Page 2 of Ace of Diamonds (Wonderland 3)
It breaks my heart to watch how Lyriope stares up at the mansion with a look of awe, possibly hope, and finally living a dream I know she’s always had. This mansion is a huge difference from the low-level, flea-infested apartments she always lived in growing up. She’s come a long way from squatting in her car. She finally gets to live the life that has always been just out of reach her entire life. She’s standing next to Bryant Morelli—her father—and about to enter the mansion she’ll be living in, even if it’s only temporary.
But I know how this story ends. Any outsider could see that this is not going to be the dream she fantasized about. Bryant is a fucking prick. His family only tolerates the patriarch because they have to. He’s an ass, and it’s only a matter of time until Lyriope learns this. And when she does, her heart is going to shatter into a million pieces and there is nothing I, or anyone, can do to stop this from happening.
“Do I have to go there and drag your ass home?” Harrison’s words break me from my thoughts. “At least come home to sleep. Tomorrow morning we have a meeting with the owners of the warehouse for the next Wonderland. I promised them that you’d be there too. They want to meet the notorious Nick Hudson. You’re like a modern-day Gatsby.”
I smirk at his words, impressed that the man knows me so well that bringing up Wonderland is the only thing that can make me find my center, refocus, and get my shit together.
“Is that weasel Sidorov in the States yet? The one Morelli promised her hand in marriage to?” I ask.
“He is. I’ve been informed he’s scheduled to attend a dinner tonight at the Morelli mansion, so you at least have until then to lose your fucking mind. Come home for a nap at the very least. Plan your idiotic assault for the night rather than in the middle of the day. At least give me that.”
I nod, not that Harrison can see me do it. “I’ll meet you at the house in fifteen,” I finally acquiesce. “We have some work to do for Wonderland. You’re right about that.”
Harrison chuckles. “No sleep for the wicked, but I’ll work my ass off if it means you’re starting your car and heading home. See you in fifteen.”
The phone goes dead, no doubt Harrison getting off the line before I change my mind.
Lyriope has entered the house and there is nothing to stare at, obsess over, except the large door flanked by expensive statues, the seasonal flowers planted and tended by staff, and an eerie coldness that surrounds the mansion. An icy cold feeling that I’m afraid will freeze Lyriope to the bone.
But Harrison is right. I need a plan. I’ll scorch the earth before I’ll let a Sidorov have her as his wife, but I’m also a cunning son of a bitch and need to use my head.
However, the voices ricocheting off my brain are loud, and I need to silence them.
But my queen—the only woman who has the ability to soothe the chaos inside of me—is now locked in a tower out of my reach. I’m not sure the madness can dissipate without her.
My straightjacket feels tighter and tighter by the second.
Chapter Two
We sat in silence for almost the entire flight from Italy to Bishop’s Landing. Or more likeIstayed in silence. If Bryant spoke, it was to his men or on the phone. He sat with his laptop typing up a storm for the duration of the trip. I tried not to take it personally or read into it. I know it’s going to take time for my father and me to form a relationship. It’s going to be awkward and uncomfortable to begin with. I know this. I’m not going to fool myself into believing that we’re going to instantly become family just because we are finally in each other’s presence.
Had I hoped we would have a chance to talk on the flight? Of course. But I kept telling myself that Bryant was a busy man. A powerful man. And I’m sure his trip to Italy has put him behind in his business matters. I can’t help but feel guilty for all the trouble I’ve caused, but maybe there will be a silver lining in all this. Maybe this was the only way for us to connect. Maybe everything happened the way it did in order for me to finally meet my father and his family.
Was I also upset that my half brother disappeared the minute I was in their custody? Yes. I wanted to meet Lucian. I had so many questions and had hoped he did as well. I had hoped that he would be curious about his long-lost sister and be as anxious to meet me as I am to meet him. But no…
The people pleaser in me wants to remain quiet. I don’t want to disturb the peace. I want Bryant to feel like I’m easy to be around, pleasant, and maybe question why he’s taken so long to get to know me in the first place. But there’s still so much to say. So much to discuss. As we get closer to the States, I feel like I have to try to have a conversation about what occurred in Italy. I can’t simply say nothing anddonothing.
“Can we discuss what happened in Italy?” I say, my voice hoarse from not speaking for so long and obviously needing to drink some water.
“What’s there to discuss?” Bryant doesn’t even look up from his phone to speak to me.
“You aren’t expecting me to marry a complete stranger, right?”
He finally looks up at me. “That was the deal.”
“But…” I open my mouth to object, but how do you argue against such a crazy idea?
“What did you expect to happen?”
“Not to have to marry someone I don’t even know,” I answer, feeling a sense of betrayal. I had trusted my father. I had felt that deep down he’d never allow this to happen. “You don’t have to allow this.”
“I gave my word,” he says.
“I thought you just did that to get me home safely.”