Page 6 of Ace of Diamonds (Wonderland 3)
Sasha continues, “And we need to get you out there to squash rumors and to give you some power. You don’t want to enter the Sidorov family with them thinking they can push you around. You have to have some strength in this union, or whatever it’s going to be, too. I refuse to let you be the victim in this situation. If the Sidorovs want a Morelli in their bloodline, fine. But they are going to respect you, and that happens by having strength.”
Sasha has always been my greatest cheerleader and it’s no different now. Her pom-poms are on full display, and I love her for it. She has a way of making me feel like I can actually achieve what she sees for me… even if it’s only for a short time.
“Nick isn’t going to want me at Wonderland. I left—”
“Hush,” she interrupts. “Nick doesn’t get to dictate a thing from this day on.”
“But I left him. He didn’t want it to—”
“Nick let you go,” she cuts in with a shrug. “Let him see what he lost.”
“He didn’t exactly let me go. It’s complicated,” I defend.
I think if Nick had known I was actually auctioned to the Sidorovs to be married, he’d burn the entire place down before allowing that to happen. Yes, he let me go… but neither he norI really knew exactly what that truly meant. There was so much betrayal by people who were supposed to love us. My father, my brother, Cora… If Nick ever found out about what that woman did to me—to Nick, he’d burn her down as well.
She rolls her eyes. “I’m not going to try to understand that psychopath. I know there’s a side of him that makes you… care for him? I don’t know, and frankly I don’t want to know. That’s all behind you now. But what I do know is that everyone in the world of importance is going to be at Wonderland. Many are curious as to what’s been going on. People want to see Nick since there were rumors he was dead, retiring, or that he was married to a Moroccan princess. But more importantly, word is out there that there’s a new Morelli in town and all eyes want to see who it is.” She takes the dress from me and holds it against my body. “And you are going to look hot when all eyes get a look at you. It’s time Lyriope Morelli shines bright.”
The one thing about Sasha is that she’s stubborn as hell. If she says I’m going to Wonderland, I know the chances of me getting out of it are nonexistent. And maybe there’s a small part of me that does want to go. To see Nick…
Okay, so maybe there is a big part of me that wants to lay eyes on him again. Even if it’s just as a spectator in Wonderland.
“I thought Wonderland is invite only,” I throw out there as I wrap my head around actually being in the same room with Nick again.
Sasha rolls her eyes. “From now on, you’re going to be on any guest list you want to be on. Remember who you are now. LyriopeMorelli.”
My stomach is doing flips at the thought of seeing Nick, as well as feeling like an imposter, and I feel I need to change the subject to help control the raging emotions inside of me.
“Did Sarah say anything else to you?” I ask, wondering how the woman feels about having the bastard baby living under herroof. She can’t be happy that I’m in her house. I’m sure I’m a reminder of her husband’s indiscretions. “Is she upset that I’m here?”
“Why don’t you ask Sarah yourself,” I hear from behind me.
I turn with fast-blinking eyes and see Sarah enter the room unnoticed. Her red hair, green eyes remind me of a goddess and yet I don’t feel she sees me in the same positive light.
My heart sinks to my gut. I feel like I just got caught gossiping which isn’t the best way to start my stay here.
Luckily, Sasha must pick up on my discomfort because she quickly jumps between us and gives Sarah a hug and a kiss on each side of her face. “Aunt Sarah, so good to see you. Wait until you see all the clothes I bought for Lyriope. I’m not sure I could do as good of a job as you could, but we have a lot to play with here. I also got her some basic jewelry and accessories.”
Sarah’s eyes dart from me to the racks of clothing, and then back to me. “Lyriope,” she begins as she strokes her red nails along her necklace, her lip curled, nose wrinkled, and she instantly makes me feel that my name burns her tongue as she says it. “To answer your question, I don’t have a feeling one way or the other about you being here. I don’t care. I only care about things of importance.” She raises her hand to stop me or Sasha from speaking. “And before you take that as an insult, it isn’t intended as such. I’ve known about you since the day you were born. I know about your brother, and even your mother. I’m not a woman who has been in denial or kept in the dark.” She closes the distance between her and the clothing rack and begins fingering through it. “I simply don’t care. I never have.” She looks over her shoulder at me. “So don’t look at me with pity in your eyes, or even fear. I’m indifferent. Always have been.”
I’m speechless and can only close my open mouth as I shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other. I glance at Sasha who also seems surprised by her aunt’s words. The awkward silencein the room is finally broken when Sarah shakes her head and makes her way to the door.
“Bryant wants her to wear red tonight to the dinner. There’s nothing in those racks that will do. I’ll have something sent up soon.”
She doesn’t say another word or even give us a silent goodbye with a nod of the head or a pause in her step.
She simply leaves.
Sasha releases a deep breath that I wonder if she had been holding. “Well… welcome to the Morellis. You’re about to get a crash course on how fucked up this family truly is.”
Chapter Four
My staff arelined up to greet me as I enter my house. I close my eyes as the door closes and inhale deeply.
Home. My home.
It used to be my favorite place on earth. Lock me inside for a lifetime, and I’d be okay. But now… there’s a void. Lyriope isn’t here and—