Page 36 of Blackmailing My Dad's Best Friend (Blackmail Fantasies 1)
It all feels so surreal, as if we’re a real couple… as if we’re in love. That nagging thought in the back of my mind keeps resurfacing, though. Kane is going along for the ride because I have his journal, and once he has it back, he’s going to put a stop to our secret affair, no matter how much he enjoys the incredible sex we’ve been having.
Waking up on Christmas Eve to snow is always my hope. It never seems to happen, though. This year, when I roll out of bed and look through the curtains, beautiful white flurries are steadily coming down.
After I shower and dress, I head to the kitchen, flip on the Christmas music, and start baking. Daddy groggily comes down the stairs and glares at me.
“Merry Christmas Eve!”
“Renee, it’s seven a.m.”
“It’s Christmas Eve!” I grin.
“All year long, you have to be kicked out of bed to get up for school. But around Christmas time, you’re a morning person. How and why?” Dad asks, shaking his head.
“You know I love this time of year.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m going back to bed for twenty minutes, and then I’ll get up to help you cook,” he says, not sounding thrilled about it.
“Thanks, Dad. Love you!” I call after him.
My text message alert goes off, and I check my phone. Kane sent me a snowflake emoji followed by a text that says, “Dreams do come true!” A huge smile takes over my face, and I realize the holiday season and a Christmas Eve snow aren’t the only reasons I’ve turned bubbly.
Kane makes me light up inside like a Christmas tree. We’ve been messing around since October, but we’ve also been spending quality time together since Dad has been working so much lately.
There are some weeks where we don’t get to see much of each other, and during those times, I long for Kane’s touch or even just to hear his voice. We limit our text messages to platonic topics, not wanting to risk being caught sending each other dirty photos or flirty messages. It’s all so tempting, though.
I wish we could have a real relationship. One where we can openly flirt and kiss or give each other thoughtful Christmas presents that won’t draw any suspicion.
By the time Dad comes back into the kitchen, I have two batches of cookies done and have started preparing the turkey for the oven. We spend the rest of the morning and afternoon cooking and singing Christmas carols before our guests arrive.
Chastity and her parents arrive promptly, which doesn’t surprise me. I take Chastity up to my room to talk privately for a few minutes.
“Your mom looks really good,” I smile, knowing Mrs. Cooper’s cancer just went into remission.
“Yeah, she’s feeling great,” Chastity grins. “Is Kane coming?”
“Yup. I’m nervous about his Christmas present. I wanted to get him something special, but I’m broke.”
“Renee, he’s going to love that painting. You worked so hard on it. Maybe don’t give it to him in front of your dad, though,” Chastity laughs.
“God, no! I didn’t even sign the bottom of the painting—just the back. If Dad happens to ever see it hanging in Kane’s bedroom, he won’t know I painted it.”
“Do you think Kane got you anything?”
“He always does. Usually, he gives me money. Typical godfather gift, you know,” I laugh.
“Rey, how long is this going to go on between you two?” Chastity asks.
“I don’t know. If it were up to me, it would never end.”
She sighs, “You’re just going to have a secret affair forever? You’ve already been lying to your father for months; you’re going to keep it going for years?”
“I’m not lying to Dad, really. I’m just not telling him I’m having sex with Kane, that’s all,” I shrug.
“And what if Kane gets a girlfriend?”
I look at her, feeling burned by the thought. It’s as if Chastity is trying to bring me down. Logically, I know she’s concerned, but I want her to let me enjoy this while I can. I know it’s bound to end at some point. I can’t blackmail Kane forever. Chastity brings up a good point. What if Kane does meet someone? I bet she’ll look nothing like me. She’ll be mature and slender with silky hair and perky boobs and proportioned features on her small frame.
“Then I’ll let him go.”
“I don’t want you getting hurt. This isn’t like Billy or some other high school relationship. This is someone who matters to you.”
I nod, swallowing, not wanting to think about the crushing heartbreak I’d feel once this is all over.
“Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, right?” I force a smile. “I have to go check on the turkey.”
I hurry down the stairs, stumbling down the last one and falling right into Kane’s arms. His strong arms wrap around me as I look into his blue eyes.