Page 29 of The Horror of Hell
“So, in your mind, you’re now ugly?”
“Look at me, woman, Tati, your eyes,” Al demanded.
Pouting, I turned and stared. Big Al was naked, still muscled and had tanned smooth skin. A hairy chest, not too thick, just perfectly right. Big Al’s hair was greying, and his beard, too. His face was lined, but I loved him no matter what. Big Al remained a sex God to me.
“Honey, down here,” Al said and waved a hand at his rigid cock. I smiled at the familiar sight. “Does it look like I think you’re ugly?”
“No,” I admitted.
“Think I’d be this hard if I was disgusted by those scars? I love your body, baby, always have. But it’s you I fell in love with. Now get your ass over here so I can spank those fuckin’ ideas out of your head and show you how much I worship you.”
Well, what fool would argue with that? I raced across the bedroom and leapt onto our bed as Big Al tackled me from behind and showed me exactly how he loved me. Which was a fuck load despite our years together. It was Al and me forever, and that’s something I’d never forget. Not even in our darkest hour.
Chapter Seven.
Chance warily eyed Haunted Nightmares, the attraction that was open all year round and run by Marissa Hawthorne and her two best friends, Lina and McKenna. As it stood at the moment, everything looked the same as the last time he’d been here with Clio. The gothic mansion remained on a hill which was reached by walking through the graveyard. Chance had a fair idea of what was coming, but knowing Phoe was involved made him apprehensive. That feeling worsened as Phoe bounced towards them, grinning manically.
“Hey!” she exclaimed with a wicked smile. Phoe bent down and hugged Tati tightly in her wheelchair and shoved Big Al’s hands off it. “Tati is coming to the control centre with Marissa, Lina, McKenna, and me!”
“Rather Tati stay with me,” Big Al rumbled.
“And Tati comes with me. Of course, the attraction is wheelchair friendly, but she’s just got out of the hospital!”
Big Al straightened, and so did Phoe. Chance rubbed a weary hand over his eyes.
“Tati, honey, what do you want?” Chance urged the person who should have been consulted.
“Everything is accessible?” Tati asked.
Phoe nodded. Chance watched as Tati glanced between her husband and friend.
“Al, sweetheart. Don’t think I’m up for a terrifying trek through the attraction. I’m going to watch with Phoe and Marissa, and maybe we can do this together when I’m steadier on my feet?” Tati suggested.
Big Al’s stance softened immediately.
“Whatever you wish, baby,” he murmured, dropping a peck on Tati’s head. Chance noted Phoe didn’t send Big Al a look at her winning, but she placed her hand on his arm and rose on tiptoes (Big Al still had to bend down). She whispered something in his ear and offered him a kiss.
“Have fun, guys! Rage is ahead of you slightly, and RCPD is in the lead,” Phoe announced.
“What about HQ and Hawthornes?” Shee called.
“Hawthornes are half an hour after you with the Unwanted Bastards. Magic’s accompanying them, and the Fallen Warriors are also coming thirty minutes after they start. The other MCs, RCFD, and HQ did last night and were sworn to secrecy not to spill the beans!” Phoe hailed over her shoulder.
Chance frowned as Phoe disappeared, and a girl dressed as a zombie arrived.
“Fuck, I wonder if Drake disarmed Gunner,” Rooster muttered with a smirk. The Rage enforcer had nearly shot zombies at the past few events. Drake, Axel, Texas and Ace now ensured Gunner was patted down, looking for any weapons. Last year Gunner had forced a prospect to carry a gun for him, and Drake had to wrestle him to the ground. The Rage brother was seriously fuckin’ freaked over the walking dead.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Are you ready for Fright Night? Please follow the paths and do not harm an actor!” the girl spoke sternly.
Chance raised an eyebrow.
“You’ve met Gunner!” Chance replied.
“The one who is so terrified of zombies he attempted to use a knife to stab someone in the brain? Yes, we encountered him. His brothers flattened him and threw him into a grave full of goo. Then they patted him down again. He’s a babbling wreck at the moment.” She chuckled as her sternness lifted.