Page 30 of The Scream of Hell
“Add to that; the kid drinks her weight in breastmilk. Clio’s complaining her boobs are udders. And Clio’s so milk heavy because of Louisa’s demands, Clio’s having to express, making her feel more like a cow. And if I touch her, Clio thinks I want to screw her brains out and gets nasty,” Chance said, sounding bewildered. Celt couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. Chance looked upset at how his precious wife was acting. Clio wasn’t the most dramatic female, although she had her moments. Celt felt for his brother, who looked confused by the two women in his life.
“Clio’s just given birth,” Celt said, attempting to soothe ruffled feathers. God, Chance needed to renew his man card, breast milk and that shit!
“Clio told me if I put my dick anywhere near her for a year, she’s gonna do a Lorena Bobbitt,” Chance grumbled, and Celt erupted into a peel of laughter. Celt’s happiness was so rare that Chance looked surprised for a few seconds before joining Celt.
“Yeah, Clio ain’t going to do a Bobbitt on you, Chance,” Celt denied.
“Clio slept with a knife under the pillow last night. Terrified the fuck out of me,” Chance admitted as Celt broke into chuckles again.
“Dude, you’re fuckin’ whipped.”
“What’s with you and Chey? And don’t deny you two didn’t go at it like rabbits,” Chance asked once Celt stopped laughing.
“Chey played me. Shit, I was still angry and chose to hurt Chey by tossing her out of my room. Instead, Chey took what she wanted and got dressed. Then the damn woman realised she’d played me at my own game and crowed,” Celt said. Pride leeched into Celt’s voice, which was bizarre. Chance snorted.
“Cheyenne seemed happy with herself when she left,” Chance agreed, and his face darkened as he remembered what went on when Chey quit the clubhouse.
“Chey, don’t blame Hellfire for what happened, Chance,” Celt murmured, his thoughts matching Chances.
“Think you’ll work it out?” Chance asked, attempting to shove his worries away.
“Fuck knows. My feelings were never meek with Chey. I loved her with all I had and then hated her with everything I could. But that chemistry is still there; that one incident proved it. In fact, it was better than before. I’ve no idea where we are going, brother. There’s so much betrayal and pain between us; our history may be too late to overcome.”
“Problem is Celt, do you wanna move past it? If Chey is what you need, break her walls and swarm the gates. If you only want Chey because of the boy, well, she’s letting you into Jesse’s life now. That video… I’m as much to blame. Should have been watching for Zeus to pull some sort of stunt, and I didn’t have your back. That shit wouldn’t have happened if I’d kept to my oath to protect you.”
“Chance, this ain’t on you. Whether or not I was roofied, it doesn’t matter. I still struck Chey and lost a baby. Wasn’t you behind those punches, it was me. And I was the prick who allowed Zeus to fuck with my head because I knew I would lose Chey. Life fuckin’ sucks, but I fucked up, not you.”
“Have to agree to disagree,” Chance refuted. “Celt, you just gotta work out what you want from Chey. And if it’s Chey, then fuckin’ go get her with my blessing, brother.” Chance jumped as the inner sanctum door slammed open, and his wild-eyed wife stood there holding a screeching Louisa Mae. Clio was dressed in a rumpled sweater, fluffy pyjama bottoms, and her hair on end. Chance took one look, leapt to his feet, and grabbed his daughter. Clio didn’t say a word as she dropped a changing bag by the side of Chance and stormed towards the back rooms where no doubt Clio intended to sleep.
Louisa Mae looked disgruntled at the change of hands, opened her rosebud mouth and let out a piercing shriek. Brothers appeared from all directions at the bellow of Hellfire’s princess. Chance thrust Louisa Mae at Celt, who clumsily grabbed and held her. Blue eyes with a hint of green stared at Celt in surprise as the baby sniffed. Chance froze as Louisa snuggled into Celt and sighed. Wide-eyed, Chance regarded Celt as Louisa closed her beautiful eyes.
“That’s it! Whatever shit you’ve got happening with Chey is done. You belong to us for the foreseeable future,” Chance growled. There was no avoiding how pissed Chance was that his precious daughter had settled for Celt and not her father. Celt snorted and patted the babe on the back as Louisa snuffled and curled her fingers around one of his. Damn, this kid was going to play them, Celt decided as his heart melted at the beautiful baby.
“Is that a baby?” I asked, shocked two days later when Celt arrived with Shee and not on bikes. They drove a black SUV, and I was surprised when Shee began yanking baby paraphernalia out of the back. Celt swung down, undid a baby’s car seat, and walked towards me.
“Yeah, meet little Louisa Mae Michaelson. Kid hates her parents and loves me, Levi, and Shee. We let them rest for today and kidnapped Louisa,” Celt grinned. Shit, that smile caused my heart to flip. Celt looked so proud of himself.
“Louisa despises Chance and Clio?” I asked, peering at the pretty baby. Louisa briefly opened her eyes before Celt made soothing noises, and she settled again.
“Yup, Louisa won’t shut up screaming for them. But if Levi, Shee or I hold Louisa, she sleeps.” Celt said proudly. I struggled to hide laughter and moved out of their way.
“Louisa is probably picking up on their stress and tiredness which makes her cranky. You better bring Louisa in. Levi is here,” I replied.
“Yeah, we figured with the three of us together, we can keep the Banshee quiet,” Celt quipped, and I frowned, puzzled.
“Banshee needs to stay silent?”
“Not our Banshee, this Banshee. When Louisa lets rip, she can wake the fuckin’ dead. So, we’ve nicknamed Louisa Banshee number two.” Shee strolled past, looking damn proud Louisa Mae had his name.
“What do Chance and Clio think about you kidnapping their daughter?” I asked curiously.
“Clio and Chance shoved us out the door with the changing bag and told us to get Louisa Mae’s milk from the fridge,” Shee said dryly. I began giggling at the image they were presenting.
“That’s hysterical.”
“Not as funny as the fact Clio demands one of us stay the night at their cabin so they can get a few hours’ sleep,” Levi replied grumpily. He exited a doorway and stared at the sleeping child. I saw Levi melt even though his face remained impassive.