Page 37 of The Scream of Hell
“Follow me,” Levi called and raced out of the forecourt. Celt heard the rumble of Chance and Bear’s bikes joining them as they rushed out towards the house. Celt frowned. Had the alarm been set off accidentally? Levi pulled in as they saw red and blue lights, and Celt dismounted his bike and strode towards the two police cars there. One was unmarked.
“What’s going on?” Celt demanded, spotting Lio.
“The car’s alarm was hit, and we received it at the station. A black and white were dispatched and found Chey here unconscious and both guards dead. Jesse is missing,” Lio said. Celt shoved his way past the detective and peered into the vehicle. Two bodies were inside, but no Chey.
“Where’s Chey?” Celt exploded.
“Ambulance has taken her. We’re trying to track Jesse,” Lio replied as he dialled a number on his phone.
“Jesse was kidnapped?” Chance suggested arriving next to Celt.
“We don’t know.”
“Lio, what have you determined so far?” Chance asked calmly, and Celt wanted to rail at him. How dare Chance be so calm when Celt’s son was missing, maybe even hurt? Chance’s hand landed on Celt’s shoulder and squeezed.
“Traffic spikes were laid down here,” Lio said, moving to where Phil Gold stood. “They pierced the car’s tyres, causing them to slow down. It looks like Chey’s guards drew their weapons but were killed by headshots. Jesse’s door was open, and there was no sign of him.”
“Any drag marks?” Chance looked around and peered over his shoulder.
“None. We don’t know if Jesse fled or if he was taken,” Gold replied.
“Jesse ran,” Celt said, his eyes picking something up. Celt carefully made his way to the foliage and pointed at the ground.
“Fuck, how did those idiots miss that?” Gold snapped. Set into the mud was a half print and a complete footprint.
“The kid vanished into the woods. Was he chased?” Lio mused.
“No offence Lio, but phone search and rescue now. Jesse will keep running, and he’ll be lost. If my son is being hunted, he’s going to be scared, and we need to find Jesse. Not stand around discussing if he’s being hunted.”
“I’ll call in tracking dogs and the teams,” Gold said, stepping to one side.
“Can you track Jesse?” Lio asked.
“Nope, I ain’t no tracker. None of us are. My boy is out there, and he’s fuckin’ lost, and I tell ya now, Jesse won’t trust a stranger. Jesse is familiar with the band and the guards. We need them. Jesse won’t approach if he doesn’t see a friendly face,” Celt demanded.
“This is a crime scene. Everyone needs to stay back. I can’t have evidence being trampled all over,” Lio denied. Celt snorted and leaned forward, shoving his fists into Lio’s shirt.
“My son is out there!” Celt exploded. “Chey is hurt, and the boy’s terrified and thinks he’s running for his life. Maybe Jesse is. We don’t know shit. We just know Jesse is out there.”
“Let Lio go now!” Chance ordered, placing his own hands over Celt’s chest. “If you get arrested, you won’t be helping the boy.”
“Fuck.” Celt released Lio, who offered a grim look before pacing back and forth. Celt was torn between chasing Chey and looking for Jesse. But he knew deep down, Chey would want Jesse found and so Celt stayed his path.
“Stay off the crime scene. A black and white will be organised down the street. Call the band and others. But they avoid this road because I won’t let people mess it up,” Lio ground out. Celt felt guilty. He’d upset the man he classed as a friend, but Lio was more worried about the evidence, while Celt was all about his son.
“Okay,” Celt muttered.
“Celt, I get it. Jesse is out there and scared. I understand, but what you ain’t getting is that!” Lio pointed to the bodies in the front of the car. “I can’t do shit for them except get them justice. You mess up the crime scene, and the asshole walks on murder charges. Those two men deserve justice alongside Mick. Ain’t just protecting the evidence, I’m thinking of their people, which as a cop I gotta do,” Lio explained. Celt felt shame hit him harder. His boy was alive, while the families of these guards didn’t even know they were dead. He was being a prick.
“Lio,” Celt said as an apology.
“Go get the teams organised. Let me do my job,” Lio replied. Celt walked away, all the time feeling a total jerk. His gaze snagged on something in the bushes. Celt crossed to it and peered down.
“Chance, that’s Jesse’s baseball cap. He was wearing it yesterday. I’m going after him.”
“Not without a radio,” Chance called. Celt wanted to yell fuck the radio, but he knew Chance was right. If Jesse was injured, Celt would need to call for help immediately. He walked away feeling something was wrong, and he turned on his heel and glared into the trees.
“Jesse?” he shouted, and Chance stopped close by.