Page 10 of Backdoor of Sin (Forbidden Fantasies 62)
“Yes, but how have you been satisfying yourself then? Have you, I don’t know, tried sticking your fingers in yourself?”
She laughs, while pointing to her big tummy.
“No, because it’s too awkward when you’ve got a beach ball as a tummy. But actually…” she says, her voice trailing off.
“Yes?” I ask, one black brow quirking. “I’m listening, honey.”
Freya bites her lip, a delicate blush covering her cheeks. Fuck, she’s beautiful and so interesting too. I had no idea that such nasty filth existed in the minds of women. I thought most women pretended to be born-again virgins, but obviously not this sassy girl and it intrigues me. As if reading my mind, Freya takes a deep breath, and meets my gaze head-on.
“Well, I’ve been getting it by attending secret sex parties,” she finally confesses in a low voice. “I know it sounds weird, but it’s a great way to get my craving for deep anal met, and without the entanglements of a relationship.”
I stare at her.
“Secret sex parties? You mean, orgies? Swingers? Shit like that?”
She shakes her head quickly.
“Oh no, it’s not swinging. It’s just a group of like-minded sexy people who like to indulge with their bodies. It works for me because it’s a very non-judgmental setting. No one questions the fact that pregnant women need it too, and if anything, the men love that I beg for it in my ass. Plus, I’m always satisfied in a way that toys just can’t deliver,” she adds in an arch tone.
I’m stunned. Holy shit.
“Wow,” I say. “Just wow.”
Freya nods.
“Itisa wild time, but it’s safe, trust me. It’s run by an organization called the Circle, and basically, they hold private events open to a very select clientele. I joined when I was eighteen, so actually, I’ve been a member for four years now, and they’ve never let me down. I’ve been to a lot of parties too, so I should know,” she adds. “Not just one or two.”
Holy shit. I should be turned off by the fact that this pregnant young woman is admitting to me that she likes to act slutty. That she literally goes to orgies and lets strange men fuck her in the ass, and has been doing so for years now. But instead, I’m aroused and interested, my cock now rock-hard against my thigh.
“So you like these parties because of the no-holds-barred sex,” I rasp in a low voice.
The beautiful brunette nods.
“Yes, and the fact that no one expects anything to last beyond one night,” she says. “Or even beyond one session. People don’t attend Circle events to find a romantic partner, after all. They go to satisfy their physical cravings, so it’s perfect for me.”
I stare at her.
“So you’renotlooking for a relationship?”
Freya giggles while resting her hands protectively on her tummy.
“No, definitely not. I’m going to be a single mother soon, and I’ve got lots on my plate. Plus, I made this choice independently. I used to work at a sperm bank, so I chose the donor and was inseminated before they shut their doors. Now, I’m going to have a baby on my own, and it feels really empowering, actually. Like I’m totally in control of this process, without another person’s meddling and unsolicited opinions.”
I’m floored because this is not what I expected.
“You seem surprised,” Freya says with a smile.
“Iamsurprised,” I acknowledge in a low voice. “I mean, you’re what? Twenty-one? Twenty-two? I thought women of all ages, from eighteen to seventy, were looking for steady boyfriends.”
Freya winks while rubbing her tummy.
“Maybe I will one day in the future,” she concedes. “But not now. This child is mine, and I literally selected the father from a database, so I want to keep going on this path. It feels right and good, and I’m really happy with the choices I’ve made.”
I nod, although inside, my emotions are a confused mess. After all, I thought I was coming over today to make sure that Freya was alright after our frenzied lovemaking, but also to establish the boundaries of our relationship. Mainly, I wanted to make sure that she knows that I’m not available for a relationship.
But now, everything’s been turned on its head because Freya beat me to the punch. Not only is shenotlooking for a relationship with me, but she’s not looking for a relationship withanyone. It blows my mind, after being on the dating market so long and having to fend off the long, sharp claws of multiple desperate women.
“I see,” is all I can manage. “How interesting.”