Page 53 of Justice of Hell
Pyro was almost murdered by his father, who tried to burn him alive. He was nearly adopted by the Revers. He has a persona called Justice who burns criminals after he gets their confessions. Justice operates separately from Pyro. Pyro saved Logan Carter in a wildfire. His woman is Janey Revers. Pyro broke his leg in two places saving Logan from the fire. His scars were tattooed over by Levi.
Levi.He likes topaint pictures of landscapes. He has darkness in his past and sometimes disappears for a few weeks. No one knows what he does during that time. Levi also does tattoos. Levi is one of the few who can keep Louisa Mae happy. Levi goes walkabout during Justice of Hell.
Shotgun.He makes leatherware items as a hobby. Shotgun came from ‘the wrong side of the tracks’ and looked after his grandmother, who most of the club were fond of. He learned leatherware from his grandfather.
Celt.Grew up glass blowing. Celt had been betrayed not once but twice by a woman and saw women as a release and nothing else. The only women Celt treats with respect and decency are Phoe and Tati. He’d been brought up by an uncle who taught Celt glass blowing and then turned his back on him. Celt has blue eyes. Celt hit Chey when they were younger while high on a mixture of drugs and booze. He had no memory of this. Celt is devastated when he discovers what he did.
Celt wants his son and Chey back in his life. He was offered a contract to be part of The Wild Wind but turned it down to get Hellfire clean. Celt thought Chey had chosen fame and fortune over him. His arms are burned when he pulls Chey from a burning car.
Phoenix.DOB 1979. Drake’s old lady. She is English and left England to escape an abusive relationship. Phoe has five children she gave birth to and adopted eleven. She is exceedingly well off and runs three National Charities. The Phoenix Trust, the Rebirth Trust and the Eternal Trust. She has been married twice, the first husband died, and her second was a bigamist. Phoe has long, blond hair and is green-eyed and is five feet tall. She met Hellfire MC first and is loyal to them.
Smokey. Smokey has just become a prospect. He’s called Smokey because he was always on a grill smoking ribs or something. He also does tattoos.
Bone. He’s called Bone because he was like a dog with a bone when he’s got a project in his head for a design; he’s just become a prospect.
Fanatic. He’s a prospect and called Fanatic because he’s like Bone. Fanatic is apparently the worse out of the lot of them for picking on the finest detail in a design and making it perfect. Fanatic is Micah, Phoe and Drake’s son, and he joined Hellfire because he thought he wouldn’t get fair treatment from Rage. Micah believed Rage would try to protect him too much. He is shot in his shoulder when trying to save Janey from Tanner. His best friend is Calamity. Fanatic is also a Star Wars fan.
Slaughter. Has just become a prospect and is called Slaughter because he once worked as a butcher.
Wraith.He’s called Wraith because as big as he was, the man moved like a ghost and has become a prospect. He does tattoos. Wraith was involved in the car chase to save Janey and didn’t give up until he had her safe.
Hellfire Old Ladies
Tati.Tati is roughly five foot eight, with a vast Dolly Parton bust, a tiny waist, and flaring hips. She has blond hair that’s teased out around her face; she has kind, steady clear blue eyes. There were a few lines around them and a smattering of freckles on her nose. Tatianna is aged mid to late thirties. She has a generous mouth and is attractive. Tati is friendly and excitable, and over the moon, the old ladies are growing. She loves shopping and spending money.
Clio.She has long, silky brown hair that hangs to her waist in a straight sheet and a flawless peaches and cream complexion. She has a rosebud mouth and large, wide, grey eyes framed with long lashes. Clio has a slender frame but a rounded ass and a bust that promises a handful. Clio has no one in the world and was an orphan. She’s kind and generous and is five foot three inches tall. She spent her life in foster homes, and from seven to thirteen, Staffey raised her. Clio calls Staffey her father. Clio discovers she is the second of the quintuplets and Thalia’s identical twin.
Thalia Winchester.Her birth parents kept Thalia, who left her with her maternal grandparents. She was unaware there were other siblings out there and was horrified when she discovered there were. She is the eldest out of all the siblings, and she and Clio are identical twins. Thalia suffers from idiopathic gastroparesis, which was discovered when she collapsed at seventeen in school.
Thalia discovered she had siblings by accident and was hurt her grandmother hadn’t told her. She is prejudiced against MCs as she’s watched too much bad tv on them. She was severely injured by a man called Damon. Thalia gets tortured and nearly killed, she loses her right hand’s little finger, and her nipple is burned off. She is stabbed and sliced many times and has to have surgery. Thalia decides to have her breast removed and reconstructed.
Cheyenne Markham.Cheyenne was eighteen when she was with Celt. She was pregnant by him, and he hit her to cause her to miscarry. Chey was carrying twins and lost one baby. Chey is a famous singer in a group called The Wild Wind and has two crazy stalkers.
She was paralysed in the car accident and can take a few steps after a year of therapy. Chey is very close to her son, Jesse. She hadn’t been back in Spearfish for fifteen years, frightened of Zeus’s threat and worried about danger to herself and Jesse.
