Page 24 of Blackmailing My Dad's Best Friend (Blackmail Fantasies 1)
“I get the feeling these kids wear this look all year round,” Kane whispers, leaning into me as he does.
“Funny – high school is a fashion show, and college is an ‘I don’t give a fuck’ show. I probably look like a teacher,” I laugh, giving my blazer a tug.
“A gorgeous teacher,” Kane winks before opening the door to Prescott Hall for me.
We step inside and see the visitor’s table a couple of feet away.
“Hi, I’m here for a student tour,” I smile at the lady.
“What’s your name?”
“Renee Linwood.”
She checks the list in front of her and checks my name off, handing me a visitor’s pass.
“And you’re here with your father?” she asks, looking over at Kane.
I can tell she’s taken aback by his good looks.
“No, my godfather,” I correct her.
“Oh, well, that’s sweet,” she smiles at Kane. “What’s your name?”
Once Kane gets his pass, we’re told to wait for our tour guide. As we wait, the woman who checked us in keeps looking over at Kane.
“You have an admirer,” I smirk up at him.
“Besides you?”
I smack his chest. “Shut up.”
“Are you jealous?”
I shrug. “Only if she’s your type.”
Kane has a hearty laugh about that, and just then, a guy comes over to us.
“Are you Renee?”
“Yes, are you giving us the tour?” I ask as his eyes move to my breasts.
“Uh, yeah. I’m Chris, a sophomore here. Is this your dad?” he asks, putting his hand out to shake Kane’s hand.
“My godfather, Kane,” I correct him.
“Godfather, huh? Should I kiss your ring?” Chris jokes.
I laugh, but Kane gives him a tight smile as he shakes his hand firmly. We follow Chris as he shows us around campus, rambling off facts and information as we go. He’s a good-looking guy in an All-American football player way. He’s clean-cut and cocky… and I can tell Kane hates him.
As we walk by the football field, Chris takes the opportunity to talk about himself and his scholarship.
“Do you like football, Renee?”
I shrug, “It’s not my favorite.”
“So, I’m guessing you’re not on the cheerleading squad then?” Chris laughs.
“Nope, I’m not part of any squad at school.” I shrug.
“It’s probably for the best. I think you’d distract all of the guys from the game,” Chris winks.
“Watch it, buddy,” Kane says, stepping between us.
“Kane,” I look over at him, surprised.
“I didn’t mean to overstep, sir. She’s a very beautiful girl… that’s all I’m saying,” Chris apologizes.
“Thank you, Chris.” I smile at him before making eye contact with Kane.
He looks pissed and sexy as hell. His protectiveness and jealousy is turning me on.
“All right, this concludes the tour. Do you have any questions for me?”
“You spoke about sports and the medical majors a lot, but what about art programs?” I ask curiously.
“Fields isn’t exactly known for art majors or minors. Of course, we have some art courses, but we’re definitely not a creative school.”
“Thanks,” I nod.
After Chris leaves, I walk over to the bleachers and sit down, watching the lacrosse team practice as the sun begins to set behind them. Kane follows suit and sits in the row above me, placing his feet on either side of me as he leans his body back into a reclined position. His knees nudge my arms.
“What time is the meeting with the counselor?”
“In about an hour,” I say numbly.
“We should get something to eat.”
I don’t respond. Kane’s hands on my shoulders startle me. I look back at him and see concern in his eyes.
“Talk to me.”
He moves his feet as I whirl around to face him, but he puts them back as soon as I’m looking up at him. His legs are now locking me in. I wrap my arms behind his knees and place my head in his lap.
“Why did Dad pick this school?”
“I don’t know. It’s not too far away, and it seems like a decent school if you’re interested in the medical field.”
“He wants me to be a nurse or a teacher. He’d even settle for an administrative assistant… something with good, steady work.”
“Rey, he just wants you to think about your future.”
“But I don’t want to be any of those things. I don’t even want to go to college,” I heave out a hefty sigh.
Kane’s hand runs through my hair affectionately.
“Come on, let’s go to dinner. We’ll skip the guidance counselor meeting.”
I look up at him, surprised.
“You’re allowing me to play hooky?”
“I don’t think this school is for you. With kids like Chris going here…”
Biting my bottom lip, I run my hands up Kane’s thighs.
“Now who’s jealous?”
He shakes his head. “I hate these cocky college guys, thinking they can get into your pants.”
“You have nothing to worry about,” I assure him. “There’s only one cock I want in my pants.”
“Renee,” Kane scolds me, but I can see the bulge in his pants grow from my naughty words.
I stand up quickly and hop down the bleachers.