Page 37 of The Savagery of Hell
“See a limo in the street, which means you got money. You come to my block; you pay for the privilege,” One-eye said, and his little sidekicks grinned, and I shuddered. I’d have nightmares about their dental treatment, or lack of, for years. Bear didn’t argue; he stepped forward and crushed the hand holding the gun. Without breaking a sweat, Bear lifted One-eye, two feet off the ground, and shook him before throwing him against the wall. Bear sent a murderous stare around the lobby, and the sidekicks stepped back. Shotgun prodded Kelly, Calliope, and me forward, and we rushed down the steps and tumbled into the limo. Tiny was waiting outside, gun drawn and covering Hellfire as they came down the steps with Bear at their back.
“Get in,” Chance ordered, making sure everyone was in before he climbed in. “Go!” Chance ordered the driver, who sped away from the pavement like the hounds of hell were after him. I turned in my seat and saw Clio clasping Calliope’s hands as tears spilt down Calliope’s cheeks.
“I thought no one would come for me,” Calliope muttered as we crowded together. Each of us touching another, and we stayed like that until we reached the airport. We boarded the plane quickly, and the pilot took off. Most of us had now been awake for nearly twenty-four hours and fell to sleep quickly, including my three sisters. I was wide awake, and so was Bear. Bear opened his mouth to speak, and I shook my head, pointing at the sleepers.
Quietly, Bear rose to his feet and motioned me to follow. I did as Bear requested, and he opened a door and led me into a bedroom. Warily, I sat on the bed and gazed at Bear, who held my eyes steadily.
“Are you okay?” Bear asked quietly.
“Yes, why?”
“Because what happened wasn’t pleasant. And Calliope is suffering the same circumstances Clio was in when Chance found her. You wouldn’t have known Clio then, but Calliope’s apartment struck home today. As did her poverty,” Bear said and stepped forward to cup my face.
“I’m no stranger to poverty, Bear. I saw plenty while working with my kids. Calliope was bad but not the worst I’ve seen, most definitely not the worst,” I said, my voice trailing off. I leant into Bear’s warm hand.
“Forget that about you, see the fancy clothes and labels, and think you’re different from what you are. You worked hard ensuring underprivileged children got a start in life otherwise denied to them,” Bear said, sitting next to me.
“Yes, I did and loved that job; it was fulfilling. Chance mentioned there was nothing similar in Spearfish, so maybe I can open a centre with my money,” I said. Bear gazed at me.
“We started off on the wrong foot Thal, but you’re amazing.”
“This doesn’t make us friends,” I said instantly, and Bear chuckled.
“I’ve been inside you, woman,” Bear stated baldly.
“We’re fuck buddies, Bear, nothing more,” I answered. Bear chuckled.
“Is that what you’re sticking to?”
“Okay, let me know when you change your mind,” Bear said and dropped a kiss on my head. The confusing male left the room after shoving me on the bed to sleep. Change my mind about what exactly?
We arrived back at the hotel in the morning, and Kelly, Calliope, Polly and I hit our rooms and crashed. Hellfire and Clio went back to the clubhouse with Chance promising to bring Clio back later that afternoon. Despite Bear leaving me in the plane’s bedroom, I hadn’t slept. Before I hit my bed, I phoned my bank and transferred the rest of Calliope’s money over to her. I wanted Calliope to join us because she wished to, not because she needed to. In moving the money, I gave Calliope my trust and the option to do as she wanted. With that thought in mind, I swiftly fell asleep.
The bed bounced beside me, and I peered up into Kelly’s laughing eyes. I grunted at him and pulled a pillow over my head. Kelly laughed and yanked it away, and I grumbled as he climbed into bed. I batted ineffectually at Kelly as he yanked me into his side and chuckled as I curled around him.
“Morning, sunshine,” Kelly teased.
“Urgh,” I muttered. I hated Kelly being so cheerful when he first woke, whereas I was a grumpy git.
“Well, technically, it’s afternoon, but whatever. Your sisters are awake, and dressing and Clio is being driven over by Chance. He mentioned a shopping trip. So you need to get your lazy ass up and shower,” Kelly said and slapped my ass. I grumbled and tackled Kelly, biting his ribs, and dashed to the bathroom as he howled. Teach him to slap my ass!
Half an hour later, we were waiting in the lobby for Clio to arrive. When she did, she was arguing loudly with Chance and Bear, who had accompanied them. She stomped over to us and spun around to face the two men who’d frustrated her. Behind Bear came Shee and Pyro, who looked sheepish.
“We don’t need bodyguards,” Clio snarled, pointing the finger at Pyro and Shee.
“Fuck me,” Bear muttered as the four men gazed at us four sisters who suddenly had arms folded across our chests at Clio’s opening line.
“Shit, it’s uncanny,” Shee said with a grin that was stifled as we turned our gazes on him.
“This I didn’t expect,” Chance muttered, rubbing his chin. Clio raised an eyebrow.
“No?” she asked.
“One of you is hard enough to handle. Now there’s four,” Chance moaned, and Clio sent him an evil grin.