Page 1 of The Scream of Hell
April 2004.
“Drew, this is the chance we dreamed of,” eighteen-year-old Cheyenne begged Celt. Celt stared at Chey, lost for words. He’d known Chey was talented, but he’d never expected this.
“Chey, are you serious?” Celt demanded, and Chey bunny hopped on the spot.
“Yes, Ken wishes to sign The Wild Wind, says we’ll have a huge career!” Chey crowed. Celt was happy for her, but loyalty held him back.
“Did Ken confirm the entire band?” Celt asked.
“Yeah, all of us. Ken wants you too. Drew, this is your opportunity to win free of this mess that Zeus is causing. We can get clear of Hellfire and lead a wonderful life together.” Celt felt Chey’s words burn down to his very soul. No doubt Celt loved Cheyenne, would happily settle his life with her, but he would not surrender Hellfire. The MC was going through upheaval, and Celt knew Chance was making moves to take his father’s legacy back. No way could Celt possibly leave the club.
“Chey, I’m happy for the group. You deserve this,” Celt muttered, knowing the scene that was to come. Chey didn’t catch onto Celt’s words at first. Happily, she bounced around again, clapping her hands.
“Ken requires us in the studio by the end of the month. He wants the band to record an album, and he’s signing The Wild Wind for a few small clubs before launching us. Drew, this is everything! Honey, we’ve got a huge opportunity, and it’s so hard to believe!” Chey babbled, and Celt closed his eyes.
“Seriously, Chey, I couldn’t be happier for you.” Chey stopped moving, and her smile began to die as Celt’s tone sank in.
“Drew? What aren’t you telling me?” Chey asked, far more muted.
“Baby, I can’t join you. Chance needs me. We’re going to get Hellfire clean, and I need to be here,” Celt explained.
“No! You have to come with the band, leave this shitty, illegal, deadbeat existence. Drew, Ken wants to sign you too! He thinks you’ll be huge in the music industry. Hellfire can’t offer you that! Do you want to run pussy and drugs and God knows what else for the rest of your life? Chance won’t get Hellfire free of Zeus, or you’ll die trying! I love you,” Chey murmured in a broken tone.
“Chey, I love you too, but I need to stick with my brothers.”
“What about me?” Chey whispered, tears forming.
“Chey, stay here and support me while I get the club clean,” Celt said, knowing he was being a selfish twat. He loved Chey and wanted her with him. Celt didn’t like the thought of men leering at his beautiful girl while Chey sang on stage. Chey took a step back.
“Seriously, you want me to pass up this opportunity to watch my man be a criminal? To give up a fantastic chance to wallow in shit?” Chey snapped.
“Fame and fortune mean more to you than me?” Celt bit back. “The club means everything Chey, you knew you fell for a brother.”
“No, but a clean, healthy life, away from drugs, whores, crime, is more important. I’m begging you, Drew, walk away,” Chey begged. Celt dipped his chin. Chey’s face crumpled. “Drew, come with me. I’m pregnant.” Anger flooded through Celt’s veins. How dare Cheyenne attempt to play him? Celt reached out and shook Chey by the arms, and her head snapped back.
“The fuck, Chey? I can’t believe you’d try to trap me into doing what you wish. That’s a low blow even for you!” Celt roared.
“But it’s not a lie. I took three tests this morning; I was coming to tell you when Ken called me. Drew, we can have our careers and a family. Please, please walk away. Chance, you can’t want Celt to give up this future!” Chey cried, spinning, and Celt saw his brother standing behind him. Chance watched, expressionless, unmoved by Chey’s tears.
“Can’t believe you’d treat my brother like that bitch. Lying to keep Celt tied to your pussy? Shit move, cunt!” Chance ground out. Chey let out a wounded cry and stepped back.
“Last chance, Drew, leave this shit and come with me and raise our child,” Chey begged. Celt turned from her.
“Have a wonderful life Chey, don’t trap the next guy.”
The following morning, Celt regretted his words. But Celt’s rage that Cheyenne would try to trick him into doing what she wanted still remained. That anger burning inside him, he marched across to the motel, set off to one side but near enough opposite Hellfire and slammed into reception. Nana glanced at Celt, her mouth pursed, and her eyes narrowed. Nana and Jed had run the motel for years, taking in their infant orphaned grandchild and giving Chey all the love she needed.
“Where is Chey, Nana?” Celt demanded.
“Gone.” Celt rocked back at Nana’s coldness, and the single word snapped at him. His brain didn’t kick in. Cheyenne would never leave without saying goodbye.
“Ain’t messing Nana. I want to see Cheyenne.”
“My girl’s left Celt heartbroken and grieving. But Chey’s fled. Chey left the emergency room this morning and went straight to meet the band at a hotel Ken is paying for,” Jed said. Celt felt a second blow as Jed, a man Celt very much respected stared, at him with blind hate.