Page 12 of Justice of Hell
“Lio will be here in five minutes. Is everyone okay?” Ramirez demanded, glancing at us. Pyro had lowered the shotgun and flicked the safety on for both weapons.
“Luckily, I arrived just in time; assholes were about to rape Bunny here.” Oops, wrong thing to say. I was roughly shoved into Pyro’s arms, and Magic was across the floor, hauling the nearest man to his knees. Magic’s mighty fist crashed into Leo’s face, and bones crunched. Scared, I buried my head in Pyro’s cut as Ramirez yelled for Magic to stop. A second Mexican guy came through the door and tackled Magic, knocking him back. Enraged, Magic lifted a hand to hit the person who’d stopped him from punching Leo to death when a shout interrupted.
“Don’t you dare, Magic, because I don’t wanna take you in, bud, so sit your fuckin’ ass down!” the second man bellowed.
“Assholes were gonna rape one of my girls, Lio!” Magic thundered, not mollified at all, but the blinding rage that had come over him was melting away.
“And your girl had a shotgun on them. Bunny hit the panic button; otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. Bunny’s fine and needs you,” Pyro said, leading me to Magic.
“If two cops weren’t here, I’d have four fresh graves outback,” Magic snarled.
“Shut up, Magic, before you incriminate yourself over something,” Pyro muttered as Lio and Ramirez glared. Magic rumbled deep inside, and I burrowed deeper into him. The events of this evening were finally sinking in, and I felt shaky.
“Can I sit down, Magic, please?” I pleaded, and Magic moved me over to a stool, lifted and plopped me on it.
“Get that filth out of my bar,” Magic growled as, through the open door, blue and red lights flashed.
“Uniforms will take them. Magic comes under RCPD jurisdiction,” Ramirez said.
“Okay, want me to help take statements?” Lio offered, and Ramirez shook his head.
“Nah, I see that you’re swamped, brother, looking for that freaking nutjob you got. Get some sleep bro; you’ve been busy. You need a hand, shout RCPD. We’ll do our best,” Ramirez said generously.
“What nutjob?” Magic asked curiously. Lio and Ramirez exchanged a glance, and Ramirez shrugged.
“Your case, bro,” Ramirez drawled, and Lio rolled his eyes.
“A vigilante, nothing to worry about, Magic,” Lio replied, but we could all tell there was more to it than Lio was saying. Magic grunted disapproval as Detective Ramirez began questioning Magic and Pyro before rounding on me. Ramirez asked me to explain what happened and gently asked probing questions. Had they touched or threatened me? I gave the answers, and finally, Ramirez shut his notebook.
“Thanks. Are you willing to attend court?” Ramirez sought, and I stilled. Shit, I hadn’t thought of that.
“Bunny will go to court, Ramirez,” Magic replied firmly on my shoulder. Shit, I couldn’t refute his statement in front of Ramirez. Magic somehow understood and kept that calming hand on me. Finally, as I yawned, Ramirez took his leave.
“Why did you come back?” Magic rounded on Pyro suspiciously.
“Dropped my wallet, bro, thought it might be here,” Pyro replied, observing me.
“It’s on the bar. I found it under the table,” I interrupted.
“Good timing,” Magic grumbled, an arm wrapping around my shoulders. It was a claiming gesture that both Pyro and I were very aware of.
“Didn’t think you’d be here but thought I’d take a chance. Saw the lights through the shutters, and then, as I approached, I heard what those cunts were saying to Bunny. Knew we had a situation, called Lio and entered. Girl’s got some balls, but you need to teach Bunny to shoot.” Pyro smirked.
“Huh?” Magic asked.
“Bunny had the safety on and hadn’t cocked the shotgun. Girl could have used it as a bat, though,” Pyro said, grinning, and for a moment, I saw the boy I once knew. My heart kicked, and I glanced away quickly.
“Thanks, brother; next time you’re here, Hellfire drink free. Owe you for saving Bunny,” Magic replied.
“Leave you to lock up,” Pyro said, snatching his wallet and walking to the exit. He tipped his head and disappeared. Bike pipes roared as Magic slammed the door shut.
“Magic, I can’t go to court!” I exclaimed as soon as Magic had locked up.
“Won’t come to that. Those fuckers will admit what they came here to do and what they threatened you with, Bunny. They’ll plead guilty,” Magic replied.
“You don’t know that!” I shot back.
“Bunny girl, I do. Now get your ass upstairs to bed, and I’ll bunk down in the office. The sofa pulls out and is comfortable.”