his lips to mine, makes me feel special, like even if he had a thousand girls to choose from, he still would have picked me.
I enjoy his gentle, warm kiss, and I try not to think about how Doc definitely wouldn’t have chosen me. Shep is a good-looking guy, and he has a self-deprecating charm that would make him attractive to any woman with a pulse, but Doc’s pure, Hollywood-esque animal attraction is on another level. I imagine before Week Zero, he had his pick of the ladies. If he had a thousand girls to choose from, his experienced eye would pass right over me. I’m so young and inexperienced compared to him, not to mention I’m scarred both inside and out.
Yet, when I’m with Doc, he doesn’t make me feel inadequate. Not in any way. Not for a single second. Which makes me appreciate him so very much.
Hunger shines in his brown eyes as he settles between my thighs and spreads me wide for his mouth. When he fixes those eyes on mine, I know for a fact he’s not thinking about anyone but me. There’s nothing about his manner to suggest he feels disappointed that I’m not more beautiful or more experienced or just…more.