Page 56 of The Savagery of Hell
“Phoe has a plane ready for us to fly to Switzerland in three weeks. The doctors have recommended that amount of time for any swelling to go, and they can make their assessments,” Bear rumbled, and I stiffened next to him. I needed the scars removing, nightmares plagued me, and while Bear slept next to me, I refused to let him see me naked.
Despite his bulk, Bear was very gentle with me. He knew I suffered residual pain still, and my breast was so tender even a faint touch made me gasp in pain. Washing was agony, forcing me to grit my teeth constantly. I’d not been allowed to shower for several days and certainly not allowed to bathe. The first time I hit a shower was heaven, and I’d lingered for ages, causing Bear to send Clio in after me.
My sister’s eyes had widened in horror at the condition of my body, and her reaction was enough to not let Bear see. Grandmother and Bear had put their heads together, investigating many routes for my recovery. Still, ultimately, it was up to me. I was moving easier now, although I still protected my ribs and breast. No one had said anything to me about the two men who had tortured me, but two days ago, Bear had ridden out with Chance, Pyro, Levi and Diesel. They’d not returned for many hours, and I’d grown worried. Clio, on the other hand, had merely shrugged and commented that sometimes justice took time.
Earlier today, I’d frozen in fear as the news on TV mentioned two male bodies had been found and tentatively identified as Calvin Dean and Adrian Robespierre. The report mentioned the corrupt cops back in Miles City who was under investigation for being on Dean’s payroll. Hellfire had been cleared of any charges, and I wondered how much of that was pressure due to outside forces.
Their antics in rescuing me and helping bring down several corrupt cops had hit the media, and there’d been a frenzy at the hospital where I was staying. For every call to prosecute them, there’d been a thousand more decrying the judgemental. My name had been leaked to the news outlets, as had my family situation. And we’d been in the media for several days before something else took our place. Thank you to the rock star who’d been caught in a compromising position with a small-town waitress.
“Thalia?” Bear asked, disturbing my thoughts.
“Oh, sorry, I was miles away,” I said.
“I saw, everything’s going to be fine,” Bear reassured. I offered a small smile. Of course, it would, but healing would take time.