Page 35 of Ace of Diamonds (Wonderland 3)
Icannot believethis is actually happening. This man—Nick Hudson—has the balls to come tonight, knowing that Bryant doesn’t want him here. He is even more crazy when he follows me inside and walks right up to my father as if it’s the most ordinary thing in the world to do so.
Is he absolutely insane, or just so arrogant that he believes he is invincible? To not only show his face as a party guest but to do so standing in front of Bryant Morelli himself is just plain reckless and clearly lacking any regard for his own life.
“Bryant,” Nick says, locking eyes with my father.
“What are you doing here?” Bryant asks in a calm but almost deadly voice.
“Enjoying the festivities of course. I’m so pleased that the Sidorovs invited me.”
I watch Bryant’s eyes dart to Sidorov who is standing and laughing boisterously across the room. They then narrow in on Nick who is now looking directly at me with a devilish look in his eyes and that Cheshire grin that tells me he is up to no good.
And then… he reaches out to me. Oh God, why is he doing this?
Staring down at Nick’s extended hand in disbelief, and then up into his eyes as he asks, “May I have this dance?” I struggle not to laugh at the absurdity of this man and how foolish he is being.
“Get the fuck out of here,” Bryant says in a low tone that only Nick and I can hear. “I told you to stay the hell away from her.”
“I’ve never been a man to follow orders, Bryant. You should know this by now.”
He nods. “I’ll leave. But first, I’d like to dance with your daughter.” He extends his arms to the guests all around. “It would be such a shame to cause a scene at this party. No need for unpleasantness.” He then smiles, leans casually against his cane, and adds, “It’s not like her soon-to-be husband is here to witness it or anything. Where is good ol’ boy Pavel anyway?”
I notice something in the way Nick smiles at me that there is more to that question. Does he know where Pavel is? Did he do something to Pavel? Nick is still a mystery to me in so many ways, but I’m getting good at reading him. There’s something… fishy about the way he asked that question.
“One dance,” my father snaps. “And then get the fuck out of here.”
I don’t want to dance, but I know I have zero choice in this matter. I need to dance simply to attempt to extinguish the flames searing between the two men. Nick is stoking a dangerous fire, and I want to get him as far away from Bryant as I can.
Taking his hand, Nick leans his cane up against a table, then leads the way to the dance floor. A big part of me is grateful for the reprieve from being forced to stand by my father’s side all evening doing nothing else. Nick places his hand on my lower back, and gently guides me to an empty spot on the floor amongst the dancing couples. A melodic waltz masters the air as Nick spins me around to face him. Grabbing one of my hands in his and then placing his other on my upper back, he presses his chest to mine, clearly understanding how to handle the dance of the elite. I have no idea how to dance like this, but with howfirmly Nick is holding me, I have a feeling all I will have to do is follow his lead. So fitting considering I’ve never felt safer in my life than when I’ve followed his lead.
As we begin to take slow steps to the right, set to the rhythm of the music, I ask, “Do you have a death wish, Mr. Hudson?”
“A dance with you could be worth it,” he counters as he slowly spins me around in an effortless motion.
“I’m not worth dying over,” I say, slightly taken aback by his declaration.
Nick’s fingers lower down to my lower back, mimicking hot wax dripping down a candle. His strength and strong position make it easy for me to dance along, never wanting to be free from his arms again. He not only knows how to dance; he knows how to do it well.
“You are worth so much more. The sad thing is you have spent your entire life around people who make you feel less.” He sweeps me across the room with expert grace, making eye contact as we move toward the left. His eyes hold mine, even as our bodies move.
Chest to chest, I can feel the beat of his heart.
Body to body, I can feel his warmth.
So close, so intimate, yet so very distant. We are destined to be apart but connected only by music and the provocative steps of the dance.
“In another life, you and I could have really been something special,” I confess.
“I only have this life. I learned a long time ago to make the best out of this one life we have. I don’t wantwhat-ifs.”
I’d have pulled away this very minute had he not twirled me around, bringing me back to him slightly dizzy, seductively connecting our lower halves. I can feel the muscles of his biceps as he holds me in place. I can feel his breath as he looks downupon me. Such power, such dominance in this exotic and erotic dance move.
I thought dancing a waltz was old and stuffy.
Nick is proving otherwise.
He towers over me, yet holds me securely in place, never once wavering or threatening to let me go. The display of control sends a small shiver through me as he masters my body to the beguiling notes of the music.