Page 91 of Blackmailed By My Dad's Boss (Blackmail Fantasies 2)
I scream with giddiness, his happiness further fueling my own. I’m so happy and excited to be growing a family with the man I love.
“We’re having another kid!” I’m not going to lie, Brick seems even more excited than I am, and I am pretty freaking excited.
“I hope Harlow will like having a sibling. She’s had two years of being the focal point of our lives.”
“Harlow is going to be the greatest big sister,” I reassure him.
“She will, won’t she?”
I nod, smiling. At two, she’s already so kind. I know parents always think they have the best baby, but Harlow really is an amazing kid. If she isn’t number one, our kid cracks the top ten at least.
“And I promise to buy only one crib this time,” Brick jokes.
“We really want overboard before Harlow was born, huh?”
“Baby, we lost our damn minds.”
“Fuck, we really did.”
“But we’re pros at this now,” Brick says. “We could have ten kids and not miss a single step.’’
“Ten kids? You want ten kids?” Brick and I have never discussed how many kids we want. Harlow, though a blessing, was a huge surprise. Not much happened in the way of talking about having more kids because we were so focused on the one on the way, and that focus has not wavered. But having more kids makes sense. The number ten is what surprises me.
“Oh, I just threw that number out there. I’m saying we are great parents, and we’re going to raise great kids.”
That makes sense, but thinking about ten kids running around this house? I’m actually not upset by the idea.
“I mean, I wouldn’t mind a full house, if that’s something you want.”
“Yeah,” Brick responds like this is the first time he’s really thought about it. “Yeah, let’s have a bunch of kids!”
I’m giggling now because Brick is such a goofball, but I am 100% on board.
Brick’s body descends on mine once again, his hands touching my body.
“Why don’t we get a head start on our brood?” He presses himself into my side, ready to get started.
“Brick, I’m already pregnant.”
“Well, practice makes perfect, baby.” I laugh as his lips find a spot on my neck.
I never thought a perfect life was possible, but here I am, living it.
Epilogue 2
Ten years later.
“Hey, little firecracker.” I catch one of my younger sons before he falls after running smack into my legs. The other kids avoid crashing into me and continue rushing off. “Where’s everybody going?”
“Harlow has a bunch of new toys, and Momma said we can all help unbox them!” Arlo shouts in a flurry of excitement.
“Oh, I see.” Harlow’s unboxings are big events in this household. If it’s a big haul, the whole family is allowed to get in on it, or at least the ones who can be of any help. The twins are still a little too young to enjoy something like that. And I should go check on them before I join in on this family party scene.
“Okay, go join everybody else, but watch where you’re going. I don’t want my little dude getting hurt.”
“Okay, Dad!” Arlo goes to join his mom and siblings. I put my briefcase down and head upstairs. Sammie and Sofie are currently sharing a room. When we got the news that Tammy was having twins, it was a shocker. After five kids, you think you’re prepared for it all, and then something like this happens. We had already planned on moving since space was becoming limited and the kids getting older meant they were probably going to want more room. But having twins on the way pushed that plan into high gear.
We managed to find a place that had a room for each kid, but we’ve kept the twins together because they are young and it’s easier to have them in close quarters. For now, at least.
I tiptoe in their room. As expected, they are fast asleep. We’re fast coming up on their first birthday. We celebrate a lot of birthdays now, but the ball never gets dropped on one. We’ve found a system that works for our family.
I look down at my two youngest children and smile. They’ve been in the room for some unboxings. I think Tammy might let them participate a little bit more in the coming months. A lot of the companies who send Harlow toys to feature on her YouTube channel send things for the other kids as well. If we can get them out of the shipping boxes ahead of time, the twins could tear at some of the wrapping paper. It would just take some extra preparation time.
I leave the twins to their sleep and head downstairs to help out with the family unboxing. Typically, I stay off camera and help with any behind-the-scenes logistics. We have enough people to fill up the screen today either way.