Page 3 of Blackmailed in the Boudoir (Blackmail Fantasies 3)
“Yeah, me neither. But I mean, it’s okay. He can have friends who are female, right? I’m open-minded. Besides, he likes me, so, there’s nothing really to worry about.” I laugh a little as I sip my drink, wondering if I looked as much an idiot as I felt in that moment.
“Right. Absolutely. You’re amazing Ginny, don’t even think about it. Let’s get another drink!” Micky laughs, trying to distract me.
I finish my drink as we walk over to the bar and order another. As soon as I get mine, Xavier taps me on the shoulder.
“Ginny, hey, can we talk alone for a minute?” Suspiciously, he won’t look me in my eye, and his tone is urgent and low, as if he has a secret. I notice the buttons of his white collared shirt are unbuttoned, and wonder how and when that happened.
My stomach starts hurting; this is going to be bad.
“Okay, yeah,” I mumble. He walks me over to the corner of the room, away from the loud music and the crowd.
“So, you know, I really think it’s time we take a little break from this relationship. I really like you, Ginny, because you’re so interesting and everything. But I think we just haven’t connected lately, and it’s best if we take some time apart. I just need someone who gets me, you know? I need someone to work out with, and someone that wants to stay fit and healthy. I hope you understand.” He says all this quickly under his breath and doesn’t look me in the eye.
I’m stunned. I knew I wasn’t going to like this conversation, but I did not expect this.
“You’re breaking up with me? Here? Now? Really?” I feel so stupid, as if I can’t comprehend what he’s saying.
Xavier doesn’t look apologetic at all.
“Well, yeah, yes. I’m sorry. Um, I’ll talk to you later sometime okay?” He abruptly turns around and walks directly back to Courtney, who’s watching and waiting for him in the corner. The bitch is practically licking her red lips like a cat who got into the cream. Ugh. I am so, so, stupid.
My eyes start stinging with tears and my stomach is folding in on itself. Micky must have been watching the whole thing because I feel her arms around me.
“Come on, let’s go,” she says. I didn’t even notice she was walking me out of the party until we hit the stairs and it got quiet. We walked outside and I sat on the curb, needing to take a moment to breathe. My mind was racing with a million thoughts, but the biggest one was just how stupid I really was.
“Should I have seen this coming? Am I really that stupid to think that someone like Xavier could ever be into someone like me?” I wail. I’m crying now, and I’m angry that I’m crying. I don’t want to be that pathetic girl crying on the curb over some stupid boy.
“No, no, no. He’s the idiot Ginny, not you! This isn’t about you, it’s about him and his dumb ass self.” Micky holds me and grabs my hand, pulling me up. We stumble back to the apartment and I get into my bed immediately, throwing the high heels across my room and hitting the wall. I imagine Xavier’s face on the wall, and hope to god that somehow, he can feel the shoes hitting his face.
But right now, I just need to sleep. Humiliation and embarrassment suffuse my form, but I shut my eyes and force myself to relax. Tomorrow will be a new day, and I’ll do something special for myself. Maybe I’ll go to the park and treat myself to some ice cream. Ugh. That’ll just make me put on weight.
But what should I do? I have no idea yet, but something will come to mind.
I wake up the next day and immediately feel terrible, remembering what happened last night. I lay in bed for a few hours, alternating between reading and scrolling through my phone. I decide to clear Xavier off all my social media. I figure the best thing I can do for my mental health is at least try to not look at his pictures.
Micky knocks on my door and comes in tentatively, dressed as if she’s already left the house and come back. She sees me in my pajamas, under my covers, and I put a pillow over my head to block her out. I don’t want to face reality yet.
“Hey Gin, how are you doing? Can I get you something to eat?” she says in a kind voice. My best friend walks towards my bed and grabs my foot, squeezing it reassuringly. I jerk away.
“No thanks. I think I’m going to order a pizza. Then I’m going to watch movies all day in my bed. That’s what I’ve decided. If you want, you can join me.” I wrap my covers around my curvy form, my softest blanket acting as my protection from the real world.