Page 21 of Blackmailing My Dad's Best Friend (Blackmail Fantasies 1)
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask, feeling self-conscious.
“That must have been a good movie, Rey.”
“What do you mean?”
She laughs. “You’re smiling… like, a lot.”
I shrug. “Can’t I just be in a good mood?”
“You’re never in a good mood before school,” Chastity laughs.
I have to laugh too. She’s so right. I’m always grumpy before school and all the way up until the last bell rings. I can’t wait until next semester when my schedule changes and I only have a few classes left to take. School will feel like a half day every day then!
“I’m sure once I get to that hell hole, I’ll be back to my old, miserable, delinquent self,” I tease Chastity with a smile.
The grumpy me doesn’t return, though. Throughout the day, nothing seems to bring me down from my Kane high. Not stupid economics or even English. But all of my doodles have changed. There are no vampire princesses, superheroes, or cute, animated foxes like I usually draw in class. I keep sketching Kane’s face, and if I weren’t in school, I would be sketching other parts of his anatomy as well.
This obsession worries me. Will one night with Kane be enough for me? I can’t blackmail him forever… can I?
I’ve been staring at the same e-mail for the past half hour. Damned if I can concentrate on what the hell it says, let alone reply to it. My mind is still reeling from last night.
Did I really fuck Renee? Little Renee with the curly pigtails who used to sit on my knee and hold my hand to cross the street? How can I be such a dirty dog? How can I betray Colt this way?
Shit, Renee felt so good, though. She’d wanted me inside of her so badly. I don’t know how long she’d been fantasizing about having sex with me, but God knows I’ve been lusting after her for a few years now.
Somehow, she went from that little girl to a full-blown woman overnight. It’s hard for me to think of her the same way. One thing hasn’t changed, though, and will never change… she’s incredibly special to me. Maybe that’s part of why I gave into Renee last night… other than the whole blackmailing bit and the fact that I wanted her badly.
Just like with Colt, Renee has me wrapped around her finger. I have never liked saying no to her. Shit, I don’t think I’ve ever said no to her. I’ve always given in to any request she wanted—whether it was candy or a new bike or not telling her father when she told me she was wearing make-up behind his back when she was thirteen.
There was certainly no way in hell I could say no to her when she was sitting on top of me with no panties on. I’m a sucker for Renee’s pouty lips and big pleading eyes, and my erection is a sucker for the rest of her body.
My eyes shut as I think about her beautiful breasts in front of me as she sunk down onto me. She was so ripe, so lustful, and the way she’d bitten me to keep from screaming had kept driving me closer to the edge.
The phone rings, making me jump and almost knock the computer mouse to the floor.
“Hello?” I answer, my voice sounding hoarse.
Clearing my throat, I try again.
“Raising Kane Construction,” I say with a steadier voice.
“Hey, man,” Colt says. “Sorry I fell asleep last night. Renee said you guys couldn’t make it through the movie either,” he laughs. “I guess we were all exhausted.”
I remind myself to act normal and not like I had sex with his daughter last night.
“Yeah, I was pretty drained.”
The words fly out of my mouth, and I bury my face in my hand, thinking of my own private innuendo.
“Listen, I need to ask you something…”
Shit. Colt knows something. Wait, how the hell would he know? Renee is not going to tell him. I know she was even bluffing about the journal. She would never tell Colt on me. It would ruin her fun and my relationship with both of them. Renee is naughty but not cruel.
Besides, if Colt knows about us, why would he call me up sounding so calm?
“What’s up?” I ask, trying to sound as causal as possible.
“I have this big real estate conference in South Hampton next weekend. I seriously forgot about it when I booked a college tour for Renee.”
“I doubt she’d care if she missed it,” I snort.
“No, I’m sure she’s hoping I’ll cancel it, but I need her to get serious about this stuff. I was thinking you could go with her. She listens to you…”
“Colt, I can’t force her to go to college.”
“I’m not asking you to. I just want you to explain to her the importance of her future and that she needs to decide what her next move is,” he sighs. “She’s not a little girl anymore.”