Page 23 of Blackmailed By My Dad's Boss (Blackmail Fantasies 2)
I need to think of another way to get out this but still get the tape back. There has to be something I can do to convince Brick to give me what I want without screwing myself over.
Oh boy.
So Brick decided to lie in wait for me and then drop the bomb that he wants to make some sort of a deal. I don’t trust him. I know I’m the one who screwed up in the beginning, but Brick has joined in on the shadiness. When he took the tape, I should have done something to stop him, but I was in such a state of shock. There was nothing I could think to do in that moment, but I’m not going to make the same mistake twice.
Brick isn’t going to talk me into a corner today.
“No deal is necessary,” I manage to say in an even tone.
“Oh?” He actually sounds surprised, which is good for me. If I can keep him on his toes, then I just might be able to come out on top of this negotiation.
“Yes.” I roll my shoulders back and stand up straight. Brick is taller and more physically intimidating than me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t posture. “What you’re going to do is return the tape to me because it’s the right thing to do. And you’re a good guy, right?” I’m going to remain firm and stand my ground. I won’t let Brick steamroll over me with his fancy words and roundabout way of talking.
“I’m going to return it? Now why would I do that?” His eyebrow quirks as he challenges me.
I had assumed this wasn’t going to be an easy feat. I’m ready for a little back and forth.
“I just told you. Because it’s the right thing to do. And good guys do the right thing.”
“But it’s technically my property. It was filmed with my equipment, in my studio, on the tape rolls I paid for. I don’t understand what you’re saying. I can’t see any perspective where it isn’t rightfully mine.”
I’m starting to get angry at this point, which is something I didn’t want to do. When I’m mad, I start sputtering and stuttering, and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
My face heats up, and I scrunch my nose, trying to keep calm.
“That’s…that’s not…” I start out, but I don’t know what to say because everything he just said is true, I guess. I don’t actually know the legality of ownership, and it’s not like I can go to a lawyer for a consult. That would just be embarrassing. None of the real chips are on my side, and Brick is making that very clear to me.
“Hmm?” He turns one of his ears toward me condescendingly.
“I didn’t mean to…” I trail off again, unable to finish my thought. I see myself losing ground. Unless I can pull something literally out of my ass, I’m going to be at this man’s mercy. I need to get back to the point.
“To what? You didn’t mean to what, Tammy?”
“I – I,” I’m stammering. He just keeps pushing and pushing and pushing. And now, he’s just a few feet away from me. If I reach out, I could touch him. “I didn’t intend for you to find me. No one was supposed to know. Ever. It was all just one big mistake.” I throw up my hands to solidify my point.
Brick laughs. The sound fills up the section of the greenhouse we’re in. It’s actually quite joyous, his laugh. If I weren’t so flustered, I might join in with my own giggles. That’s how infectious it is. Not just that, but he’s so handsome. His face all lit up with his smile makes me want to keep him laughing all day.
Even if he is the most aggravating person on earth to me right now. We’ve barely interacted with one another, but I don’t think I could ever truly be angry with him. There’s just something about him.
I’m about to throw up my hands and just beg him to give me back the tape when he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small rectangle.
“Is that–”
I excitedly grab it from him. I can’t believe he just took it out in front of me like that. He must have known I would make a grab for it, and he didn’t try to stop me. The tape is mine now. I’m in the clear.
But I know he isn’t stupid enough to let the tape accidentally become mine, so that means he meant for me to have it. Did he make copies or something? Could this be a sick joke?
“You’re just going to give it to me like that? Really? Just like that?” Maybe he doesn’t totally suck. There’s some relief in my heart, and that feels amazing, but I’m also worried that it’s fleeting. Having that tape floating around was giving me so much anxiety.