Page 48 of The Savagery of Hell
“Is that so?” I mused, idly wondering when he’d get to the point. I stabbed the fork into the steak and cut a piece off.
“Do you not think so?” Dean asked, and I shrugged.
“I suppose so,” I murmured.
“So reticent. Now Thalia, tell me how to access your fifty million dollars,” Dean said, and I placed my knife and fork down.
“That won’t happen,” I said, staring at Dean. The asshole at my back stepped forward and clenched his hand around my shoulder, and squeezed painfully.
“That is unnecessary, Robespierre. I am sure Thalia is flexing her muscles, so to speak,” Dean said.
“Not at all; I merely don’t have fifty million dollars.”
“Don’t test my patience!” Dean roared, making me jump and cringe back. He settled back in his chair and adjusted his napkin. “Now, Thalia, tell me how to access your money.”
“I don’t have fifty million dollars,” I said stubbornly. Dean sighed and tilted his head towards the man at my back. Robespierre stepped forward and squeezed my abused breast. A scream left my mouth, and I tried to pull away. Robespierre pressed his finger into the open weeping wound and squeezed again. I was sobbing by the time he stepped back.
“But I don’t have fifty million dollars!” I yelled.
“Don’t lie!” Dean thundered, and this time I didn’t cringe.
“I’m not. I gave my sisters ten million each,” I said, panting. Pain trembled through my body, and it felt like my breast was on fire. I curled in on myself as Dean watched.
“Bullshit,” Dean said, and I flinched back.
“It’s true; I gave them each ten million,” I said. Okay, maybe I’d only given it to Callie, but I intended to give it to Polly and Clio, and this asshole was not having it.
“What fool gives away thirty million dollars?” Dean mused.
“I do,” I snapped, and Robespierre stepped forward again. My screams rang out as he stabbed a hot cigar onto my back.
“I’m thinking you like pain,” Dean said, watching intently. I spat at Dean and screamed again as Robespierre stabbed the cigar into the delicate skin just under my ear.
“Honest, I don’t have the money!” I shrieked.
“Well, you still have twenty million dollars, that’s something. How lucky your brother is that you came to find him.” Dean smiled, and I felt chills in my stomach.
“Leave Rain alone,” I gasped through the pain.
“When he gets me what I desire, and you give me your fortune, I will. Of course, there may not be much left of you. But Rain has three other sisters,” Dean said and made a motion with his fingers. Robespierre hauled me to my feet, and I faced Dean.
“Don’t you touch my sisters. Hellfire will protect them,” I spat, fury erasing my fear.
“Yes, but what would Hellfire’s president do to protect his child?” Dean sneered, and I froze. “I rather think I would enjoy having an MC jump to my every command.”
“You’re warped in the head. Chance will put a bullet in your brain should you touch Clio,” I threatened, and Dean chuckled.
“Chance will do no such thing if he wishes his child to live. And I won’t be touching your sister. Robespierre particularly enjoys playing with pregnant women,” Dean said. Robespierre dragged me away, shrieking.
“We have her. A local knows where Dean will probably hold her,” Chatter said, coming into the living room. “I sent the recall out.” Bear looked up, and hope dashed across his features.
“Where is she?” Chance asked. Thalia had been held by Dean for thirty-six hours. Clio was frantic, especially when Chance told her what the second box had contained.
“About forty minutes from here. Dean owns a farmhouse there, and it’s set in open countryside. Which makes approach difficult, especially with the bikes. The informant said to leave our bikes here,” Chatter said, pointing at a road on the map. “It’s a mile and half walk from there, and Dean won’t hear us coming.”
“Security?” Max asked from Hawthornes.