Page 24 of Haunted Tides
“No chance,” Lincoln laughed as he took my hand and pulled me away. I went willingly. Hell, I’d follow him anywhere but here at this point.
“We’re going to have to break down and call the Polterguys, aren’t we?” I said as we got in the car.
“Probably,” Lincoln admitted. Neither one of us really acted like we wanted to do it though.
“I have nothing against them. They were fantastic,” I start. “It’s just we’ve never had to rely on anyone else, and not for anything this extensive. It feels like we failed.”
“I’d say we only fail if we refuse help,” he sighs. “Even I can admit this is bigger than us. We’ll never get through everything and weed out the unimportant chatter we’re picking up.”
“You’re right,” I agreed with a sigh. We’d been talking so I wasn’t paying attention where we were heading. “Wait. Is this…?”
“Somehow this tiny little town has a few hidden gems. I drove by yesterday on my way to grab our supplies,” Lincoln grinned. He climbed out and came around to my side of the car and opened the door. “It’s not exactly bowling, but I figured it would do.”
Bowling. Our first real hangout and the first moment he showed me his dominant side. I swear my panties melted on the spot and I was a goner.
But of all the things I’d thought we’d be doing today, ax throwing was just about last on the list. How Serenity Harbor even had something like this was beyond me.
“You do know I have weak noodle arms, right?” I joked. He shook his head at me but his grin was adorable.
“Then I’ll just win,” he challenged. Damn, he knew how to get me.
“Well, I do love flannel,” I joked as I modeled the red and blue flannel I was currently wearing. “I’ll fit right in.”
“See, all this time I just never knew that female lumberjacks were my kink,” he teased.
“It must be the big muscles and impeccable taste in fashion,” I agreed with a grin. He cracked up as I flexed my nonexistent bicep muscles.
“Come on,” he said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and tucked me under his actual muscled arm. “How about we make a bet? Winner gets to choose dinner. And if I win, I get to spank that adorable ass of yours and fuck you until you forget your name.”
“You know,” I joked. “For some crazy reason my arm just isn’t feeling right. I might not be able to kick your ass after all.”
“And if you win,” he continued with a smirk. “I’ll do whatever you say in bed.”
I gasp. “Even face masks? Spa night?” He groaned dramatically but nodded.
At his answer I jumped around and flexed again. “Suddenly I’m feeling alright. Let’s go.”
“Oh thank god,” the man behind the counter rumbled as we walked in. He looked like he belonged in a hipster bar, not this sleepy town. His ears were gauged, his red hair buzzed and beard full, his tattoos and band shirt stood out almost as starkly as we did here.
“Going crazy?” I asked. “Do you get a big tourist flow for the shop other times of the year?”
“Nah,” he admitted. “This was my old man’s place. But maybe with that museum of yours it’ll turn things around.”
“How did you know we’re up at the museum?” Lincoln asked as he glanced over the price list.
“Word travels fast in this hellhole,” he snorted. “Plus, you stand out as bad as I do. It’s nice that they’re no longer bitching about the guy who went up to the city and threw his life away. Not like my dad wasn’t a piece of shit and drove me away.” He rolled his eyes and shook off the anger that was rising. His cheeks were even starting to redden with it.
“I know that feeling,” I told him. “I hope you get away again if that’s what you want.”
“I’m trying to convince my Ma to come travel with me. She’d love it up in Portland,” he sighed. “But you aren’t here to hear about my sad life. I suspect you’re here to learn how to fight off all those ghosts up there on the beach.” It was a joke but Lincoln and I shared a look.
The moment the guys figured out what we needed, he gave us a quick safety demo and handed over axes. But I couldn’t hold back anymore.
“So, you grew up here?” I called out. He was nearby so he casually walked over and leaned against the wall to watch.
“I did,” he confirmed.
“Got any spooky stories for us?” I prompted as I aimed for the target and chucked the ax with everything I had. When it landed right in the center I let out a victory screech that rivaled a pterodactyl and had both men jumping.