Page 37 of Ace of Diamonds (Wonderland 3)
“But I can’t do this to you,” I say, feeling like my knees will buckle even as Nick continues to lead me gracefully in the dance. “This was what my mother did to us every time things didn’t go her way—which was all the time. We ran. We’d escape reality in hopes of finding the dream. The thing is, we never found the dream. It was a constant search with no happily ever after in sight.”
Straightening my shoulders and strengthening my spine, I swallow back all the feelings of hope that I could indeed leave this awful mess behind and be whisked off into the sunset by my knight in shining armor. I could be safe. I could be free. But that is not my story. My story is one of a bastard child on the quest for finding approval from a father who never claimed her. I need to remember all the past mistakes of my mother and not repeat them. I have no choice but to remain focused. Being rescued by Nick will not end this nightmare. Nick can’t give me the happily ever after as badly as I’d like to have that happen.
“If I disappear, there will be a war.”
Nick tightens his grip on my hand, and his jaw clenches. “There will be a war no matter what you do. You might as well be happy. Find joy where you can. With me.”
“I’m sorry, Nick. I’m so sorry. But you really should leave now.”
Breaking our physical connection, I spin on my heels and walk away before I can change my mind. Walking away from my salvation is harder than anything I have ever done.
Chapter Nineteen
Fuck that.
I’m not going to leave no matter how many times Lyriope tells me to. I know why she’s doing this. She’s wanting to protect me. For my sake. But what she doesn’t know is I do not need protection. I’m goddamn invincible once I have my mind set on something. And right now, my mind is set on her.
As Lyriope walks back to Bryant, I notice Sidorov and he are in a heated conversation. So much so that they don’t notice me as I approach to retrieve my cane. I’m close enough to hear the conversation and decide to reach for a drink from the passing waitress and enjoy the show. All I need is a bag of popcorn and things would be delightful.
“Unacceptable! Completely unacceptable,” Bryant seethes. He doesn’t even notice that Lyriope is standing next to him, or if he does, he isn’t acknowledging it.
“Something came up, and he couldn’t make it,” Sidorov says, his eyes darting around the room. It doesn’t appear he’s worried about Bryant’s rage, but more that the guests of the party are going to catch on that some drama is occurring. That’s his first mistake. He should worry about Bryant over all else. If I liked the man, I’d maybe step in and try to help the poor fucker and defuse the situation.
But I hate him and will enjoy watching him burn.
“It’s his fucking engagement party,” Bryant booms. “An engagement party that I didn’t even want to happen in the first place. And now you’re telling me that Pavel had something more important than showing up?”
“He sends his regrets,” Sidorov says in a low voice, taking a step closer to Bryant so the conversation can be more private.
His second mistake. He shouldn’t be getting closer to Bryant. He should be keeping his distance. I like to poke a bear. I enjoy the thrill. But I wouldn’t enter the cage as I do it.
“I’m. Over. This.” Bryant points his finger toward Sidorov’s chest. “I’ve had my patience pushed far enough. You can tell that fucking twerp of a nephew of yours that the engagement is off. Over my dead body will I allow anyone with my blood in their veins to marry that man. The deal is off.”
For the first time, Sidorov raises his voice. “You can’t do that. A deal is a deal.”
“I break deals all the time. You want to know why? Because I can,” Bryant counters, his men gathering near their boss as they can sense the tension between the two men is growing.
I notice that Lyriope is looking at me wide-eyed. I can’t tell if she’s afraid, surprised, or if there is a small part of her that believes her father is finally fighting for her honor. Although I know this has nothing to do with Lyriope but all to do with the fact that Bryant feels disrespected, and everyone knows not to disrespect Bryant Morelli. Everyone except Pavel Sidorov.
Pavel really was such an easy man to lead astray. A simple phone call, a few texts when he should have been dining and impressing Bryant Morelli, a promise of prestige and lifetime invites to Wonderland, a little payoff… Pavel was by far the easiest man to manipulate in my dirty dealing career. Having the man miss his own engagement party should have been so much harder to arrange.
And yet… success.
“In Italy—”
“Fuck Italy,” Bryant seethes, leaning in. “And fuck you for even getting involved. I shouldn’t have even lowered myself to the Sidorov level and negotiated with low-level criminals. But I did, and I tried to make the best out of it. But this”—he motions around him—“is over. Over.”
Bryant moves to leave, but Sidorov grabs him by the arm.
Third mistake.
“You can’t just walk out of here and—”
“Get your fucking hand off me.” Bryant is cool, collected, and so very sinister. I have a new respect for the man right now.