Page 31 of The Horror of Hell
The others piled in behind him, and the door slammed shut. Ahead of them was a long corridor with doors coming off it. A beige wallpaper with blue flowers decorated the walls, and a brown carpet with a blue runner lay on the floor.
“I don’t think I like the look of this,” Shee suddenly muttered quietly. Chance grunted and stepped forward.
“Bear, get up here; you open left-hand doors, I’ll open the right,” Chance said, the word maze ringing in his ears. As far as he could puzzle out, the corridor stopped at a dead end, so one door had to have a hidden tunnel/exit. Clio and Thalia hugged their heels as they began marching down the hallway, testing doors. They were reaching the halfway mark when suddenly a gate dropped in front of them.
“Should your antagonists catch you, darkness will claim you,” the creepy voice said.
“Fuck me!” Bone squealed and barged past Chance to test the next door. On his heels came Rooster.
“What’s going on?” Pyro asked, craning his neck. “Shit!” he roared and backed into Celt and Chatter. Two dark-haired girls wearing blue dresses were at the wooden door behind them that allowed them entrance.
“I hate that fuckin’ movie!” Bone yelped as the gate lifted, and he started barrelling down the hallway, testing doors.
“No shit, those gave me nightmares for months,” Pyro said, following him. Rooster was frantically checking exits as the girls walked steadily towards them.
“Chance, find the exit!” Thalia called, looking worried.
Bone suddenly stumbled across an open door, and they stumbled through an identical hallway.
“Shit, shit, shit!” Rooster cried as he began twisting handles.
“Never thought I’d be stuck in a scene from the Shining,” Diesel quipped, glancing over his shoulder. “They’re catching up!”
“Sacrifice the prospects,” Big Al yelled as he lumbered past to test another exit.
“Fuck you!” Fanatic grinned as he craned his neck and peeked behind him. “They’re in this hallway!”
A door opened in Levi’s hand, and they entered a similar matching corridor.
“Five doors between us,” Diesel called.
Fanatic was chuckling as men frantically tried opening the exits. Tiny found the next, and as they stumbled through, there was a cackle of children’s laughter. Bone, Rooster, and Pyro shrieked as the lights flickered and the ghostly images of the little girls flew towards and through the group.
“I am gonna kill your mother!” Pyro yelled at Fanatic just before everything turned dark.
“This doesn’t feel good!” Chance muttered.
“No shit, Sherlock, my mum’s behind this, and we know she’s evil!” Fanatic chuckled.
“As it’s your mom who’s created this bullshit, it’s fitting you go first prospect!” Bear growled and dragged Fanatic up front.
“You’ve got me!” Wraith yelled.
Bear let go, seeking Fanatic.
“Micah, come here, you little shit!” Bear snapped as Fanatic laughed harder. The ghosts of the girls reappeared and flew at them, followed by other terrible images.
“Feel your way down the walls!” Chance shouted over the commotion. Bangs and screeches echoed all around them, and the twins kept appearing and disappearing. Chance thought Rooster nearly shit himself when they appeared in the middle of Hellfire. Ten minutes ticked past before they discovered another wooden door.
“Just before we go through. Thalia, Clio, remember if you need your panic buttons, hit them,” Chance whispered in their ears. He didn’t want his brothers to overhear as he was enjoying himself far too much. Both girls nodded and followed Chance into a corridor. This was one grey brick with metal gates for doors. A mist whirled around their feet, and the lights were dim.
“Anyone recognise this?” Smokey asked.
“Familiar, but no,” Chatter replied.
They began walking, the floor under their feet feeling squelchy. They reached the sixth lot of gates when chains dropped from the ceiling, and a ghastly laugh echoed around them for a full minute.
“I’m not looking,” Bear chanted. “I know which film we’re in!”