Janet Revers, aka Bunny Jones.Janey witnessed a murder which she informed the police about and was accused of wasting police time. Then she was stalked by the murderer and so disappeared. Before she did, Janey rediscovered Pyro, who’d been her best friend when they were children. Pyro didn’t recognise her, and Janey fled but was shot on Hellfire. She recovered and disappeared before finding work at Magic’s bar. There she is found by Pyro, who swears to protect her. She gets kidnapped by Tanner, and is saved by Wraith, Fanatic, Calamity and Sunny. Janey was a librarian but changed her appearance dramatically because of hiding her identity. Janey also plays softball and has played since she was three.
Rage MC.
Drake Michaelson.DOB. 1975. Drake is third generation Rage; he was in the third lot of brothers recruited into Rage. His father started Rage MC and died before Drake was old enough to become President. Drake became VP and, in a hostile takeover, became President. Phoenix thinks he looks like Tim McGraw with longer hair. Drake has a leanness to him but has well-defined muscles and broad shoulders. Drake sports dark brown eyes with laughter lines. He’s six foot four. He adopted Phoe’s 16 children, and they have two of their own.
Ace. DOB 1983. He is third generation Rage; he was in the third lot of brothers recruited into Rage. Ace is Drake’s VP. He’s described as looking like a young Lou Diamond Philips. Like his father, he is Native American. Ace has bright green eyes and is six foot two. He is described much the same as his father, absolutely stunning with high cheekbones and raven black hair that hangs past his shoulders. Ace is no stranger to violence and will do whatever it takes to protect his club. He was shot five times, protecting Phoe from her ex. He is now married to Artemis and has several children with her.
Texas.DOB 1965. Texas is a second-gen Rage; he was in the second lot of brothers recruited into Rage. His full name is Blake Craven. Texas is an older man and is the MC’s secretary and treasurer. He works on bike design and specialised paintwork. He has a robust moral code but is mindful of what the MC is capable of. Texas once alludes to cleaning up after their messes. Texas is tall, broad, with a goatee, dark salt and pepper hair slightly too long, and piercing brown eyes. He can also play the keyboard. Texas stands at six foot four. His old lady is Penny.
Axel.DOB 1951. Axel was one of the club’s founders, making him first generation Rage. He is the Chaplin of the MC. The Chaplin’s role is to look after Rage’s needs spiritually. Axel makes sure they have their heads on straight and performs their marriages and death ceremonies. He has blue eyes, a salt and pepper beard, and is very loud. He’s built like a mountain. Axel has wild hair which hangs to his shoulders. He is six foot six. Axel claims an old lady, a schoolteacher, called Ellen and dotes on her.
Ezra. DOB 1979. Ezra is third generation Rage; he was in the third lot of brothers recruited into Rage. His parents died when he was sixteen in a house fire. His aunt and uncle didn’t want him, and he ended up on the streets. He has a younger sister called Lindsey, who seeks him out. He has brown eyes, is tall and has shaggy dark hair. Ezra’s a broad-shouldered man with a deep chest, beautiful bone structure, and a neatly trimmed goatee. (Looks like Robert Downey Junior.) Ezra owns a landscaping company, which is in high demand.
Calamity.DOB 1996.Calamity is a fifth-generation Rage; he was in the fifth lot of brothers recruited into Rage. His nameis Billy Tomkins. Calamity becomes a prospect after only being in Rage for a month. He’s a talented mechanic, body designer and spray painter. He interferes and stops Frenzy from harming Silvie. Calamity takes a bullet in the shoulder for Autumn. He is a Star Wars fan.
Phoenix.DOB 1979. Drake’s old lady. She is English and left England to escape an abusive relationship. She has six children she gave birth to and adopted eleven. Phoe is exceedingly well off and runs three National Charities. The Phoenix Trust, the Rebirth Trust and the Eternal Trust. On meeting Drake, Phoe had two more children with him.
She has been married twice, the first husband died, and her second was a bigamist. Phoe has long, blond hair and is green-eyed and five feet tall. She met Hellfire MC first and is loyal to them and a Hellfire sister. Her alternative guy is Ace.
Silvie Stanton.DOB 1982. She’s claimed by Apache. Silvie’s kind and generous. The MC has a lot of respect for her. She has blond, curly hair and is close to Gunner. Silvie has soft brown eyes. She takes a job at the Made by Rage shop, working for Lindsey, first helping cut material and then as a receptionist. Finally, she becomes the shop manager. Although the old ladies don’t have a ranking, Silvie is Phoe’s Chaplin. She is now pregnant with twins. Her alternative guy is Gunner.
Artemis, aka Kayleigh Mitchell. DOB 1987. Artemis has red curly hair and green eyes; she’s small, dainty and muscled. Artemis has a heart-shaped pixie face with full lips. Kayleigh was taken in by Master Hoshi, and out of her alleged death, Artemis arose.