Page 22 of The Savagery of Hell
“That’s all I ask. There is more to Grandmother’s story, but we’ll discuss it later. What our parents did hurt Grandmother and Papa badly. She’s not the wicked witch in this story,” I said, defending Grandmother. It had taken three weeks to get over my feelings of betrayal caused by Grandmother. When we finally sat down to talk, the story was more complicated than I guessed.
“Okay, I’ll withhold judgement,” Clio said. “And you’re open to learning our world?”
“Yes,” I said, sitting forward and taking Clio’s free hand. Chance smirked evilly, and I wondered what it meant. I soon found out.
“Bear is VP, no better person than Bear to introduce you to the MC,” Chance smirked, and Clio looked surprised. A grin crossed Clio’s face as she glanced past me and studied Bear.
“What?” the big man exclaimed in horror.
“You’re the best, Bear,” Chance said and folded his arms. No, I didn’t want that brute introducing me to the MC! He’d already pulled a gun. What else was Bear capable of?
“Chance, I got shit to do, don’t wanna be playing babysitter to a….” Bear choked off the last words as Clio narrowed her eyes.
“No, I don’t need Bear to introduce me. I can hang around and learn things,” I said. “Plus, I’m sure Bear is busy.”
“Too busy,” Bear grumbled. “Chance, you know what we’re planning. Those stubborn assholes gonna fight you all the way. Babysitting is a duty I don’t got time for.”
“See!” I said, wondering what plans Chance had in place.
“And you can still wrestle those stubborn assholes with me,” Chance grinned. “This is an order, Bear.”
“Fuck!” Bear exclaimed.
“Bear, take Thalia for lunch and get to know each other,” Clio suggested sweetly, too sweetly.
“Thanks, but I have to meet Kelly,” I said.
“Are you backing out already?” Clio asked, narrowing her eyes. Shit, she’d backed me into a corner.
“Not at all.” I rose to my feet and turned to face Bear, who was glowering. “Where do you suggest?”
“The tearooms?” Clio said from behind, and Bear sent her a baleful look.
“No. That’s so you can keep tabs on me. Give me the keys to your truck,” Bear demanded, and Clio reached into a bag and pulled them out. She sweetly smiled as she threw the keys at Bear, and he caught them.
“Have fun,” Clio said with a finger wave. Chance snorted in amusement as I followed the silent, grumpy man out.
“What do you fancy?” Bear asked, sliding his enormous frame into the booth. He’d driven us to an out of the way burger bar. I glanced around. There was a loud babble of noise coming from the surrounding people. When I’d saw the place, I’d nearly turned my nose up, and I thought Bear expected that. So instead, I smiled happily and strolled in front of him and entered. Just before I did, Bear had grabbed the door and held it open for me. I nodded thanks and had gazed around as Bear hustled his ass to an empty booth.
“What do you recommend?” I asked, gazing at the menu. There were fifteen burgers to pick from on the menu.
“The Hawaiian, if you like bacon and gammon,” Bear said, baring his teeth in what I thought was meant to be a grin.
“Yeah, I do,” I said, and Bear nodded. A waitress came over, and her eyes widened when she saw Bear. She took a moment to fluff her hair and push her breasts up, and sauntered across with a decided wiggle to her hips. I hid a grin as Bear ordered, but there was no hint of interest from the grump in front of me.
“So,” Bear said, sitting back as the server scurried back over with our coffee’s; she offered a blinding grin, which Bear missed. With a dirty look, she left again.
“So what?” I asked.
“You came to your senses and got off your high horse,” Bear said.
“Yes, sometimes I can be stubborn.” Bear snorted in my direction.
“Seriously, woman? You’re as bad as a mule,” Bear said and glanced up as the server brought our meals. My mouth watered at the thick meat patty topped with a thick gammon steak and a ring of pineapple covered in a toasted bun. Slimly cut fries and salad accompanied the burger.
“This is twice what I usually eat; you may have to finish mine,” I said, cutting the burger in half. I lifted it to my mouth and moaned in delight as flavours burst onto my tongue. When I glanced at Bear, he was scowling at me. I chewed and swallowed quickly.