Page 51 of The Savagery of Hell
Chapter Nine.
“Explain again why you were there,” detective Coul demanded. Bear rolled his eyes and stared at the man.
“Ain’t gonna change my story, no matter how many times you want me to. Now, how’s my woman?” Bear drawled.
“You murdered several men, and Calvin Dean and Mr Robespierre are missing,” the detective said.
“They better keep running because what they did to my woman will be repaid in kind,” Bear growled.
“Are you telling an officer of the law that you’re planning to commit murder?” Coul asked, and Bear’s stomach dropped.
“Thalia’s dead?” Bear whispered.
“If you want information on Miss Winchester, I suggest you answer my questions,” the detective said, understanding how Bear had misunderstood his words.
“Please give me something,” Bear begged, knowing the detective held the cards.
“Look, tell me again what you were doing there, and I’ll give you information on Miss Winchester,” Coul bargained. Bear folded his arms.
“Told ya five times so far. The sixth ain’t gonna change anything. Now either charge me or let me go.”
“I can charge you and several of your MC, who was at the scene of several murders and many serious injuries, and two men are missing. Now shall we try again?” Coul asked. The door banged open loudly, and a woman entered.
“Bear has answered the same questions and never faltered in his rendition. All of Hellfire is saying the same thing. So why are you pushing this?” she said without preamble. The detective looked stunned and glowered.
“Who the hell are you?” Coul demanded.
“Special Agent Stevens. FBI. Now I have agents going over the crime scene, and as this crime crossed state lines, I’m taking over the case. From what I can tell, Miss Winchester was kidnapped, and your department was informed. You failed to act, and her brother went for aid. The fact your buddies are dead is of no concern of mine. We’ve evidence you are involved in several crimes, detective, and as of now, you’re under arrest,” Agent Stevens said shortly. Another agent came in and dragged the detective out of his chair.
“You can’t do this!” Coul exclaimed.
“Just did.” Agent Stevens turned her back on the blustering man and faced Bear.
“You’re free to go, for now. I need you to leave your contact details and your address on the way out. We’ll be speaking to you at a later date as a witness. I don’t like vigilantes, Bear, and that’s what Hellfire are. Still, in this case, there are extenuating circumstances,” Agent Stevens said calmly.
“No pending charges?” Bear asked, rising to his feet.
“I can’t say for sure; however, Mr Rain Wright went to the authorities, which instead of helping, hindered. If Rain hadn’t had asked for help, Miss Winchester would be dead. As it is, Miss Winchester has two FBI on her door and several Hellfire members and two members from a PI company who I assume you know.
This situation is a cluster fuck and won’t be resolved soon. While in each of your statements, the Hellfire members admit using lethal force, you crossed state lines. Which makes this mess mine. The only reason you used deadly force was to perform a rescue. Knowing who Hellfire MC is and the connections you have, it’s doubtful the prosecutor will charge any of you. But it remains a possibility. So, for now, I’m taking your word that I can release you on your recognisance. You’ll go straight to the hospital and wait for Miss Winchester to come out of surgery,” Agent Stevens said.
“You’ve my word. Hellfire will cooperate and be available,” Bear mumbled, walking forward.
“And Bear? Don’t leave the state for now until we clear this mess up,” Agent Stevens warned. Bear nodded and banged into Rooster and Tiny, who waited outside. The three of them left at speed, meeting Chance and several others by their bikes in the car park.
“Which hospital?” Bear asked, seeing Agent Stevens had followed them. She gave them the name, and they hit their bikes and rode out. Half an hour later, Bear sat by Thalia’s bed in recovery. Thalia was so pale Bear thought she could pass as a corpse. One hand stroked her hair as he waited for Thalia to open her eyes. A nurse had taken Thalia’s vitals before offering a nod.
Outside in the waiting room waited most of Hellfire, Diesel, Celt and Levi, noticeably missing. Bear assumed that they’d secured Dean and Robespierre somewhere safe to wait for Bear’s retribution. For now, they were the last people on Bear’s mind as he stared at the woman he cared for and prayed she’d wake. Kelly sat by Thalia’s other side, dishevelled and pale as he held her bandaged hand loosely. That was the hand missing her finger. Bear noted the surgeons had tidied the wound up, but Thalia would always be missing the finger.
Around her chest was a wad of bandages covering the ruination of her breast. Clio had informed them that a surgeon had spoken to her at one point, telling Clio they may have to remove the breast. Clio had given permission, but by a miracle, they’d saved it. The prospects had ensured that Clio, Rain, Polly, and Callie had gone straight to the hospital. Clio, being second eldest, had taken over Thalia’s medical permissions without a blink of an eye. Kelly had been interviewed by the police like the rest of Hellfire.
Bandages swamped Thalia’s thin body. There had been thirty stab or slice wounds to her body. Robespierre had harmed Thalia in places he knew she wouldn’t immediately bleed out. Instead, Thalia’s life’s blood had been drained slowly from her body. She’d needed a blood transfusion to save her life. Anger swept over Bear as he thought about how Dean had occupied them while his asshole henchman had continued playing with Thalia.
Horror swept Bear as he realised Thalia may have heard them coming, and when they didn’t find her straight away, she must have given up hope. The sickness of Dean and Robespierre was beyond Bear to understand. Bear couldn’t comprehend that level of evil in the world. But Bear and Chance could and would ensure that their wickedness never harmed another living person.
Kelly moved uneasily. He’d put a call into Thalia’s grandmother, explaining the basics and asking her to come. Bear hadn’t overheard the conversation but understood Thalia’s grandmother was on her way. She’d arrive in a few hours. Until then, she’d demanded ten-minute updates from Kelly. Kelly’s parents were also on the way, devastated that Thalia had been harmed so badly. Unlike Thalia’s grandmother, they only demanded half an hour update.
Outside in the waiting room were Dylan Hawthorne and his cousin Lio. Both men had arrived as Hellfire was taken into custody, and both had immediately started working on their release. Ten hours had passed before Agent Stevens had arrived and freed them. Ten hours in which Bear had been separated from Thalia. Also, outside was Inglorious, who had flown out with the Hawthornes. Hellfire’s friends were circling the wagons.