Page 56 of Chance's Hell
“Yup, are you going to tell me what’s happening?” I demanded, and in reply, Chance throttled the bike while putting a hand behind his ear. Amused, I laughed and slapped his abs, and he caught my hand tight and squeezed. I dropped a kiss on Chance’s smirking mouth and jammed the helmet on he insisted I wear and climbed on the bike.
Chance gave the bike its head, and we flew down the road. Nothing ever changed for me, I loved riding the road. I often nagged Chance to take an impromptu trip somewhere just so I could snuggle against his back and be free. Chance indulged me every time I asked. We hit Spearfish and Chance darted down the road to Hellfire, I frowned as we passed the tearoom, it was shut. What on earth had Chance planned?
Chance pulled into Hellfire, and the bike stopped directly outside the clubhouse, again it wasn’t where he usually parked. Now I knew for sure Chance was up to mischief. Bemused, I allowed him to lead me into the clubhouse where it was empty, this was a Saturday, it should have been heaving, but dead silence greeted me. Surprised, I turned to Chance and found him on one knee, and my hand flew to my mouth in the old age gesture of surprise.
“Love you, Goddess, marry me,” Chance said without preamble, yup, no flowery words from my man. Stunned, I stared at Chance, stunned, and his eyes blazed into mine, touching my soul.
“Of course, I’ll marry you,” I said, and the moment the words had left my mouth, Chance leapt to his feet and kissed me. Tati and Leslie came belting out of a doorway and headed towards us, both of them twittering in excitement. I rolled my eyes at Chance as he pulled a ring from his pocket and slipped it on my finger. A stunning ring stared back, am emerald surrounded by diamonds.
“It brings out the green tints in your eyes,” Chance muttered, and I smiled.
“Thought my eyes were grey,” I replied.
“They are until you lose your temper and then fuck me, they’ve got green tints,” Chance batted back as Tati and Leslie reached us.
“Come on!” Leslie exclaimed, dragging me towards the back rooms.
“Why?” I asked, amused.
“To get changed, your wedding dress is there,” Tati deafened me with her yell.
“What!” I squealed digging my heels in and glancing back at Chance.
“Ain’t wasting time, go get changed, we’re getting married,” Chance grinned and then disappeared.
“Seriously! Chance has only just asked,” I grumbled being dragged out back. In our room was a beautiful silk dress. An off the shoulder knee length ivory dress, with a mermaid’s tail cut at the back, the bodice was fitted and trimmed with pearls and lace.
“It better freaking fit,” Tati moaned as they began tugging at my clothes.
“Girls, girls!” I exclaimed trying to take control back, I spied the sexy underwear waiting for me and blushed a deep red.
“What? You think you got something I haven’t seen before?” Tati asked, and I swatted at her.
“Let me change into the underwear alone, and then you can pull me about!” I insisted, and with a regal nod, Leslie dragged Tati outside. Speedily I shucked my clothes not trusting to them wait long and blushed even deeper at the bone lace corset and suspenders. Silken stockings lay on the bed, and I left those until last, knowing me, I’d ladder them in seconds. I struggled into the corset and pulled on the matching thong and blushed. Leslie and Tati would see my butt cheeks. Before I could call out, both women came bouncing back in, and I rolled my eyes.
Together they wrestled me into the beautiful dress and attached a small tiara to my hair which Tati curled and styled. Leslie put minimal make-up on me as she knew I hated make-up and preferred the natural look. They drew the stockings up and fastened them and then slipped on high heel shoes. Leslie took one look at me and burst into tears, I stared at her horrified.
“Oh my god, stop that!” I exclaimed as Tati also welled up.
“You look so beautiful,” Leslie blubbered.
“Your make-up is running!” I frantically exclaimed, and Leslie with a colossal sniff, wiped her eyes and checked her make-up. Tati took a huge gulp and smiled weakly.
“The garter is your something blue, that tiara is borrowed from Phoe, and your something old is those hair clips, the dress is new,” Leslie said. Stunned, I reached up to touch the clips in my hair, they had looked old.
“Found them in an antique store and Chance bought them for you. They’re genuine diamonds, so don’t lose them!” Tati warned.
“Oh my god,” I exclaimed overwhelmed.
“Never thought I’d see Chance happy, thank you, darling, for this, you deserve each other,” Tati said.
“We’ll leave now, when you’re ready, your escort is outside the door!” Leslie grinned and disappeared. Tati followed behind, heels clicking. For the last time, I checked my appearance and my eyes fell on the small gift I’d bought Chance. Wondering where to put it, I finally hid it behind the bouquet of black tulips and white roses. I wondered how the hell Chance had got his hands on black tulips, they were my all-time favourite. On opening the door, I smiled as Bear stood there, black jeans, his cut and a startling white tee. His beard and hair were brushed and combed, and I guessed that was Bear’s concession to the occasion.
With a toothy grin, Bear walked me through the clubhouse, and I stopped stunned as I came face to face with cuts I recognised. In two lines facing each other stood Satan’s Warriors, they began hooting and cheering as Bear walked me through them. When we got to the end of them, I saw The Devil’s Scythe and Bear dropped my arm. Surprised, I smiled as Drake appeared from nowhere and walked me through the bikers. Laughing, Magic walked me through the Fallen Warriors and waiting patiently was Phoenix standing in front of the Devils Damned Disciples.
“We fought over who got to walk you to the altar, so Staffey came up with this idea,” she whispered to me. And I laughed at the Rage old lady who looked mighty proud of herself. Phoe passed me to Inglorious, who waited at the beginning of the line for Unwanted Bastards. Inglorious chuckled and dropped a kiss on my head before handing me over to Leslie, who escorted me past Rage. There Dad waited, and he walked me through Hellfire before pausing at the start of the aisle.
People swarmed around us, taking their places on chairs and benches that had appeared in Hellfire’s humongous back yard. In front of me stood a rose arch under which Big Al stood, in front of him was Chance with Drake and Bear at his side. Behind them stood the presidents of the other MC’s. My gaze caught my staff, and I knew now why the tearooms were closed, and I spied several regular customers mixed in amongst the six MC’s. Old ladies abounded from each club, and there were kids everywhere.