Page 13 of The Scream of Hell
“Drew, I’m pregnant, two months so. Please believe me,” I begged, stepping away from the counter.
“Liar!” Celt slurred. He stumbled to one side and shot out a hand to balance himself against the window.
“What’s wrong?” I asked in fear. I began moving around the desk, but Zeus stepped towards me, threat in every line of his body.
“Boy’s had booze and coke, nothin’ amiss with him, bitch,” Zeus gloated. I glanced at Celt and saw he was as white as a ghost in real life.
“Drew doesn’t do cocaine! He hates drugs!” I exclaimed in the video.
“Man did tonight; Celt’s learning how to be a proper brother of Hellfire. None of Chance’s bullshit. This lesson is how to put uppity bitches in their places,” Zeus shot back.
“I’m not stuck up; I’m pregnant!” I cried, turning to Celt, my expression pleading. “Listen to me, baby, this isn’t you. You’ve never done narcotics; I don’t know what Zeus has said, but I’m pregnant.” Celt stepped towards me and grabbed my chin in a hold, and shook my head hard. Then Celt planted his palm in my face and shoved me backwards. Bear gasped, unable to help himself as he watched the images.
“Celt!” the younger me cried. Zeus chuckled.
“Give her a smack boy, bitch needs to learn she can’t drag a Hellfire brother around by his dick,” Celt stared at Zeus and then drew back his hand. The sound of the slap echoed in the room, and Celt leapt to his feet in real life.
“That’s enough,” Celt growled. Darren paused the video and gazed at Celt dispassionately.
“Oh, I think not, Mr Anders. I suggest you sit and watch the rest. Unless you do, there will be no discussion or further interaction until a court date. And you do not want to see this for the first time in front of a judge.” Darren made his point, and Celt sat as Darren pressed play again.
“Drew!” I cried, cradling my face.
“Tell her how it’s gonna be, boy,” Zeus demanded.
“Chey, I fuckin’ hate you. Wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. Did you think I’d leave with you? Chasing that dream is a nightmare. You ain’t good enough; you are a child playing a woman.” Celt laughed. “Makes me a pervert, don’t it? But this is what you’re gonna do, bitch. If there is a brat in your belly, it ain’t mine, but I’m a decent sort, I’ll pay for the abortion.”
“I am not aborting our baby, Drew,” I said quietly.
“If ya don’t abort it, I’ll beat it out of you!” Celt threatened. I glanced at Hellfire, who sat pale and shocked, and Celt looked horrified beyond belief.
“No, I won’t kill our child!” I hissed, still holding my face in the video.
“Celt, tellin’ ya. Take care of this bitch or hand over your patch. Ain’t having a pussy for a brother,” Zeus taunted.
“Shut up; Celt would never harm his baby,” young me jeered.
“Celt last warning, either you handle this cunt, or I will cost ya everything,” Zeus pushed. In the video, I stared at Celt and lifted my hands to him. Celt staggered round the counter as Zeus egged him on. Before anyone could blink, Celt drove his fist into my stomach twice. Chance made a horrified sound as they fixated on the screen. Then ruthlessly, Celt shoved me so hard I crashed into the desk and collapsed to the ground.
“There, free abortion, baby!” Celt chortled. He aimed a kick, and I’d no energy to defend myself.
“Time to go, brother, proud of ya today,” Zeus gloated. Celt staggered back around the counter and through the door, cackling in a high-pitched tone.
“Come near me or another brother bitch, I’ll put you in a grave,” Celt called over his shoulder and disappeared from camera view.
“Once you clean up, I might give you a go. I like young pussy, and Celt just made it clear you ain’t his anymore. I’ll take what I want, givin’ ya something to look forward to. Be seeing you, bitch,” Zeus sneered and followed Celt. The screen went blank. No one said a word, and Darren brought up the following clip.
“My name is Jesse Markham; my mother is Cheyenne Markham and is the best Mom in the entire world. I categorically state I want nothing to do with Drew Anders or, as he goes by Celt. I am aware Celt hit my mom, causing her to miscarry my twin. Thanks to Mr Anders and his abusive ways, I’ll never know if I had a brother or sister. I’m prepared to stand in front of a judge and courtroom and tell them the same. Drew Anders is an abusive asshole.” I stared at the image of Jesse on the screen. There was no denying he was Celt’s son. But Jesse was as different to Celt as night was to day, no similarities between them at all.
“We have medical evidence that Miss Markham was admitted to hospital, and she miscarried a foetus. We have reports that a scrape was completed which somehow missed Jesse, and he not only survived the miscarriage but also the following operation. Using violence, Celt made it very clear that he wanted no child and was willing to do what was needed to ensure one didn’t survive.
Considering this, and with the threat of rape from Zeus, it is no surprise that Miss Markham avoided Spearfish for the last fifteen years. After the assault carried out against her and the threats of further violation, can you blame Miss Markham for not contacting the man who caused her to lose one child? Do you think the courts will buy into this bullshit of yours? And with Miss Markham’s media presence, Hellfire MC and Celt will be crucified.
My client rejects your suit and is prepared to submit this evidence in her defence should you continue this course of action. No judge I know will give Celt custody of a child with that video and sound. And Jesse Markham refuses to acknowledge Mr Anders as his father; a court will consider that too. This meeting is over,” Darren said, rising to his feet and motioning to me. I copied his actions and, head held high, left the room. Darren escorted me to his office while he stopped outside and spoke to his secretary before following me.
“What happens now, Darren?” I asked, sitting.
“We’ll have to wait and see Chey. But I’m right in my assessment. They could argue Celt was on drugs and alcohol, and that’s why Celt acted differently that day. But as soon as that is mentioned, I can immediately point out a man who takes both is no fit father for a fifteen-year-old boy. They may think they had you over a barrel, but they didn’t. I believe they thought you only had hearsay on your side and no actual evidence. If I was Celt’s lawyer, I’d be telling him to drop it. Hellfire is well known in the local areas, but their past has never been forgotten.”