Page 31 of Blackmailed By My Dad's Boss (Blackmail Fantasies 2)
The last thing I have to do is turn the security cameras back on. I made sure they were off so there would only be one tape from tonight. No need for my employees to know about my extracurricular activities. The tapes aren’t checked on a regular basis anyway. They’re more to give us something to review if need be.
Oh, it’s been a long day. Work was drawn out, and ending the day with a pornographic film shoot was definitely something I was not planning on. But I do have to say that it was one of the best endings to a day I’ve ever had.
“Time to head home,” I say to myself. There’s nothing I can do right now to figure out the next steps for this situation. What I need is sleep. I’m sure that once I’m rested and without sex on the brain, I’ll come up with a game plan.
Let’s hope it stays nice and simple. I’ve never been a fan of a complicated love life. I haven’t had a girlfriend in such a long time, I’m not sure if that’s something I even want at this point.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. I just need to get my ass back home and get into bed. All of this thinking can be saved for another day.
Oh good God in heaven and mother Mary, what have I done? I took my ass home after everything that happened with Brick. This whole situation just went off the rails. Like the train is in the river, nowhere close to the tracks. Like I may have really fucked up big time.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” I mumble to myself. The whole point was a quick solo session. We were to film me masturbating, and then the two of us were going to part ways. It seemed simpler that way – Brick and I would end the relationship after the exchange – but everything’s changed now.
The session started off pretty well. I managed to get myself in the mood. I mean, it wasn’t very hard for to get turned on with the likes of Brick Barrister standing there. When we first agreed on another tape, I was ready to faint. I mean, how in the world was I going to do all of…that with an audience?
But then I got to thinking, and I actually started getting more and more excited about the idea. Brick is fucking gorgeous, and every time I see him, my heart races.
It dawned on me that this whole endeavor could be a bit of extra fun for me. And to top it all off, I’d be saving my dad’s job.
But holy cow! Before I knew it, Brick was standing right there in front of me. He’d looked so hungry as his eyes scanned my body that I had squirmed under his gaze. Thinking about it right now, I’m antsy. I can’t explain how it started or why it happened, but it did.
He surprised me, but I wanted him. I wanted him badly. Every second he was on top of me, inside of me, I loved it. His hands, his lips, his fucking huge cock – everything was so perfect. He was so dominating, so in control.
And if he wanted to do it again, I would. In a heartbeat. It may have been the best sex of my life. I came multiple times. His whole body felt like something celestial, something out of this world. My face gets hot just remembering.
But where does that leave me now? I had this whole plan in my head that after I delivered the video to Brick and fulfilled my end of the deal, I would wash my hands of Brick. It would all just be a weird story. Maybe years down the road, I would be able to tell people about the time I got caught masturbating in my dad’s boss’s office.
But having sex with Brick has brought us into a different territory now, right? It completely changes the dynamic of our relationship. Are the two of us dating now? Are we together?
I abruptly sit up in my bed at the thought. Oh good God. Me date Brick Barrister? Could anyone even imagine?
I snort because of course we aren’t dating. It was just sex. We just had sex. People have casual sex all of the time. But what makes this so confusing is that it’s under unique circumstances, and that makes the whole dynamic that much more confusing for me.
The question still is what are we? Are we bed buddies? Friends with benefits? That doesn’t make sense either because we’re not exactly ‘friends’. We’re hardly even acquaintances. Before that fateful night when I broke into his building, I don’t think I’d seen Brick in five years. I doubt we’d go from practically strangers to romantically coupled so fast.