Page 3 of The Savagery of Hell
“Oh hey Bear, is everything okay?” Clio asked, glancing up from her book at the frowning man. Her own brow creased in a frown.
“I saw you today,” Bear said, folding his arms.
“Huh?” Clio replied.
“Today, I saw you,” Bear growled.
“I’ve been here all day except for when I went for my appointment to check the baby. I didn’t see you at the doctors. Are you okay?” Clio said, worry in her voice.
“Woman, you have one chance. Whatever game you’re playing, stop. Before I go to Chance with what I’ve seen. This is your only warning,” Bear said quietly, leaning forward. Clio bristled in indignation.
“Well, tell you what, why don’t you say what I’ve done, and we’ll call Chance right now,” Clio spat. Bear recognised the signs of her temper rising.
“Ain’t gonna explain myself, Clio, but know I’m watching you. Step out with another man again, and I’ll end you to save Chance doing so,” Bear warned and stormed away as Clio spluttered.
Bear glared at the hotel where Clio and the stranger had just entered. His anger roared, and his fists clenched tightly. His anger demanded he confront Clio and the stranger and take them to Chance. Then it fizzled out within seconds as he realised what it meant. Chance was being fooled. Clio was playing Chance for an idiot, and Bear had to tell him. His brother had been happy these last few months. Chance meeting Clio and falling in love had softened his brother’s rough edges. And now Bear was in possession of information that would set Chance on a straight path to Hell, no pun intended.
Bear stood there, stunned, trying to figure out what to do. He was damn sure it had been Clio he’d seen. After all, being Chance’s old lady, he was very familiar with her. No, it had been Clio, her walk, the way she’d tilted her head at the stranger, that was Clio. He strode back to the clubhouse and paused on Hellfire’s forecourt. This could be a clusterfuck like no other.
Bear entered the clubhouse and gazed around. Shee and Chatter were playing pool. Tiny, Big Al, and Levi were at the clubhouse’s bar having a beer. None of them looked like they’d the weight of the world on their shoulders, and Bear envied them.
“You alright?” Chance growled from behind him. Bear spun. His eyes searched the large room for Clio and saw no sign of her.
“Where’s Clio?” Bear grumbled. His courage failed, and there was no way he was going to tell Chance what he’d seen. Maybe he’d misunderstood, and it had been someone else. If not, he could drop a last word of warning in Clio’s ear.
“She popped out. Something needed checking in the tearoom,” Chance rumbled, and Bear’s stomach sank. That was a mark against her.
“Okay, just worried,” Bear said. He lumbered towards the door, and Chance called out.
“Where you going, brother?”
“Need a ride,” Bear rumbled back, the words not a lie. He needed time to collect his thoughts.
A week later, Bear watched in total disbelief as Clio and the man she was seeing behind Chance’s back sat with their heads together in a local café. His temper rose as the man reached out and moved a strand of hair away from Clio’s face and tapped a finger on her lips. Clio flung a hand up and grabbed his chin, and shook it. Bear dragged out his phone and began taking snaps. This time, he’d have evidence.
Clio and the guy rose from their table, wrapped arms around each other, and walked towards the entrance. Bear revved his bike, but neither of them took notice. They got into a hire car and pulled away. Bear pulled out behind them and followed them to a motel in Deadwood. They were moving around, so Hellfire didn’t catch them. Bear’s warning had been heard, and Clio was ignoring it. Cautiously, keeping his distance, Bear parked outside the motel and snapped furiously as they walked into a room together. Clio hadn’t heeded his warning, and heart heavy, Bear texted Chance to meet him at the clubhouse.
Bear stormed in two hours later, after Chance informed him what time he’d be there. To his raging fury, Clio was curled up on a couch, reading. She glanced up and paled as she took in his face.
“Clear the room now, everyone out,” Bear thundered, and Clio rose to her feet. “You stay put.” Clio glanced at Shee and then sat back.
“What has got into you?” Clio asked as the brothers left, and Chance entered. Chance didn’t look too happy at being ordered to the clubhouse by his VP.
“What the fuck is going on, Bear? I was at Rage when your text came through,” Chance said unhappily. Bear sympathised. Chance was about to get a lot more unhappy.
“Girl’s been playing you. She’s been stepping out with a guy behind your back, and I got photos,” Bear said and threw his phone to Chance.
“How dare you?” Clio squealed indignantly.
“Photo’s don’t lie, you fuckin’ whore,” Bear spat as Chance’s face blanked, and he turned to Clio.
“Explain those,” Chance said and threw her the phone. Clio picked it up, and her face turned white as she studied them.
“This isn’t me!” Clio exclaimed.