Page 42 of Blackmailing My Dad's Best Friend (Blackmail Fantasies 1)
“That’s my girl!” my father’s loud mouth shouts.
“Go Rey!” Kane cheers.
Laughing, I turn and hold up my fake diploma, spotting them in the stands cheering and clapping.
After the ceremony is over, I hang behind to pose for photos with the handful of friends I have before my father wants a photo with me. Kane snaps some photos of us before Dad pushes him toward me.
“Take a photo with your goddaughter,” he insists.
Kane wraps an arm around me, and I wrap both arms around him as Dad takes the photo.
“Congratulations,” Kane says, kissing my cheek.
When we get back to the house, a party is waiting for me. My father’s co-workers, our friends, and our family all came over. Searching for Kane, though, I can’t find him anywhere.
Suddenly, Dad asks everyone to step outside. He grabs my hand and leads the way to our driveway. At that moment, Kane pulls up driving a silver Nissan Rogue with a large red bow on it.
“What is this?” I ask, looking back at my father and then at Kane as he gets out of the car.
“Surprise!” they both yell.
“You got me a car?!” I squeal, hugging my father.
“We got you a car,” Kane corrects me.
I jump into his arms next.
“This is too much,” I protest.
“Hey, nothing is too much for you. We wanted to get you something special, and you’re going to need a car to go back and forth to college,” Dad smiles.
“Dad…” I sigh.
“Community college is better than nothing. Think about it over the summer. They accept late admissions.”
“We’ll talk about it later,” I tell him, knowing it’s going to be the same argument that we’ve been having all school year long.
I keep telling him I don’t want to go to college, but I also have no idea where I’ll work either. Especially not now with a baby on the way!
“You want to take her for a spin?” Kane asks, dangling the keys in front of my face.
Grinning, I grab the keys from him.
“I call shotgun!” Chastity squeals, running around to the passenger side.
Two of my cousins call dibs on the backseat. Getting in the driver’s seat, I look back at my father and Kane, who are standing there waving at me. A bundle of nerves sits in the pit of my stomach as I look at them standing side by side, knowing how important their friendship is to them both.
Fear of ruining their friendship crushes me. Not to mention the fear that Daddy will never forgive me for sneaking around with his best friend. I try to push these thoughts to the back of my mind as I pull out of the driveway.
I remind myself that my father loves me and that he will never abandon me like my mother did, no matter what I do. At least, I hope he won’t.
After my drive around the block, I schmooze with my guests, all the while keeping an eye on Kane for an opportunity to get him alone.
“What are your plans for next year?” my great-aunt Brenda asks.
I wish I knew, Aunt Brenda. But I don’t say that. Admitting my uncertainty to distant relatives is asking for unsolicited advice. To be honest, I’m sick of people trying to offer me solutions to a problem I don’t really want to solve.
“I’m still working that out,” I say, seeing Kane look over at me as he sips a glass of wine. “Excuse me for a minute.”
I quickly but non-suspiciously head in the direction of Kane, trying not to make eye contact with anyone else so that they don’t distract me from my mission.
“The lady of the hour,” he smirks. “Are you loving all of the attention?”
I laugh, “Not really. Can we talk privately?”
“Sure,” Kane nods and I lead the way to the theater room since it seems to be the only room on the first floor that’s vacant.
Kane shuts the door behind him as I look at the loveseat this all began on. He rubs my shoulders softly.
“I get the feeling something’s wrong,” he says, probably feeling the tension in my body.
I turn around and look at his concerned face.
“I don’t want to keep sneaking around anymore, Kane.”
He swallows and nods. “I know. We can’t keep doing this.”
I smile at him hopefully and wrap my arms around his neck.
“I want everyone to know about us.”
“What?!” Kane practically shouts as he backs away from me.
“I don’t want us to be a dirty little secret anymore. I want to tell my father and hold hands around town and be a real couple…”
“Jesus, Renee,” he groans, backing further away from me and rubbing his forehead. “We can’t tell anyone about this, especially not your father. Us deceiving him? That will break Colt’s heart. Do you want to do that?”
“Of course not, but he’ll understand… eventually.”
“Sweetie, think about what you’re saying. I’m old enough to be your father. Hell, I’m practically your uncle. Do you think that’s going to be okay in a small town?” Kane asks. “They’d look at you disgustedly, and I don’t want that for you.”