Page 82 of Blackmailed By My Dad's Boss (Blackmail Fantasies 2)
“No, that’s not it. You always do this when you’re really frustrated about something.”
“I’m fine, Robert. I just wanted to focus.”
“Okay,” he throws up his hands, dropping the subject. But I can tell he has more questions.
I wait for Robert to leave, but he stays in my office like he’s expecting something.
“What is it, Robert?”
“You should come out with me and Nancy tonight. We’re going to this bar close by—”
“Wait,” I cut him off, “you and Nancy are going to a bar?” I’m completely caught off guard by this.
“Uh, yeah. One of the local ones to blow off some steam. And you should join us. Clearly, you need to relax.”
“Why are you and Nancy going to a bar?” I heard Robert asking me to go with them, but I’m hyperfocused on the fact that they were planning on hanging out together. Alone! It’s obvious the invitation being extended to me was a spur-of-the-moment decision.
“We’re going because we want to check it out. Are you okay?” Robert has to see how strange this is. I mean, we’ve worked with Nancy for years, and while I do like her very much, we’ve never hung out together outside of work.
I guess I’m confused, but that’s not a reason to say no. The reason to say no is that I’d rather go home.
“I’m fine, but I’m not sure I should go with you guys. I planned on heading straight home after this.”
“Oh, right. How are things with Tammy? You guys have plans tonight?”
“Things are fine, and no, we don’t have plans. Tammy is spending the night with her friend. I was just going home.”
“Wait a second,” Robert holds up his hand, the signal for me to wait for him to state his piece. “So your girlfriend is not home, and you still don’t want to come get a drink with me? Is it because Nancy’s coming? I promise, it’s not weird.”
“It’s not Nancy, and it is weird,” I let Robert know. “I don’t know, man.” I can’t think of an excuse that isn’t whiny, so I fold. “Fine, I’ll go with you guys. You’re going right after work?”
“Yep,” Robert smiles. “I’ll text you the address. We’ll all meet there.” And with that, my friend leaves my office. Dammit! What have I gotten myself into.
I arrive at the bar. Nancy and Robert are already seated and have their drinks ordered.
“Brick! We’re over here!” Nancy yells out, waving me over. I nod in their direction and then head over.
“Hey, guys. I’m not sure how long I can stay,” I tell them while sitting down. Nancy and Robert exchange a look before Robert pushes a drink in my direction.
“Okay, Brick. Why don’t you start with this and we’ll see what happens?” It looks like a Scotch and soda, my usual mixed drink.
“Fine. Thanks for the drink.” I pick it up, offering a faux toast before downing the whole glass. Nancy looks at me sideways while taking a long sip on her straw. Robert orders the table more drinks, and now there are two more drinks in front of me. I had a very different image of how tonight was going to go, but nothing that I’ve wanted has happened so far.
I might as well say fuck it at this point. Picking up my two new drinks, I down them one after the other and then get us the next round.
Let’s do this.
I don’t know how much time has passed, but I have put a lot of alcohol in my body. We just kept getting more and more drinks; I didn’t pay attention to how many.
But I can definitely feel the effects of the alcohol now.
“Have you had enough?” Robert asks me. He seems to have his wits about him. I’m starting to wonder if this was some kind of plan he and Nancy put together.
“I’m fine. In fact, I could have another.” I start to order another, in fact, but after thinking about it, I decide that maybe I should slow down and get something into my stomach. “But I’m going to get something to eat instead.” This is the type of bar with a wait staff, so I order some greasy food off the menu and take a sip of water.
“So, tell us what’s going on.”
“Going on where?”
“At home. With your girlfriend, Tammy. The reason you’ve been out of the office for a week.”
I look at my friend. He did do this on purpose. Whenever I drink too much, my lips get a little loose. I’ve never let anything of import slip, but it’s easier to pry information out of me if you know the right buttons to push.
“Well, not much is going on with her. She’s somewhere else tonight.”
“We know that, Brick. But what else is going on?” Nancy asks a bit slyly.
“I don’t know,” I shrug, exaggerating the gesture. “Tammy’s not talking to me. She spent the entire week in bed, and the second she gets out of it, she goes off for a sleepover at her friend’s house. So I don’t know,” I admit.